
335 lines
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2025-02-25 21:29:42 +01:00
// TODO poner esto dentro de un onDocumentReady()
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
allowForceUpdate: false,
browsertime: Math.floor( / 1000),
currentPage: 0,
development: false,
devicetime: 0,
file: '',
intervals: false,
kitinfo: false,
kitstatus: [],
lastPage: 0,
logging: [],
page: [
{'visible': true, 'footer': 'HOME', 'backTo': 0, 'back': false },
{'visible': false, 'footer': 'REGISTER Key', 'backTo': 0, 'back': true },
{'visible': false, 'footer': 'REGISTER WiFi','backTo': 1, 'back': true },
{'visible': false, 'footer': 'Connecting', 'backTo': 0, 'back': false },
{'visible': false, 'footer': 'Connecting', 'backTo': 0, 'back': true },
{'visible': false, 'footer': 'SD card', 'backTo': 0, 'back': true },
{'visible': false, 'footer': 'Kit info', 'backTo': 0, 'back': true },
{'visible': false, 'footer': 'Empty', 'backTo': 0, 'back': true },
publishinterval: 2,
readinginterval: 60,
sdlog: false,
selectedWifi: '',
sensor1: false,
sensor2: false,
sensor3: false,
sensor4: false,
sensors: false,
showDebug: false,
showExperimental: false,
showInterval: false,
showSdCard: false,
theApi: window.location.protocol + '//' + + '/',
usertoken: '',
usertokenError: '',
version: 'SCK 2.0 / SAM V0.0.2 / ESP V0.0.2',
vueVersion: Vue.version,
weHaveTriedConnecting: false,
wifiname: '',
wifipass: '',
wifisync: true,
wifis: {
"nets": [{
"ssid": "Fake-WIFI-1",
"ch": 1,
"rssi": -64
}, {
"ssid": "Fake-Wifi-2",
"ch": 1,
"rssi": -89
mounted: function () {
// When the app is mounted
this.logging.push('App started.');
// 1. Remove loading screen
var el = document.getElementById('loading');
var el1 = document.getElementById('app'); = 'block';
// 2. Select which API to use, dev vs prod
// 3. Fetch available Wifis + status
// This can only be run once. We don't want the usertoken to be updated every 9
// seconds if the user is typing it in
// This checks if connection to the kit has been lost, every X sec
methods: {
allowFirmwareUpdate: function(){
this.allowForceUpdate = 'true';
copyTextToClipboard: function(containerid){
// We need to copy the text temporary into a textBox to be able to copy it to clipboard.
var textToCopy = document.getElementById('kitinfo').innerText;
var textBox = document.createElement('textarea');
textBox.value = textToCopy;
document.getElementById('copied-notification').innerHTML = 'Text copied!'
periodic: function (ms) {
var that = this;
// TODO: should we check status every 5 sec?
return that.periodic(ms);
}, ms);
selectApiUrl: function () {
// If we are running this from the kit,
// the API should be on the same IP and port
// Most likely a 192.168.*.1/status
// If we are using port 8000, we are in development, and the API should be on port 3000
if (window.location.port === '8000') {
this.theApi = 'http://' + window.location.hostname + ':3000/';
this.development = true;
xmlWrapper: function(theUrl, callback) {
// console.log('theurl: ' + theUrl);
var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
var that = this;
xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200) {
xmlHttp.onerror = function(e){
// Don't show this error, if we have tried connecting. Only on real API failures
if (!that.weHaveTriedConnecting) {
that.notify('Your kit is not responding', 5000, 'bg-red');
} "GET", theUrl, true ); // false for synchronous request, true = async
xmlHttp.send( null );
jsGet: function(path) {
var that = this;
this.xmlWrapper(this.theApi + path, function(res){
if (path === 'aplist') {
that.wifis = JSON.parse(res);
if (path === 'status'){
//that.notify('Getting status', 1000);
that.kitstatus = JSON.parse(res);
if (path === 'token'){
tmpToken = JSON.parse(res)['token'];
if (tmpToken !== "null") {
that.usertoken = tmpToken;
// Not actually a POST request, but a GET with params
jsPost: function(path, purpose){
this.browsertime = Math.floor( / 1000);
var that = this;
// Available parameters:
// /set?ssid=value1&password=value2&token=value3&epoch=value
if (purpose == 'connect'){
this.weHaveTriedConnecting = true;
this.notify('Kit is trying to connect online...', 5000);
that.xmlWrapper(that.theApi + path +
'?ssid=' + encodeURIComponent(that.selectedWifi) +
'&password=' + encodeURIComponent(that.wifipass) +
'&token=' + that.usertoken +
'&epoch=' + that.browsertime +
console.log('Kit response: ' + res);
// After we try to connect, we go to the next page.
