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* @file MIDI.hpp
* Project Arduino MIDI Library
* @brief MIDI Library for the Arduino - Inline implementations
* @version 4.2
* @author Francois Best
* @date 24/02/11
* @license GPL v3.0 - Copyright Forty Seven Effects 2014
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
/// \brief Constructor for MidiInterface.
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
inline MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::MidiInterface(SerialPort& inSerial)
: mSerial(inSerial)
mNoteOffCallback = 0;
mNoteOnCallback = 0;
mAfterTouchPolyCallback = 0;
mControlChangeCallback = 0;
mProgramChangeCallback = 0;
mAfterTouchChannelCallback = 0;
mPitchBendCallback = 0;
mSystemExclusiveCallback = 0;
mTimeCodeQuarterFrameCallback = 0;
mSongPositionCallback = 0;
mSongSelectCallback = 0;
mTuneRequestCallback = 0;
mClockCallback = 0;
mStartCallback = 0;
mContinueCallback = 0;
mStopCallback = 0;
mActiveSensingCallback = 0;
mSystemResetCallback = 0;
/*! \brief Destructor for MidiInterface.
This is not really useful for the Arduino, as it is never called...
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
inline MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::~MidiInterface()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/*! \brief Call the begin method in the setup() function of the Arduino.
All parameters are set to their default values:
- Input channel set to 1 if no value is specified
- Full thru mirroring
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::begin(Channel inChannel)
// Initialise the Serial port
#if defined(FSE_AVR)
mSerial. template open<Settings::BaudRate>();
mInputChannel = inChannel;
mRunningStatus_TX = InvalidType;
mRunningStatus_RX = InvalidType;
mPendingMessageIndex = 0;
mPendingMessageExpectedLenght = 0;
mMessage.valid = false;
mMessage.type = InvalidType;
mMessage.channel = 0;
mMessage.data1 = 0;
mMessage.data2 = 0;
mThruFilterMode = Full;
mThruActivated = true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Output
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/*! \addtogroup output
/*! \brief Generate and send a MIDI message from the values given.
\param inType The message type (see type defines for reference)
\param inData1 The first data byte.
\param inData2 The second data byte (if the message contains only 1 data byte,
set this one to 0).
\param inChannel The output channel on which the message will be sent
(values from 1 to 16). Note: you cannot send to OMNI.
This is an internal method, use it only if you need to send raw data
from your code, at your own risks.
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::send(MidiType inType,
DataByte inData1,
DataByte inData2,
Channel inChannel)
// Then test if channel is valid
if (inChannel >= MIDI_CHANNEL_OFF ||
inChannel == MIDI_CHANNEL_OMNI ||
inType < 0x80)
if (Settings::UseRunningStatus)
mRunningStatus_TX = InvalidType;
return; // Don't send anything
if (inType <= PitchBend) // Channel messages
// Protection: remove MSBs on data
inData1 &= 0x7f;
inData2 &= 0x7f;
const StatusByte status = getStatus(inType, inChannel);
if (Settings::UseRunningStatus)
if (mRunningStatus_TX != status)
// New message, memorise and send header
mRunningStatus_TX = status;
// Don't care about running status, send the status byte.
// Then send data
if (inType != ProgramChange && inType != AfterTouchChannel)
else if (inType >= TuneRequest && inType <= SystemReset)
sendRealTime(inType); // System Real-time and 1 byte.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/*! \brief Send a Note On message
\param inNoteNumber Pitch value in the MIDI format (0 to 127).
\param inVelocity Note attack velocity (0 to 127). A NoteOn with 0 velocity
is considered as a NoteOff.
\param inChannel The channel on which the message will be sent (1 to 16).
Take a look at the values, names and frequencies of notes here:
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::sendNoteOn(DataByte inNoteNumber,
DataByte inVelocity,
Channel inChannel)
send(NoteOn, inNoteNumber, inVelocity, inChannel);
/*! \brief Send a Note Off message
\param inNoteNumber Pitch value in the MIDI format (0 to 127).
\param inVelocity Release velocity (0 to 127).
\param inChannel The channel on which the message will be sent (1 to 16).
Note: you can send NoteOn with zero velocity to make a NoteOff, this is based
on the Running Status principle, to avoid sending status messages and thus
sending only NoteOn data. sendNoteOff will always send a real NoteOff message.
