/* ArdOSC 2.1 - OSC Library for Arduino. -------- Lisence ----------------------------------------------------------- ArdOSC The MIT License Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 recotana( http://recotana.com ) All right reserved */ #ifndef ArdOSC_OSCClient2_h #define ArdOSC_OSCClient2_h #include "OSCcommon.h" #include "OSCMessage.h" #include "OSCEncoder.h" #include "WiFlyHQ.h" #define kDummyPortNumber 10000 class OSCClient{ private: WiFly* wiFly; OSCEncoder::OSCEncoder encoder; long lastSendMillis; ///< used to make sure that the Wifly sends each message in a single package. int wiFlyTimeoutMillis; ///< if we wait that long between messages, an UDP package is sent. public: OSCClient(WiFly* wiFly); ~OSCClient(void); int send(OSCMessage *_message); int sendInt(int value, char* adress); ///< send a single number to the specified adress conveniently int sendFloat(float value, char* adress);///< send a single number to the specified adress conveniently }; #endif