#ifndef SMARTCITIZENAMBIENT_cpp #define SMARTCITIZENAMBIENT_cpp #include "SmartCitizenAmbient.h" float Rs0 = 0; float Rs1 = 0; float k= (RES*(float)R1/100)/1000; //Constante de conversion a tensiĆ³n de los reguladores float kr= ((float)P1*1000)/RES; //Constante de conversion a resistencia de potenciometros float RS_RO_MICS_5525[22] = { 0.72, 0.68, 0.66, 0.64, 0.63, 0.62, 0.61, 0.6, 0.59, 0.58, 0.5, 0.45, 0.41, 0.38, 0.34, 0.31, 0.29, 0.275, 0.26, 0.17, 0.12, 0.088}; //Rs/Ro float PPM_MICS_5525[22] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200, 300, 400}; //ppm float RS_RO_MICS_2710[10] = { 25, 55, 90, 140, 190, 260, 330, 410, 500, 1000}; //Rs/Ro float PPM_MICS_2710[10] = { 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 1.5}; //ppm #define DIRECT_READ(base, mask) (((*(base)) & (mask)) ? 1 : 0) #define DIRECT_MODE_INPUT(base, mask) ((*(base+1)) &= ~(mask)) #define DIRECT_MODE_OUTPUT(base, mask) ((*(base+1)) |= (mask)) #define DIRECT_WRITE_LOW(base, mask) ((*(base+2)) &= ~(mask)) // This should be 40, but the sensor is adding an extra bit at the start #define DHT22_DATA_BIT_COUNT 41 void SmartCitizen::begin() { Wire.begin(); TWBR = ((F_CPU / TWI_FREQ) - 16) / 2; DHT22(DHT22_PIN); } float SmartCitizen::average(int anaPin) { int lecturas = 100; long total = 0; float average = 0; for(int i=0; i> 4); } uint8_t SmartCitizen::bin2bcd (uint8_t val) { return val + 6 * (val / 10); } float SmartCitizen::mapfloat(long x, long in_min, long in_max, long out_min, long out_max) { return (float)(x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (float)(in_max - in_min) + out_min; } void SmartCitizen::writeMCP(byte deviceaddress, byte address, int data ) { if (data>RES) data=RES; Wire.beginTransmission(deviceaddress); address=(address<<4)|bitRead(data, 8) ; Wire.write(address); Wire.write(lowByte(data)); Wire.endTransmission(); delay(4); } void SmartCitizen::DHT22(uint8_t pin) { _bitmask = digitalPinToBitMask(pin); _baseReg = portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pin)); _lastReadTime = millis(); _lastHumidity = DHT22_ERROR_VALUE; _lastTemperature = DHT22_ERROR_VALUE; } boolean SmartCitizen::dhtRead() { uint8_t bitmask = _bitmask; volatile uint8_t *reg asm("r30") = _baseReg; uint8_t retryCount; uint8_t bitTimes[DHT22_DATA_BIT_COUNT]; int currentHumidity; int currentTemperature; uint8_t checkSum, csPart1, csPart2, csPart3, csPart4; unsigned long currentTime; int i; currentHumidity = 0; currentTemperature = 0; checkSum = 0; currentTime = millis(); for(i = 0; i < DHT22_DATA_BIT_COUNT; i++) { bitTimes[i] = 0; } if(currentTime - _lastReadTime < 2000) { // Caller needs to wait 2 seconds between each call to readData return false; } _lastReadTime = currentTime; // Pin needs to start HIGH, wait until it is HIGH with a timeout cli(); DIRECT_MODE_INPUT(reg, bitmask); sei(); retryCount = 0; do { if (retryCount > 125) { return false; } retryCount++; delayMicroseconds(2); } while(!DIRECT_READ(reg, bitmask)); // Send the activate pulse cli(); DIRECT_WRITE_LOW(reg, bitmask); DIRECT_MODE_OUTPUT(reg, bitmask); // Output Low sei(); delayMicroseconds(1100); // 1.1 ms cli(); DIRECT_MODE_INPUT(reg, bitmask); // Switch back to input so pin can float sei(); // Find the start of the ACK Pulse retryCount = 0; do { if (retryCount > 25) //(Spec is 