Take a look at the values, names and frequencies of notes here:
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::sendNoteOff(DataByte inNoteNumber,
DataByte inVelocity,
Channel inChannel)
send(NoteOff, inNoteNumber, inVelocity, inChannel);
/*! \brief Send a Program Change message
\param inProgramNumber The Program to select (0 to 127).
\param inChannel The channel on which the message will be sent (1 to 16).
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::sendProgramChange(DataByte inProgramNumber,
Channel inChannel)
send(ProgramChange, inProgramNumber, 0, inChannel);
/*! \brief Send a Control Change message
\param inControlNumber The controller number (0 to 127).
\param inControlValue The value for the specified controller (0 to 127).
\param inChannel The channel on which the message will be sent (1 to 16).
@see MidiControlChangeNumber
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::sendControlChange(DataByte inControlNumber,
DataByte inControlValue,
Channel inChannel)
send(ControlChange, inControlNumber, inControlValue, inChannel);
/*! \brief Send a Polyphonic AfterTouch message (applies to a specified note)
\param inNoteNumber The note to apply AfterTouch to (0 to 127).
\param inPressure The amount of AfterTouch to apply (0 to 127).
\param inChannel The channel on which the message will be sent (1 to 16).
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::sendPolyPressure(DataByte inNoteNumber,
DataByte inPressure,
Channel inChannel)
send(AfterTouchPoly, inNoteNumber, inPressure, inChannel);
/*! \brief Send a MonoPhonic AfterTouch message (applies to all notes)
\param inPressure The amount of AfterTouch to apply to all notes.
\param inChannel The channel on which the message will be sent (1 to 16).
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::sendAfterTouch(DataByte inPressure,
Channel inChannel)
send(AfterTouchChannel, inPressure, 0, inChannel);
/*! \brief Send a Pitch Bend message using a signed integer value.
\param inPitchValue The amount of bend to send (in a signed integer format),
center value is 0.
\param inChannel The channel on which the message will be sent (1 to 16).
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::sendPitchBend(int inPitchValue,
Channel inChannel)
const unsigned bend = inPitchValue - MIDI_PITCHBEND_MIN;
send(PitchBend, (bend & 0x7f), (bend >> 7) & 0x7f, inChannel);
/*! \brief Send a Pitch Bend message using a floating point value.
\param inPitchValue The amount of bend to send (in a floating point format),
between -1.0f (maximum downwards bend)
and +1.0f (max upwards bend), center value is 0.0f.
\param inChannel The channel on which the message will be sent (1 to 16).
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::sendPitchBend(double inPitchValue,
Channel inChannel)
const int value = inPitchValue * MIDI_PITCHBEND_MAX * Settings::Toto;
sendPitchBend(value, inChannel);
/*! \brief Generate and send a System Exclusive frame.
\param inLength The size of the array to send
\param inArray The byte array containing the data to send
\param inArrayContainsBoundaries When set to 'true', 0xf0 & 0xf7 bytes
(start & stop SysEx) will NOT be sent
(and therefore must be included in the array).
default value for ArrayContainsBoundaries is set to 'false' for compatibility
with previous versions of the library.
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::sendSysEx(unsigned inLength,
const byte* inArray,
bool inArrayContainsBoundaries)
const bool writeBeginEndBytes = !inArrayContainsBoundaries;
if (writeBeginEndBytes)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < inLength; ++i)
if (writeBeginEndBytes)
if (Settings::UseRunningStatus)
mRunningStatus_TX = InvalidType;
/*! \brief Send a Tune Request message.
When a MIDI unit receives this message,
it should tune its oscillators (if equipped with any).
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::sendTuneRequest()
/*! \brief Send a MIDI Time Code Quarter Frame.
\param inTypeNibble MTC type
\param inValuesNibble MTC data
See MIDI Specification for more information.
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::sendTimeCodeQuarterFrame(DataByte inTypeNibble,
DataByte inValuesNibble)
const byte data = (((inTypeNibble & 0x07) << 4) | (inValuesNibble & 0x0f));
/*! \brief Send a MIDI Time Code Quarter Frame.
See MIDI Specification for more information.
\param inData if you want to encode directly the nibbles in your program,
you can send the byte here.
