#include "WiFlyHQ_.h" #include const char mySSID[] = "hangar_nau3"; const char myPassword[] = "m1cr0fug4s"; const char *IP = ""; const uint16_t outPort = 8000; const uint16_t localPort = 9000; #define lim 512 #define DEVICE (0x53) //ADXL345 device address #define TO_READ (6) //num of bytes we are going to read each time (two bytes for each axis) byte buff[TO_READ] ; //6 bytes buffer for saving data read from the device char str[512]; //string buffer to transform data before writeing it to the serial port int regAddress = 0x32; //first axis-acceleration-data register on the ADXL345 long int x=0; long int y=0; long int z=0; int x_old=0; int y_old=0; int z_old=0; int lecturas = 10; uint32_t lastSend = 0; #define bat A3 uint32_t analogPin[] = { A0,A1,A2}; uint32_t analogIn[] = { 0,0,0}; uint32_t analogInOld[] = { 0,0,0}; #define MESSAGE_SIZE 16 char sensor[MESSAGE_SIZE] = { // Message template '/', 'f', 'b', '/', // SENSOR MESSAGE TEMPLATE 's' , '1' , B0, B0, ',', 'i', B0, B0, B0 , B0 , B0, B0 }; char ejex[MESSAGE_SIZE] = { // Message template '/', 'f', 'b', '/', // SENSOR MESSAGE TEMPLATE 'x' , B0 , B0, B0, ',', 'i', B0, B0, B0 , B0 , B0, B0 }; char ejey[MESSAGE_SIZE] = { // Message template '/', 'f', 'b', '/', // SENSOR MESSAGE TEMPLATE 'y' , B0 , B0, B0, ',', 'i', B0, B0, B0 , B0 , B0, B0 }; char ejez[MESSAGE_SIZE] = { // Message template '/', 'f', 'b', '/', // SENSOR MESSAGE TEMPLATE 'z' , B0 , B0, B0, ',', 'i', B0, B0, B0 , B0 , B0, B0 }; char pingBat[MESSAGE_SIZE] = { // Message template '/', 'f', 'b', '/', // PING MESSAGE TEMPLATE 'b' , 'a' , 't', B0, ',', 'i', B0, B0, B0 , B0 , B0, B0 }; WiFly wifly; void ini_wifly() { char buf[32]; wifly.begin(&Serial); if (!wifly.isAssociated()) { /* Setup for UDP packets, sent automatically */ wifly.setIpProtocol(WIFLY_PROTOCOL_UDP); wifly.setHost(IP, outPort); // Send UDP packet to this server and port wifly.setPort(localPort); // listen in this local port /* Setup the WiFly to connect to a wifi network */ wifly.setSSID(mySSID); wifly.setPassphrase(myPassword); //wifly.setKey(mykey); // modo WEP wifly.enableDHCP(); wifly.join(); } wifly.print("MAC:"); wifly.println(wifly.getMAC(buf, sizeof(buf))); wifly.print("IP: "); wifly.println(wifly.getIP(buf, sizeof(buf))); wifly.print("Netmask: "); wifly.println(wifly.getNetmask(buf, sizeof(buf))); wifly.print("Gateway: "); wifly.println(wifly.getGateway(buf, sizeof(buf))); wifly.print("LocalPort: "); wifly.println(wifly.getPort()); wifly.print("HostPort: "); wifly.println(wifly.getHostPort()); wifly.setDeviceID("Fembrana"); wifly.print("DeviceID: "); wifly.println(wifly.getDeviceID(buf, sizeof(buf))); wifly.println("Fembrana ready"); } void setup() { Wire.begin(); // join i2c bus (address optional for master) Serial.begin(115200); // start serial for output ini_wifly(); //Turning on the ADXL345 writeTo(DEVICE, 0x2D, 0); writeTo(DEVICE, 0x2D, 16); writeTo(DEVICE, 0x2D, 8); writeTo(DEVICE, 0x31, 11); delay(15); } void loop() { if ((millis() - lastSend) > 30000) { // interrupccion cada 30s para enviar estado de bateria y actualizacion de led long bateria = analogRead(bat)/4; bateria = map(bateria, 102, 127, 0, 100); if( bateria > 100 ) bateria = 100; else if( bateria < 0 ) bateria = 0; pingBat[MESSAGE_SIZE-1] = (int)bateria; for(int b=0 ; b < MESSAGE_SIZE; b++) wifly.write(pingBat[b]); lastSend = millis(); } checkAdxl(); checkAnalog(); } void checkAdxl() { byte res = 4; averageADXL(); if ( (x > (x_old + res) ) || (x < (x_old - res) ) ) { ejex[MESSAGE_SIZE-1] = x; for(int b=0 ; b < MESSAGE_SIZE; b++) wifly.write((unsigned char)ejex[b]); delay(5); x_old = x; } if ( (y > (y_old + res) ) || (y < (y_old - res) ) ) { ejey[MESSAGE_SIZE-1] = y; for(int b=0 ; b < MESSAGE_SIZE; b++) wifly.write((unsigned char)ejey[b]); delay(5); y_old = y; } if ( (z > (z_old + res) ) || (z < (z_old - res) ) ) { ejez[MESSAGE_SIZE-1] = z; for(int b=0 ; b < MESSAGE_SIZE; b++) wifly.write((unsigned char)ejez[b]); delay(5); z_old = z; } //Serial.println(); } void checkAnalog() { byte res = 8; for(int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { analogIn[i] = (int)(average(analogPin[i])); if ((analogIn[i] > analogInOld[i] + res ) || (analogIn[i] < analogInOld[i] - res ) ) { sensor[MESSAGE_SIZE-1] = analogIn[i]/4; sensor[5] = i + 1 +'0'; for(int b=0 ; b < MESSAGE_SIZE; b++) wifly.write((unsigned char)sensor[b]); delay(5); analogInOld[i] = analogIn[i]; } } } int average(int anaPin) { long total = 0; long average = 0; int count = 0; for(int i=0; i