20 to 40 us, 25*2 == 50 us) { return false; } retryCount++; delayMicroseconds(2); } while(!DIRECT_READ(reg, bitmask)); // Find the end of the ACK Pulse retryCount = 0; do { if (retryCount > 50) //(Spec is 80 us, 50*2 == 100 us) { return false; } retryCount++; delayMicroseconds(2); } while(DIRECT_READ(reg, bitmask)); // Read the 40 bit data stream for(i = 0; i < DHT22_DATA_BIT_COUNT; i++) { // Find the start of the sync pulse retryCount = 0; do { if (retryCount > 35) //(Spec is 50 us, 35*2 == 70 us) { return false; } retryCount++; delayMicroseconds(2); } while(!DIRECT_READ(reg, bitmask)); // Measure the width of the data pulse retryCount = 0; do { if (retryCount > 50) //(Spec is 80 us, 50*2 == 100 us) { return false; } retryCount++; delayMicroseconds(2); } while(DIRECT_READ(reg, bitmask)); bitTimes[i] = retryCount; } for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if(bitTimes[i + 1] > 11) { currentHumidity |= (1 << (15 - i)); } } for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if(bitTimes[i + 17] > 11) { currentTemperature |= (1 << (15 - i)); } } for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if(bitTimes[i + 33] > 11) { checkSum |= (1 << (7 - i)); } } _lastHumidity = currentHumidity & 0x7FFF; if(currentTemperature & 0x8000) { // Below zero, non standard way of encoding negative numbers! // Convert to native negative format. _lastTemperature = -currentTemperature & 0x7FFF; } else { _lastTemperature = currentTemperature; } csPart1 = currentHumidity >> 8; csPart2 = currentHumidity & 0xFF; csPart3 = currentTemperature >> 8; csPart4 = currentTemperature & 0xFF; if(checkSum == ((csPart1 + csPart2 + csPart3 + csPart4) & 0xFF)) { return true; } return false; } int SmartCitizen::readMCP(int deviceaddress, byte address ) { byte rdata = 0xFF; int data = 0x0000; Wire.beginTransmission(deviceaddress); address=(address<<4)|B00001100; Wire.write(address); Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom(deviceaddress,2); while (!Wire.available()); rdata = Wire.read(); data=rdata<<8; while (!Wire.available()); rdata = Wire.read(); data=data|rdata; return data; } void SmartCitizen::VH_MICS(byte device, long voltage ) { int data=0; int temp = (int)(((voltage/1.2)-1000)*k); if (temp>RES) data = RES; else if (temp<0) data=0; else data = temp; writeMCP(MCP2, device, data); } float SmartCitizen::readVH(byte device) { int data; data=readMCP(MCP2, device); float voltage = (data/k + 1000)*1.2; return(voltage); } void SmartCitizen::RL_MICS(byte device, long resistor) { int data=0x00; data = (int)(resistor/kr); writeMCP(MCP1, device, data); } void SmartCitizen::writeEEPROM(unsigned int eeaddress, byte data ) { Wire.beginTransmission(E2PROM); Wire.write((byte)(eeaddress >> 8)); // MSB Wire.write((byte)(eeaddress & 0xFF)); // LSB Wire.write(data); Wire.endTransmission(); delay(8); } byte SmartCitizen::readEEPROM(unsigned int eeaddress ) { byte rdata = 0xFF; Wire.beginTransmission(E2PROM); Wire.write((byte)(eeaddress >> 8)); // MSB Wire.write((byte)(eeaddress & 0xFF)); // LSB Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom(E2PROM,1); while (!Wire.available()); rdata = Wire.read(); //if (Wire.available()); rdata = Wire.read(); return rdata; } char* SmartCitizen::readCommand(unsigned int eeaddress, unsigned int *pointer ) { char text[128]; unsigned int i; for (i = eeaddress; readEEPROM(i)!