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::sendTimeCodeQuarterFrame(DataByte inData)
if (Settings::UseRunningStatus)
mRunningStatus_TX = InvalidType;
/*! \brief Send a Song Position Pointer message.
\param inBeats The number of beats since the start of the song.
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::sendSongPosition(unsigned inBeats)
mSerial.write(inBeats & 0x7f);
mSerial.write((inBeats >> 7) & 0x7f);
if (Settings::UseRunningStatus)
mRunningStatus_TX = InvalidType;
/*! \brief Send a Song Select message */
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::sendSongSelect(DataByte inSongNumber)
mSerial.write(inSongNumber & 0x7f);
if (Settings::UseRunningStatus)
mRunningStatus_TX = InvalidType;
/*! \brief Send a Real Time (one byte) message.
\param inType The available Real Time types are:
Start, Stop, Continue, Clock, ActiveSensing and SystemReset.
You can also send a Tune Request with this method.
@see MidiType
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::sendRealTime(MidiType inType)
switch (inType)
case TuneRequest: // Not really real-time, but one byte anyway.
case Clock:
case Start:
case Stop:
case Continue:
case ActiveSensing:
case SystemReset:
// Invalid Real Time marker
// Do not cancel Running Status for real-time messages as they can be
// interleaved within any message. Though, TuneRequest can be sent here,
// and as it is a System Common message, it must reset Running Status.
if (Settings::UseRunningStatus && inType == TuneRequest)
mRunningStatus_TX = InvalidType;
/*! @} */ // End of doc group MIDI Output
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
StatusByte MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::getStatus(MidiType inType,
Channel inChannel) const
return ((byte)inType | ((inChannel - 1) & 0x0f));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Input
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/*! \addtogroup input
/*! \brief Read messages from the serial port using the main input channel.
\return True if a valid message has been stored in the structure, false if not.
A valid message is a message that matches the input channel. \n\n
If the Thru is enabled and the message matches the filter,
it is sent back on the MIDI output.
@see see setInputChannel()
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
inline bool MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::read()
return read(mInputChannel);
/*! \brief Read messages on a specified channel.
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
inline bool MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::read(Channel inChannel)
if (inChannel >= MIDI_CHANNEL_OFF)
return false; // MIDI Input disabled.
if (!parse())
return false;
const bool channelMatch = inputFilter(inChannel);
if (channelMatch)
return channelMatch;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private method: MIDI parser
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
bool MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::parse()
if (mSerial.available() == 0)
// No data available.
return false;
// Parsing algorithm:
// Get a byte from the serial buffer.
// If there is no pending message to be recomposed, start a new one.
// - Find type and channel (if pertinent)
// - Look for other bytes in buffer, call parser recursively,
// until the message is assembled or the buffer is empty.
// Else, add the extracted byte to the pending message, and check validity.
// When the message is done, store it.
const byte extracted = mSerial.read();
if (mPendingMessageIndex == 0)
// Start a new pending message
mPendingMessage[0] = extracted;
// Check for running status first
if (isChannelMessage(getTypeFromStatusByte(mRunningStatus_RX)))
// Only these types allow Running Status
// If the status byte is not received, prepend it
// to the pending message
if (extracted < 0x80)
mPendingMessage[0] = mRunningStatus_RX;
mPendingMessage[1] = extracted;
mPendingMessageIndex = 1;
// Else: well, we received another status byte,
// so the running status does not apply here.
// It will be updated upon completion of this message.
switch (getTypeFromStatusByte(mPendingMessage[0]))
// 1 byte messages
case Start:
case Continue:
case Stop:
case Clock:
case ActiveSensing:
case SystemReset:
case TuneRequest:
// Handle the message type directly here.
mMessage.type = getTypeFromStatusByte(mPendingMessage[0]);
mMessage.channel = 0;
mMessage.data1 = 0;
mMessage.data2 = 0;
mMessage.valid = true;
// \fix Running Status broken when receiving Clock messages.
// Do not reset all input attributes, Running Status must remain unchanged.
