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2025-02-25 21:29:42 +01:00
Example code for the STMicro L6470 dSPIN stepper motor driver.
This code is public domain beerware/Sunny-D-ware. If you find it useful and
run into me someday, I'd appreciate a cold one.
12/12/2011- Mike Hord, SparkFun Electronics
The breakout board for the dSPIN chip has 7 data lines:
BSYN- this line is LOW when the chip is busy; busy generally means things
like executing a move command.
STBY- drag low to reset the device to default conditions. Also should be
performed after power up to ensure a known-good initial state.
FLGN- when the dSPIN raises a flag it usually means an error has occurred
STCK- used as a step clock input; the direction (and activation of this input
is done by setting registers on the chip.
SDI- SPI data FROM the uC TO the dSPIN
SDO- SPI data TO the uC FROM the dSPIN
CSN- active-low slave select for the SPI bus
CK- data clock for the SPI bus
A note about connecting motors:
It's unclear from the datasheet what gets connected to which terminal.
Bridge one (terminals 01A and 01B) gets one coil, and bridge two gets
the other coil. For our mid-small stepper (ROB-9238), that translates to
01A -> RED
01B -> GREEN
02A -> BLUE
There are several errors in the datasheet for the L6470:
- the internal oscillator is specified as 16MHz +/- 3%. Experimentally, it
seems to be more like a 6% tolerance.
- when transitioning from one movement command to another, it may be necessary
to include a dSPIN_SoftStop() between the two to ensure proper operation. For
example, if dSPIN_Move(FWD, 800) is used to move 800 steps FWD, and
immediately after that, with no soft stop between them, a dSPIN_Run(FWD, 200)
command is issued, the 'run' command will execute with a speed based on the
value in the 'MAX_SPEED' register, the way the 'move' command did, and NOT
with the speed passed to it by the function call.
Initial release.
dSPIN_example.ino - This file. Constant definitions for register names, pin
redefinitions, and bit field names.
dSPIN_commands.ino - Contains high-level command implementations- movement
and configuration commands, for example.
dSPIN_support.ino - Contains functions used to implement the high-level commands,
as well as utility functions for converting real-world units (eg, steps/s) to
values usable by the dsPIN controller. Also contains the specialized configuration
function for the dsPIN chip and the onboard peripherals needed to use it.
dSPIN_main.ino - Contains the setup() and loop() functions.
// include the SPI library:
#include <SPI.h>
#define SLAVE_SELECT_PIN 10 // Wire this to the CSN pin
#define MOSI 11 // Wire this to the SDI pin
#define MISO 12 // Wire this to the SDO pin
#define SCK 13 // Wire this to the CK pin
#define dSPIN_RESET 6 // Wire this to the STBY line
#define dSPIN_BUSYN 4 // Wire this to the BSYN line
#define STAT1 14 // Hooked to an LED on the test jig
#define STAT2 15 // Hooked to an LED on the test jig
#define SWITCH 8 // Hooked to the switch input and a pB on the jig
// constant definitions for overcurrent thresholds. Write these values to
// register dSPIN_OCD_TH to set the level at which an overcurrent even occurs.
#define dSPIN_OCD_TH_375mA 0x00
#define dSPIN_OCD_TH_750mA 0x01
#define dSPIN_OCD_TH_1125mA 0x02
#define dSPIN_OCD_TH_1500mA 0x03
#define dSPIN_OCD_TH_1875mA 0x04
#define dSPIN_OCD_TH_2250mA 0x05
#define dSPIN_OCD_TH_2625mA 0x06
#define dSPIN_OCD_TH_3000mA 0x07
#define dSPIN_OCD_TH_3375mA 0x08
#define dSPIN_OCD_TH_3750mA 0x09
#define dSPIN_OCD_TH_4125mA 0x0A
#define dSPIN_OCD_TH_4500mA 0x0B
#define dSPIN_OCD_TH_4875mA 0x0C
#define dSPIN_OCD_TH_5250mA 0x0D
#define dSPIN_OCD_TH_5625mA 0x0E
#define dSPIN_OCD_TH_6000mA 0x0F
// STEP_MODE option values.
// First comes the "microsteps per step" options...
#define dSPIN_STEP_MODE_STEP_SEL 0x07 // Mask for these bits only.
#define dSPIN_STEP_SEL_1 0x00
#define dSPIN_STEP_SEL_1_2 0x01
#define dSPIN_STEP_SEL_1_4 0x02
#define dSPIN_STEP_SEL_1_8 0x03
#define dSPIN_STEP_SEL_1_16 0x04
#define dSPIN_STEP_SEL_1_32 0x05
#define dSPIN_STEP_SEL_1_64 0x06
#define dSPIN_STEP_SEL_1_128 0x07
//, define the SYNC_EN bit. When set, the BUSYN pin will instead
// output a clock related to the full-step frequency as defined by the
// SYNC_SEL bits below.