= 0x00; i++) text[i - eeaddress] = readEEPROM(i); text[i - eeaddress] = 0x00; *pointer = i+1; delayMicroseconds(10); return text; } void SmartCitizen::writeCommand(unsigned int eeaddressfree, char* text ) { unsigned int eeaddress = (readEEPROM(eeaddressfree)<<8) + (readEEPROM(eeaddressfree + 1)); unsigned int i; for (i = eeaddress; text[i - eeaddress]!= 0x00; i++) writeEEPROM(i, text[i - eeaddress]); writeEEPROM(i, 0x00); i++; writeEEPROM(eeaddressfree, highByte(i)); writeEEPROM(eeaddressfree + 1, lowByte(i)); } void SmartCitizen::RTCadjust(ClockTime time) { Wire.beginTransmission(DS1307_ADDRESS); Wire.write((int)0); Wire.write(time.seconds); Wire.write(time.minutes); Wire.write(time.hours); Wire.write(0x00); Wire.write(time.day); Wire.write(time.month); Wire.write(time.year); Wire.write((int)0); Wire.endTransmission(); } void SmartCitizen::RTCtime() { Wire.beginTransmission(DS1307_ADDRESS); Wire.write((int)0); Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom(DS1307_ADDRESS, 7); uint8_t ss = bcd2bin(Wire.read() & 0x7F); uint8_t mm = bcd2bin(Wire.read()); uint8_t hh = bcd2bin(Wire.read()); Wire.read(); uint8_t d = bcd2bin(Wire.read()); uint8_t m = bcd2bin(Wire.read()); uint16_t y = bcd2bin(Wire.read()) + 2000; Serial.print(y, DEC); Serial.print('/'); Serial.print(m, DEC); Serial.print('/'); Serial.print(d, DEC); Serial.print(' '); Serial.print(hh, DEC); Serial.print(':'); Serial.print(mm, DEC); Serial.print(':'); Serial.print(ss, DEC); Serial.println(); } float SmartCitizen::getMICS(unsigned long time0, unsigned long time1){ /*Correccion de la tension del Heather*/ VH_MICS(MICS_5525, 2400); //VH_MICS5525 Inicial digitalWrite(IO0, HIGH); //VH_MICS5525 VH_MICS(MICS_2710, 1700); //VH_MICS5525 Inicial digitalWrite(IO1, HIGH); //VH_MICS2710 digitalWrite(IO2, LOW); //RADJ_MICS2710 PIN ALTA IMPEDANCIA #if debuggSCK Serial.println("*******************"); Serial.println("MICS5525 VH a 2.4V"); Serial.println("MICS2710 VH a 1.7V"); #endif delay(200); float Vc0 = (float)average(S2)*Vcc/1023; //mV float current0 = Vc0/Rc; //mA float Rh0 = (readVH(MICS_5525)- Vc0)/current0; float Vh0 = (Rh0 + Rc)*32; VH_MICS(MICS_5525, Vh0); //VH_MICS5525 Corregido float Vc1 = (float)average(S3)*Vcc/1023; //mV float current1 = Vc1/Rc; //mA float Rh1 = (readVH(MICS_2710)- Vc1)/current1; //Ohm float Vh1 = (Rh1 + Rc)*26; //mV VH_MICS(MICS_2710, Vh1); //VH_MICS2710 Corregido #if debuggSCK Serial.print("MICS5525 corriente:"); Serial.print(current0); Serial.println("mA"); Serial.print("MICS2710 corriente:"); Serial.print(current1); Serial.println("mA"); Serial.print("MICS5525 correccion VH: "); Serial.print(Vh0/1000.); Serial.println("V"); Vc0 = (float)average(S2)*Vcc/1023; //mV current0 = Vc0/Rc; //mA Serial.print("MICS5525 corriente corregida:"); Serial.print(current0); Serial.println("mA"); Serial.println("Heating..."); Serial.print("MICS2710 correccion VH: "); Serial.print(Vh1/1000.); Serial.println("V"); Vc1 = (float)average(S3)*Vcc/1023; //mV current1 = Vc1/Rc; //mA Serial.print("MICS2710 corriente corregida:"); Serial.print(current1); Serial.println("mA"); Serial.println("Heating..."); #endif delay(5000); // Tiempo de heater! /*Lectura de datos*/ RL_MICS(MICS_5525, 100000); digitalWrite(IO0, LOW); //VH_MICS5525 