if (purpose == 'synctime'){
this.notify('Starting to log on SD CARD..', 2000);
this.xmlWrapper(this.theApi + path + '?epoch=' + this.browsertime + '&mode=sdcard', function(res){
// TODO: What is the correct response.key from the kit?
that.notify(JSON.parse(res).todo, 5000);
if (this.usertoken.length === 6) {
this.usertokenError = 'You need exactly 6 characters'
gotoPage: function(num){
// Keep lastPage in memory
this.lastPage = this.currentPage;
// Hide current page[this.currentPage].visible = false;
// If no page specified, we go to the next page
if ( typeof num === 'undefined') {
// Don't go too far, when clicking 'Next'
if ( this.currentPage === ( - 1)) {
//console.log('Last page: ' + this.currentPage)
this.currentPage = parseInt(this.currentPage + 1);
this.currentPage = parseInt(num);
// Show it[this.currentPage].visible = true;
this.logging.push('Go to page: ' + this.currentPage);
notify: function(msg, duration, className){
if (duration === 'undefined') {
console.log('no duration');
duration = 1000;
//All events should also go to the logging section
var newtoast = document.createElement("div");
if (className) {
newtoast.className = "toast " + className;
newtoast.className = "toast";
newtoast.innerHTML = msg;
newtoast.outerHTML = "";
delete newtoast;
}, duration);
console.log('Notify:', msg);
checkUploadForm: function(e){
this.file = this.$refs.file.files[0];
// POST the file to /action via AJAX
submitFirmware: function(e){
var that = this;
firmStatus = document.getElementById('firmware-update-status');
firmStatusExtra = document.getElementById('firmware-status-extra');
firmStatus.classList = '';
firmStatus.classList += 'text-yellow';
firmStatus.innerHTML = 'Updating...';
firmStatusExtra.innerHTML = ' ';
let formData = new FormData();
let req = new XMLHttpRequest();
formData.append('file', this.file);
req.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (req.readyState === 4) {
console.log('request:', req);
firmStatus.innerHTML = ' ' + req.response;
firmStatusExtra.innerHTML = ' ';
// Color
if (req.response.startsWith("ERROR")) {
that.notify('Update failed', 5000, 'bg-red');
firmStatusExtra.innerHTML = 'Something went wrong :(<br/>Please be sure to select the right file and try again !!';
firmStatus.classList = '';
firmStatus.classList += 'text-red';
} else if (req.response.startsWith("Succeed")) {
that.weHaveTriedConnecting = true;
that.notify('Kit Updated...', 5000);
firmStatusExtra.innerHTML = 'Congratulations !!<br/>Your kit will restart so you can reconnect and complete the configuration process.<br/>If you need a Device key go to <span class="text-blue"><a href=""></a></span> to obtain a new one.';
firmStatus.classList = '';
firmStatus.classList += 'text-green';
req.onerror = function(e){
console.log('error:', e);
req.onprogress = function(e){
console.log('progress:', e)
req.onload = function(e){
console.log('onload:', e)
}"POST", this.theApi + 'update');
//"GET", this.theApi + 'ping');
console.log('formData sent via AJAX to: ' + this.theApi + 'update');
computed: {
checkIfDebugMode: function(){
if (window.location.hash === '#debug'){
// Enables debug buttons
this.showDebug = true;
sortedWifi: function () {
this.wifis.nets.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.rssi - b.rssi;
return this.wifis.nets.reverse();
usertokenCheck: function(){
return this.usertoken.length === 6;
selectedWifiCheck: function(){
return this.selectedWifi.length > 0;
checkIfFileSelected: function(){
return this.file.size > 0;