#define dSPIN_STEP_MODE_SYNC_EN 0x80 // Mask for this bit
#define dSPIN_SYNC_EN 0x80
// ...last, define the SYNC_SEL modes. The clock output is defined by
// the full-step frequency and the value in these bits- see the datasheet
// for a matrix describing that relationship (page 46).
#define dSPIN_SYNC_SEL_1_2 0x00
#define dSPIN_SYNC_SEL_1 0x10
#define dSPIN_SYNC_SEL_2 0x20
#define dSPIN_SYNC_SEL_4 0x30
#define dSPIN_SYNC_SEL_8 0x40
#define dSPIN_SYNC_SEL_16 0x50
#define dSPIN_SYNC_SEL_32 0x60
#define dSPIN_SYNC_SEL_64 0x70
// Bit names for the ALARM_EN register.
// Each of these bits defines one potential alarm condition.
// When one of these conditions occurs and the respective bit in ALARM_EN is set,
// the FLAG pin will go low. The register must be queried to determine which event
// caused the alarm.
#define dSPIN_ALARM_EN_SW_TURN_ON 0x40
// CONFIG register renames.
// Oscillator options.
// The dSPIN needs to know what the clock frequency is because it uses that for some
// calculations during operation.
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_OSC_SEL 0x000F // Mask for this bit field.
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_INT_16MHZ 0x0000 // Internal 16MHz, no output
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_INT_16MHZ_OSCOUT_2MHZ 0x0008 // Default; internal 16MHz, 2MHz output
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_INT_16MHZ_OSCOUT_4MHZ 0x0009 // Internal 16MHz, 4MHz output
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_INT_16MHZ_OSCOUT_8MHZ 0x000A // Internal 16MHz, 8MHz output
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_INT_16MHZ_OSCOUT_16MHZ 0x000B // Internal 16MHz, 16MHz output
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_EXT_8MHZ_XTAL_DRIVE 0x0004 // External 8MHz crystal
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_EXT_16MHZ_XTAL_DRIVE 0x0005 // External 16MHz crystal
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_EXT_24MHZ_XTAL_DRIVE 0x0006 // External 24MHz crystal
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_EXT_32MHZ_XTAL_DRIVE 0x0007 // External 32MHz crystal
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_EXT_8MHZ_OSCOUT_INVERT 0x000C // External 8MHz crystal, output inverted
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_EXT_16MHZ_OSCOUT_INVERT 0x000D // External 16MHz crystal, output inverted
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_EXT_24MHZ_OSCOUT_INVERT 0x000E // External 24MHz crystal, output inverted
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_EXT_32MHZ_OSCOUT_INVERT 0x000F // External 32MHz crystal, output inverted
// Configure the functionality of the external switch input
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_SW_MODE 0x0010 // Mask for this bit.
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_SW_HARD_STOP 0x0000 // Default; hard stop motor on switch.
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_SW_USER 0x0010 // Tie to the GoUntil and ReleaseSW
// commands to provide jog function.
// See page 25 of datasheet.
// Configure the motor voltage compensation mode (see page 34 of datasheet)
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_EN_VSCOMP 0x0020 // Mask for this bit.
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_VS_COMP_DISABLE 0x0000 // Disable motor voltage compensation.
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_VS_COMP_ENABLE 0x0020 // Enable motor voltage compensation.
// Configure overcurrent detection event handling
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_OC_SD 0x0080 // Mask for this bit.
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_OC_SD_DISABLE 0x0000 // Bridges do NOT shutdown on OC detect
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_OC_SD_ENABLE 0x0080 // Bridges shutdown on OC detect
// Configure the slew rate of the power bridge output
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_POW_SR 0x0300 // Mask for this bit field.
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_SR_180V_us 0x0000 // 180V/us
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_SR_290V_us 0x0200 // 290V/us
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_SR_530V_us 0x0300 // 530V/us
// Integer divisors for PWM sinewave generation
// See page 32 of the datasheet for more information on this.
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_F_PWM_DEC 0x1C00 // mask for this bit field
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_PWM_MUL_0_625 (0x00)<<10
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_PWM_MUL_0_75 (0x01)<<10
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_PWM_MUL_0_875 (0x02)<<10
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_PWM_MUL_1 (0x03)<<10
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_PWM_MUL_1_25 (0x04)<<10
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_PWM_MUL_1_5 (0x05)<<10
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_PWM_MUL_1_75 (0x06)<<10
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_PWM_MUL_2 (0x07)<<10
// Multiplier for the PWM sinewave frequency
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_F_PWM_INT 0xE000 // mask for this bit field.