// We still need to reset these
mPendingMessageIndex = 0;
mPendingMessageExpectedLenght = 0;
return true;
// 2 bytes messages
case ProgramChange:
case AfterTouchChannel:
case TimeCodeQuarterFrame:
case SongSelect:
mPendingMessageExpectedLenght = 2;
// 3 bytes messages
case NoteOn:
case NoteOff:
case ControlChange:
case PitchBend:
case AfterTouchPoly:
case SongPosition:
mPendingMessageExpectedLenght = 3;
case SystemExclusive:
// The message can be any lenght
// between 3 and MidiMessage::sSysExMaxSize bytes
mPendingMessageExpectedLenght = MidiMessage::sSysExMaxSize;
mRunningStatus_RX = InvalidType;
mMessage.sysexArray[0] = SystemExclusive;
case InvalidType:
// This is obviously wrong. Let's get the hell out'a here.
return false;
if (mPendingMessageIndex >= (mPendingMessageExpectedLenght - 1))
// Reception complete
mMessage.type = getTypeFromStatusByte(mPendingMessage[0]);
mMessage.channel = getChannelFromStatusByte(mPendingMessage[0]);
mMessage.data1 = mPendingMessage[1];
// Save data2 only if applicable
if (mPendingMessageExpectedLenght == 3)
mMessage.data2 = mPendingMessage[2];
mMessage.data2 = 0;
mPendingMessageIndex = 0;
mPendingMessageExpectedLenght = 0;
mMessage.valid = true;
return true;
// Waiting for more data
if (Settings::Use1ByteParsing)
// Message is not complete.
return false;
// Call the parser recursively
// to parse the rest of the message.
return parse();
// First, test if this is a status byte
if (extracted >= 0x80)
// Reception of status bytes in the middle of an uncompleted message
// are allowed only for interleaved Real Time message or EOX
switch (extracted)
case Clock:
case Start:
case Continue:
case Stop:
case ActiveSensing:
case SystemReset:
// Here we will have to extract the one-byte message,
// pass it to the structure for being read outside
// the MIDI class, and recompose the message it was
// interleaved into. Oh, and without killing the running status..
// This is done by leaving the pending message as is,
// it will be completed on next calls.
mMessage.type = (MidiType)extracted;
mMessage.data1 = 0;
mMessage.data2 = 0;
mMessage.channel = 0;
mMessage.valid = true;
return true;
// End of Exclusive
case 0xf7:
if (mMessage.sysexArray[0] == SystemExclusive)
// Store the last byte (EOX)
mMessage.sysexArray[mPendingMessageIndex++] = 0xf7;
mMessage.type = SystemExclusive;
// Get length
mMessage.data1 = mPendingMessageIndex & 0xff; // LSB
mMessage.data2 = mPendingMessageIndex >> 8; // MSB
mMessage.channel = 0;
mMessage.valid = true;
return true;
// Well well well.. error.
return false;
// Add extracted data byte to pending message
if (mPendingMessage[0] == SystemExclusive)
mMessage.sysexArray[mPendingMessageIndex] = extracted;
mPendingMessage[mPendingMessageIndex] = extracted;
// Now we are going to check if we have reached the end of the message
if (mPendingMessageIndex >= (mPendingMessageExpectedLenght - 1))
// "FML" case: fall down here with an overflown SysEx..
// This means we received the last possible data byte that can fit
// the buffer. If this happens, try increasing MidiMessage::sSysExMaxSize.
if (mPendingMessage[0] == SystemExclusive)
return false;
mMessage.type = getTypeFromStatusByte(mPendingMessage[0]);
if (isChannelMessage(mMessage.type))
mMessage.channel = getChannelFromStatusByte(mPendingMessage[0]);
mMessage.channel = 0;
mMessage.data1 = mPendingMessage[1];
// Save data2 only if applicable
if (mPendingMessageExpectedLenght == 3)
mMessage.data2 = mPendingMessage[2];
mMessage.data2 = 0;
// Reset local variables
mPendingMessageIndex = 0;
mPendingMessageExpectedLenght = 0;
mMessage.valid = true;
// Activate running status (if enabled for the received type)
switch (mMessage.type)
case NoteOff:
case NoteOn:
case AfterTouchPoly:
case ControlChange:
case ProgramChange:
case AfterTouchChannel:
case PitchBend:
// Running status enabled: store it from received message
mRunningStatus_RX = mPendingMessage[0];
// No running status
mRunningStatus_RX = InvalidType;
return true;
// Then update the index of the pending message.
if (Settings::Use1ByteParsing)
// Message is not complete.
return false;
// Call the parser recursively to parse the rest of the message.