OFF para lectura #if debuggSCK Serial.println("MICS5525 VH OFF "); #endif delay(time0); //Tiempo de enfriamiento para lectura //Vc = (float)average(S2)*Vcc/1023; //mV //current = Vc/Rc; //mA float RL0 = kr*readMCP(MCP1, MICS_5525)/1000; //Kohm float VL0 = ((float)average(S0)*Vcc)/1023; //mV Rs0 = ((Vcc-VL0)/VL0)*RL0; //Kohm #if debuggSCK Serial.print("MICS5525 Rs: "); Serial.print(Rs0); Serial.println("K"); #endif /*Correccion de impedancia de carga*/ if (Rs0 < 100) { delay(100); RL_MICS(MICS_5525, Rs0*1000); RL0 = kr*readMCP(MCP1, MICS_5525)/1000; //Kohm VL0 = ((float)average(S0)*Vcc)/1023; //mV Rs0 = ((Vcc-VL0)/VL0)*RL0; //Kohm } RL_MICS(MICS_2710, 10000); delay(time1 - time0); float RL1 = kr*readMCP(MCP1, MICS_2710)/1000; //Kohm float VL1 = ((float)average(S1)*Vcc)/1023; //mV Rs1 = ((2500-VL1)/VL1)*RL1; //Kohm /*Correccion de impedancia de carga*/ if (Rs1 > 100) RL_MICS(MICS_2710, 100000); else RL_MICS(MICS_2710, Rs1*1000); delay(100); RL1 = kr*readMCP(MCP1, MICS_2710)/1000; //Kohm VL1 = ((float)average(S1)*Vcc)/1023; //mV Rs1 = ((2500-VL1)/VL1)*RL1; //Kohm #if debuggSCK Serial.print("MICS2710 Rs: "); Serial.print(Rs1); Serial.println("K"); #endif digitalWrite(IO1, LOW); //VH MICS2710 OFF #if debuggSCK Serial.println("MICS2710 VH OFF "); Serial.println("*******************"); #endif } float SmartCitizen::getTemperatureC(){ float temperature = _lastTemperature/10.; #if debuggSCK Serial.println("*******************"); Serial.print("Temperature: "); Serial.println(temperature); #endif //return myDHT22.getTemperatureC(); return temperature; } float SmartCitizen::getHumidity(){ float humidity = _lastHumidity/10.; #if debuggSCK Serial.print("Humidity: "); Serial.println(humidity); #endif //return myDHT22.getHumidity(); return humidity; } float SmartCitizen::getPanel(){ float value = mapfloat(average(PANEL), 409, 819, 0, 100); if (value>0) { return value; // % } else { return 0; // % } } float SmartCitizen::getBattery() { float temp = average(BAT); int MAX = (readEEPROM(EE_ADDR_MAX_BATTERY )<<8) + (readEEPROM(EE_ADDR_MAX_BATTERY + 1)); if (temp > MAX) { writeEEPROM(EE_ADDR_MAX_BATTERY , highByte((int)temp)); writeEEPROM(EE_ADDR_MAX_BATTERY + 1, lowByte((int)temp)); MAX = (int)temp; } #if debuggSCK Serial.print("Battery mV: "); Serial.print(temp); Serial.print(" - Maximo mV: "); Serial.println(MAX); Serial.println("*******************"); #endif temp = mapfloat(temp, 613, MAX, 0, 100); if (temp>100) temp=100; if (temp<0) temp=0; return temp; } float SmartCitizen::getLight(){ //float temp = mapfloat(average(S5), 370, 1021, 0, 100); float temp = mapfloat(average(S5), 0, 1023, 0, 100); if (temp>100) temp=100; if (temp<0) temp=0; #if debuggSCK Serial.print("light mV: "); Serial.println(((float)((float)average(S5)/1023)*Vcc)); #endif return temp; // return ((float)((float)average(S5)/1023)*Vcc); } float SmartCitizen::getNoise() { unsigned long temp = 0; int temp_actual = 0; int max_temp = 0; float mVRaw = 0; float max_mVRaw = 0; float dB_temp = 0; float dB = 0; int n = 200; digitalWrite(IO1, HIGH); //VH_MICS2710 delay(500); // LE DAMOS TIEMPO A LA FUENTE Y QUE DESAPAREZCA EL TRANSITORIO // for (int i=0; i characters in HEX!!!!! else sendCommand(F("set wlan phrase "), true); // WPA1, WPA2, OPEN sendCommand(pass); sendCommand(F("set wlan join 