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_PWM_DIV_1 (0x00)<<13
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_PWM_DIV_2 (0x01)<<13
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_PWM_DIV_3 (0x02)<<13
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_PWM_DIV_4 (0x03)<<13
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_PWM_DIV_5 (0x04)<<13
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_PWM_DIV_6 (0x05)<<13
#define dSPIN_CONFIG_PWM_DIV_7 (0x06)<<13
// Status register bit renames- read-only bits conferring information about the
// device to the user.
#define dSPIN_STATUS_HIZ 0x0001 // high when bridges are in HiZ mode
#define dSPIN_STATUS_BUSY 0x0002 // mirrors BUSY pin
#define dSPIN_STATUS_SW_F 0x0004 // low when switch open, high when closed
#define dSPIN_STATUS_SW_EVN 0x0008 // active high, set on switch falling edge,
// cleared by reading STATUS
#define dSPIN_STATUS_DIR 0x0010 // Indicates current motor direction.
// High is FWD, Low is REV.
#define dSPIN_STATUS_NOTPERF_CMD 0x0080 // Last command not performed.
#define dSPIN_STATUS_WRONG_CMD 0x0100 // Last command not valid.
#define dSPIN_STATUS_UVLO 0x0200 // Undervoltage lockout is active
#define dSPIN_STATUS_TH_WRN 0x0400 // Thermal warning
#define dSPIN_STATUS_TH_SD 0x0800 // Thermal shutdown
#define dSPIN_STATUS_OCD 0x1000 // Overcurrent detected
#define dSPIN_STATUS_STEP_LOSS_A 0x2000 // Stall detected on A bridge
#define dSPIN_STATUS_STEP_LOSS_B 0x4000 // Stall detected on B bridge
#define dSPIN_STATUS_SCK_MOD 0x8000 // Step clock mode is active
// Status register motor status field
#define dSPIN_STATUS_MOT_STATUS 0x0060 // field mask
#define dSPIN_STATUS_MOT_STATUS_STOPPED (0x0000)<<13 // Motor stopped
#define dSPIN_STATUS_MOT_STATUS_ACCELERATION (0x0001)<<13 // Motor accelerating
#define dSPIN_STATUS_MOT_STATUS_DECELERATION (0x0002)<<13 // Motor decelerating
#define dSPIN_STATUS_MOT_STATUS_CONST_SPD (0x0003)<<13 // Motor at constant speed
// Register address redefines.
// See the dSPIN_Param_Handler() function for more info about these.
#define dSPIN_ABS_POS 0x01
#define dSPIN_EL_POS 0x02
#define dSPIN_MARK 0x03
#define dSPIN_SPEED 0x04
#define dSPIN_ACC 0x05
#define dSPIN_DEC 0x06
#define dSPIN_MAX_SPEED 0x07
#define dSPIN_MIN_SPEED 0x08
#define dSPIN_FS_SPD 0x15
#define dSPIN_KVAL_HOLD 0x09
#define dSPIN_KVAL_RUN 0x0A
#define dSPIN_KVAL_ACC 0x0B
#define dSPIN_KVAL_DEC 0x0C
#define dSPIN_INT_SPD 0x0D
#define dSPIN_ST_SLP 0x0E
#define dSPIN_FN_SLP_ACC 0x0F
#define dSPIN_FN_SLP_DEC 0x10
#define dSPIN_K_THERM 0x11
#define dSPIN_ADC_OUT 0x12
#define dSPIN_OCD_TH 0x13
#define dSPIN_STALL_TH 0x14
#define dSPIN_STEP_MODE 0x16
#define dSPIN_ALARM_EN 0x17
#define dSPIN_CONFIG 0x18
#define dSPIN_STATUS 0x19
//dSPIN commands
#define dSPIN_NOP 0x00
#define dSPIN_SET_PARAM 0x00
#define dSPIN_GET_PARAM 0x20
#define dSPIN_RUN 0x50
#define dSPIN_STEP_CLOCK 0x58
#define dSPIN_MOVE 0x40
#define dSPIN_GOTO 0x60
#define dSPIN_GOTO_DIR 0x68
#define dSPIN_GO_UNTIL 0x82
#define dSPIN_RELEASE_SW 0x92
#define dSPIN_GO_HOME 0x70
#define dSPIN_GO_MARK 0x78
#define dSPIN_RESET_POS 0xD8
#define dSPIN_SOFT_STOP 0xB0
#define dSPIN_HARD_STOP 0xB8
#define dSPIN_SOFT_HIZ 0xA0
#define dSPIN_HARD_HIZ 0xA8
#define dSPIN_GET_STATUS 0xD0
/* dSPIN direction options */
#define FWD 0x01
#define REV 0x00
/* dSPIN action options */
#define ACTION_RESET 0x00
#define ACTION_COPY 0x01