31 lines
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31 lines
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void noisefire() { // Create fire based on noise and sampleavg.
// Local definitions
#define xscale 20 // How far apart they are
#define yscale 3 // How fast they move
// Temporary local variable
uint8_t index = 0; // Current colour lookup value.
timeval = 0; // Our EVERY_N_MILLIS_I timer value.
currentPalette = CRGBPalette16(CHSV(0,255,2), CHSV(0,255,4), CHSV(0,255,8), CHSV(0, 255, 8), // Fire palette definition. Lower value = darker.
CHSV(0, 255, 16), CRGB::Red, CRGB::Red, CRGB::Red,
CRGB::DarkOrange,CRGB::DarkOrange, CRGB::Orange, CRGB::Orange,
CRGB::Yellow, CRGB::Orange, CRGB::Yellow, CRGB::Yellow);
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) {
index = inoise8(i*xscale,millis()*yscale*NUM_LEDS/255); // X location is constant, but we move along the Y at the rate of millis(). By Andrew Tuline.
index = (255 - i*256/NUM_LEDS) * index/128; // Now we need to scale index so that it gets blacker as we get close to one of the ends
// This is a simple y=mx+b equation that's been scaled. index/128 is another scaling.
leds[i] = ColorFromPalette(currentPalette, index, sampleavg, NOBLEND); // With that value, look up the 8 bit colour palette value and assign it to the current LED.
} // The higher the value of i => the higher up the palette index (see palette definition).
} // noisefire()