return parse();
// Private method, see midi_Settings.h for documentation
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
inline void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::handleNullVelocityNoteOnAsNoteOff()
if (Settings::HandleNullVelocityNoteOnAsNoteOff &&
getType() == NoteOn && getData2() == 0)
mMessage.type = NoteOff;
// Private method: check if the received message is on the listened channel
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
inline bool MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::inputFilter(Channel inChannel)
// This method handles recognition of channel
// (to know if the message is destinated to the Arduino)
if (mMessage.type == InvalidType)
return false;
// First, check if the received message is Channel
if (mMessage.type >= NoteOff && mMessage.type <= PitchBend)
// Then we need to know if we listen to it
if ((mMessage.channel == mInputChannel) ||
(mInputChannel == MIDI_CHANNEL_OMNI))
return true;
// We don't listen to this channel
return false;
// System messages are always received
return true;
// Private method: reset input attributes
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
inline void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::resetInput()
mPendingMessageIndex = 0;
mPendingMessageExpectedLenght = 0;
mRunningStatus_RX = InvalidType;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/*! \brief Get the last received message's type
Returns an enumerated type. @see MidiType
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
inline MidiType MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::getType() const
return mMessage.type;
/*! \brief Get the channel of the message stored in the structure.
\return Channel range is 1 to 16.
For non-channel messages, this will return 0.
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
inline Channel MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::getChannel() const
return mMessage.channel;
/*! \brief Get the first data byte of the last received message. */
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
inline DataByte MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::getData1() const
return mMessage.data1;
/*! \brief Get the second data byte of the last received message. */
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
inline DataByte MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::getData2() const
return mMessage.data2;
/*! \brief Get the System Exclusive byte array.
@see getSysExArrayLength to get the array's length in bytes.
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
inline const byte* MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::getSysExArray() const
return mMessage.sysexArray;
/*! \brief Get the lenght of the System Exclusive array.
It is coded using data1 as LSB and data2 as MSB.
\return The array's length, in bytes.
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
inline unsigned MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::getSysExArrayLength() const
return mMessage.getSysExSize();
/*! \brief Check if a valid message is stored in the structure. */
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
inline bool MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::check() const
return mMessage.valid;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
inline Channel MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::getInputChannel() const
return mInputChannel;
/*! \brief Set the value for the input MIDI channel
\param inChannel the channel value. Valid values are 1 to 16, MIDI_CHANNEL_OMNI
if you want to listen to all channels, and MIDI_CHANNEL_OFF to disable input.
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
inline void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::setInputChannel(Channel inChannel)
mInputChannel = inChannel;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/*! \brief Extract an enumerated MIDI type from a status byte.
This is a utility static method, used internally,
made public so you can handle MidiTypes more easily.
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
MidiType MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::getTypeFromStatusByte(byte inStatus)
if ((inStatus < 0x80) ||
(inStatus == 0xf4) ||
(inStatus == 0xf5) ||
(inStatus == 0xf9) ||
(inStatus == 0xfD))
// Data bytes and undefined.
return InvalidType;
if (inStatus < 0xf0)
// Channel message, remove channel nibble.