1")); sendCommand(F("set ip dhcp 1")); sendCommand(F("set ip host")); sendCommand(F("set ip remote 2390")); sendCommand(F("set ip local 5555")); sendCommand(F("set ip proto 1")); //UDP //set ftp address sendCommand(F("save"), false, "Storing in config"); sendCommand(F("reboot"), false, "*READY*"); //enterCommandMode(); } } boolean SmartCitizen::wifi_ready() { if (enterCommandMode()) { Serial1.println("join"); if (findInResponse("Associated!", 5000)) { return(true); } } else return(false); } boolean SmartCitizen::open(const char *addr, int port) { if (connected) { close(); } if (enterCommandMode()) { sendCommand(F("open "), true); sendCommand(addr, true); Serial1.print(" "); Serial1.print(port); if (sendCommand("", false, "*OPEN*")) { connected = true; return true; } else return false; } else return false; } boolean SmartCitizen::isConnected() { return connected; } boolean SmartCitizen::close() { if (!connected) { return true; } if (sendCommand(F("close"), false, "*CLOS*")) { //skipRemainderOfResponse(); connected = false; //exitCommandMode(); //uart->println("exit"); return true; } return false; } #define IP_ADDRESS_BUFFER_SIZE 16 // "\0" const char * SmartCitizen::ip() { /* The return value is intended to be dropped directly into calls to 'print' or 'println' style methods. */ static char ip[IP_ADDRESS_BUFFER_SIZE] = ""; // TODO: Ensure we're not in a connection? if (enterCommandMode()) { delay(5000); // Version 2.19 of the WiFly firmware has a "get ip a" command but // we can't use it because we want to work with 2.18 too. if (sendCommand(F("get ip"), false, "IP=")) { char newChar; byte offset = 0; // Copy the IP address from the response into our buffer while (offset < IP_ADDRESS_BUFFER_SIZE) { if (Serial1.available()) { newChar = Serial1.read(); //Serial.println(newChar); if (newChar == ':') { ip[offset] = '\x00'; break; } else if (newChar != -1) { ip[offset] = newChar; offset++; } } } ip[IP_ADDRESS_BUFFER_SIZE-1] = '\x00'; // This should skip the remainder of the output. // TODO: Handle this better? /*waitForResponse("<"); while (uart->read() != ' ') { // Skip the prompt }*/ //findInResponse("> "); exitCommandMode(); } } return ip; } ClockTime SmartCitizen::WIFItime() { /* The return value is intended to be dropped directly into calls to 'print' or 'println' style methods. */ //static char time[TIME_BUFFER_SIZE] = ""; ClockTime time; // TODO: Ensure we're not in a connection? if (enterCommandMode()) { sendCommand(F("time")); if (sendCommand(F("show t"), false, "Time=")) { char newChar; byte offset = 0; // Copy the IP address from the response into our buffer while (offset < 9) { if (Serial1.available()) { newChar = Serial1.read(); if ((newChar >= '0')&& (newChar <= '9')) { byte hex = newChar - '0'; if (offset == 0) time.hours = hex<<4; if (offset == 1) time.hours = time.hours|hex; if (offset == 3) time.minutes = hex<<4; if (offset == 4) time.minutes = time.minutes|hex; if (offset == 6) time.seconds = hex<<4; if (offset == 7) time.seconds = time.seconds|hex; //Serial.println(hex); } if (newChar == '\n') { //time[offset] = '\x00'; break; } else if (newChar != -1) { //time[offset] = newChar; offset++; } } } time.year = 0x13; time.month = 0x03; time.day = 0x20; //time[TIME_BUFFER_SIZE-1] = '\x00'; exitCommandMode(); } } return time; } #endif