return MidiType(inStatus & 0xf0);
return MidiType(inStatus);
/*! \brief Returns channel in the range 1-16
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
inline Channel MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::getChannelFromStatusByte(byte inStatus)
return (inStatus & 0x0f) + 1;
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
bool MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::isChannelMessage(MidiType inType)
return (inType == NoteOff ||
inType == NoteOn ||
inType == ControlChange ||
inType == AfterTouchPoly ||
inType == AfterTouchChannel ||
inType == PitchBend ||
inType == ProgramChange);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/*! \addtogroup callbacks
template<class SerialPort, class Settings> void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::setHandleNoteOff(void (*fptr)(byte channel, byte note, byte velocity)) { mNoteOffCallback = fptr; }
template<class SerialPort, class Settings> void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::setHandleNoteOn(void (*fptr)(byte channel, byte note, byte velocity)) { mNoteOnCallback = fptr; }
template<class SerialPort, class Settings> void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::setHandleAfterTouchPoly(void (*fptr)(byte channel, byte note, byte pressure)) { mAfterTouchPolyCallback = fptr; }
template<class SerialPort, class Settings> void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::setHandleControlChange(void (*fptr)(byte channel, byte number, byte value)) { mControlChangeCallback = fptr; }
template<class SerialPort, class Settings> void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::setHandleProgramChange(void (*fptr)(byte channel, byte number)) { mProgramChangeCallback = fptr; }
template<class SerialPort, class Settings> void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::setHandleAfterTouchChannel(void (*fptr)(byte channel, byte pressure)) { mAfterTouchChannelCallback = fptr; }
template<class SerialPort, class Settings> void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::setHandlePitchBend(void (*fptr)(byte channel, int bend)) { mPitchBendCallback = fptr; }
template<class SerialPort, class Settings> void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::setHandleSystemExclusive(void (*fptr)(byte* array, unsigned size)) { mSystemExclusiveCallback = fptr; }
template<class SerialPort, class Settings> void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::setHandleTimeCodeQuarterFrame(void (*fptr)(byte data)) { mTimeCodeQuarterFrameCallback = fptr; }
template<class SerialPort, class Settings> void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::setHandleSongPosition(void (*fptr)(unsigned beats)) { mSongPositionCallback = fptr; }
template<class SerialPort, class Settings> void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::setHandleSongSelect(void (*fptr)(byte songnumber)) { mSongSelectCallback = fptr; }
template<class SerialPort, class Settings> void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::setHandleTuneRequest(void (*fptr)(void)) { mTuneRequestCallback = fptr; }
template<class SerialPort, class Settings> void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::setHandleClock(void (*fptr)(void)) { mClockCallback = fptr; }
template<class SerialPort, class Settings> void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::setHandleStart(void (*fptr)(void)) { mStartCallback = fptr; }
template<class SerialPort, class Settings> void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::setHandleContinue(void (*fptr)(void)) { mContinueCallback = fptr; }
template<class SerialPort, class Settings> void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::setHandleStop(void (*fptr)(void)) { mStopCallback = fptr; }
template<class SerialPort, class Settings> void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::setHandleActiveSensing(void (*fptr)(void)) { mActiveSensingCallback = fptr; }
template<class SerialPort, class Settings> void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::setHandleSystemReset(void (*fptr)(void)) { mSystemResetCallback = fptr; }
/*! \brief Detach an external function from the given type.
Use this method to cancel the effects of setHandle********.
\param inType The type of message to unbind.
When a message of this type is received, no function will be called.
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::disconnectCallbackFromType(MidiType inType)
switch (inType)
case NoteOff: mNoteOffCallback = 0; break;
case NoteOn: mNoteOnCallback = 0; break;
case AfterTouchPoly: mAfterTouchPolyCallback = 0; break;
case ControlChange: mControlChangeCallback = 0; break;
case ProgramChange: mProgramChangeCallback = 0; break;
case AfterTouchChannel: mAfterTouchChannelCallback = 0; break;
case PitchBend: mPitchBendCallback = 0; break;
case SystemExclusive: mSystemExclusiveCallback = 0; break;
case TimeCodeQuarterFrame: mTimeCodeQuarterFrameCallback = 0; break;
case SongPosition: mSongPositionCallback = 0; break;
case SongSelect: mSongSelectCallback = 0; break;
case TuneRequest: mTuneRequestCallback = 0; break;
case Clock: mClockCallback = 0; break;
case Start: mStartCallback = 0; break;
case Continue: mContinueCallback = 0; break;
case Stop: mStopCallback = 0; break;
case ActiveSensing: mActiveSensingCallback = 0; break;
case SystemReset: mSystemResetCallback = 0; break;
/*! @} */ // End of doc group MIDI Callbacks
// Private - launch callback function based on received type.
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::launchCallback()
// The order is mixed to allow frequent messages to trigger their callback faster.
switch (mMessage.type)
// Notes
case NoteOff: if (mNoteOffCallback != 0) mNoteOffCallback(mMessage.channel, mMessage.data1, mMessage.data2); break;
case NoteOn: if (mNoteOnCallback != 0) mNoteOnCallback(mMessage.channel, mMessage.data1, mMessage.data2); break;
// Real-time messages
case Clock: if (mClockCallback != 0) mClockCallback(); break;
case Start: if (mStartCallback != 0) mStartCallback(); break;
case Continue: if (mContinueCallback != 0) mContinueCallback(); break;
case Stop: if (mStopCallback != 0) mStopCallback(); break;
case ActiveSensing: if (mActiveSensingCallback != 0) mActiveSensingCallback(); break;
// Continuous controllers
case ControlChange: if (mControlChangeCallback != 0) mControlChangeCallback(mMessage.channel, mMessage.data1, mMessage.data2); break;
case PitchBend: if (mPitchBendCallback != 0) mPitchBendCallback(mMessage.channel, (int)((mMessage.data1 & 0x7f) | ((mMessage.data2 & 0x7f) << 7)) + MIDI_PITCHBEND_MIN); break; // TODO: check this
case AfterTouchPoly: if (mAfterTouchPolyCallback != 0) mAfterTouchPolyCallback(mMessage.channel, mMessage.data1, mMessage.data2); break;
case AfterTouchChannel: if (mAfterTouchChannelCallback != 0) mAfterTouchChannelCallback(mMessage.channel, mMessage.data1); break;
case ProgramChange: if (mProgramChangeCallback != 0) mProgramChangeCallback(mMessage.channel, mMessage.data1); break;
case SystemExclusive: if (mSystemExclusiveCallback != 0) mSystemExclusiveCallback(mMessage.sysexArray, mMessage.getSysExSize()); break;
// Occasional messages
case TimeCodeQuarterFrame: if (mTimeCodeQuarterFrameCallback != 0) mTimeCodeQuarterFrameCallback(mMessage.data1); break;
case SongPosition: if (mSongPositionCallback != 0) mSongPositionCallback((mMessage.data1 & 0x7f) | ((mMessage.data2 & 0x7f) << 7)); break;
case SongSelect: if (mSongSelectCallback != 0) mSongSelectCallback(mMessage.data1); break;
case TuneRequest: if (mTuneRequestCallback != 0) mTuneRequestCallback(); break;
case SystemReset: if (mSystemResetCallback != 0) mSystemResetCallback(); break;
case InvalidType:
/*! @} */ // End of doc group MIDI Input
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Thru
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/*! \addtogroup thru
/*! \brief Set the filter for thru mirroring
\param inThruFilterMode a filter mode
@see MidiFilterMode
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::setThruFilterMode(MidiFilterMode inThruFilterMode)
mThruFilterMode = inThruFilterMode;
if (mThruFilterMode != Off)
mThruActivated = true;
mThruActivated = false;
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
MidiFilterMode MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::getFilterMode() const
return mThruFilterMode;
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
bool MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::getThruState() const
return mThruActivated;
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::turnThruOn(MidiFilterMode inThruFilterMode)
mThruActivated = true;
mThruFilterMode = inThruFilterMode;
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::turnThruOff()
mThruActivated = false;
mThruFilterMode = Off;
/*! @} */ // End of doc group MIDI Thru
// This method is called upon reception of a message
// and takes care of Thru filtering and sending.
// - All system messages (System Exclusive, Common and Real Time) are passed
// to output unless filter is set to Off.
// - Channel messages are passed to the output whether their channel
// is matching the input channel and the filter setting
template<class SerialPort, class Settings>
void MidiInterface<SerialPort, Settings>::thruFilter(Channel inChannel)
// If the feature is disabled, don't do anything.
if (!mThruActivated || (mThruFilterMode == Off))
// First, check if the received message is Channel
if (mMessage.type >= NoteOff && mMessage.type <= PitchBend)
const bool filter_condition = ((mMessage.channel == mInputChannel) ||
(mInputChannel == MIDI_CHANNEL_OMNI));
// Now let's pass it to the output
switch (mThruFilterMode)
case Full:
case SameChannel:
if (filter_condition)
case DifferentChannel:
if (!filter_condition)
case Off:
// Do nothing.
// Technically it's impossible to get there because
// the case was already tested earlier.
// Send the message to the output
switch (mMessage.type)
// Real Time and 1 byte
case Clock:
case Start:
case Stop:
case Continue:
case ActiveSensing:
case SystemReset:
case TuneRequest:
case SystemExclusive:
// Send SysEx (0xf0 and 0xf7 are included in the buffer)
sendSysEx(getSysExArrayLength(), getSysExArray(), true);
case SongSelect:
case SongPosition:
sendSongPosition(mMessage.data1 | ((unsigned)mMessage.data2 << 7));
case TimeCodeQuarterFrame: