96 lines
3.7 KiB
96 lines
3.7 KiB
unsigned int Addressing() {
//the switch states for the 1 and 0 pin
byte switch1 = digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN_1);
byte switch0 = digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN_0);
//Case 1: Neither switch is pressed.
if (switch0 == HIGH && switch1 == HIGH) {
//read the previously stored value from EEPROM addresses 510 and 511.
dmxaddress = EEPROM.read(511); //read the high byte into dmxaddress
dmxaddress = dmxaddress << 8;
//bitshift the high byte left 8 bits to make room for the low byte
dmxaddress = dmxaddress | EEPROM.read(510); //read the low byte into dmxaddress
//check for unitialized EEPROM
if (dmxaddress > 511 || dmxaddress < 1) dmxaddress == 1;
//Case 2: Both switches are pressed, address is reset to 1.
else if (switch0 == LOW && switch1 == LOW)
dmxaddress = 1;
//Case 3: One switch is pressed, but not the other.
else if (switch0 == 0 ^ switch1 == 0)
/* if EITHER switch0 or switch1 is held down (but not both), the addressing subroutine is
* run. Since it writes the new address into EEPROM, there's no need to pass anything
* back to the main function. */
digitalWrite(7, HIGH); //turn on pin 7 to indicate addressing mode
//do nothing until the switch is released
while (switch0 == LOW || switch1 == LOW) {
switch0 = digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN_0);
switch1 = digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN_1);
byte bitnumber = 0; //the number of bits recorded so far
//runs until all 9 bits have been recorded into the address.
while (bitnumber < 9) {
//first, make sure both switches are released before accepting new bit.
if (switch0 == LOW || switch1 == LOW) {
digitalWrite(7, LOW); //flash off pin 7 to indicate bit accepted
//remain in the while loop while either switch is pressed, then delay half a second to avoid bounce and signal to the user that the bit has been accepted.
while (switch0 == LOW || switch1 == LOW) {
switch0 = digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN_0);
switch1 = digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN_1);
}//end if
//The switches have been released, now wait for the new bit.
digitalWrite(7, HIGH); //turn on pin 7 to indicate ready for new bit.
switch0 = digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN_0);
switch1 = digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN_1);
if (switch1 == LOW) {//execute if 1 pin is pressed
bitSet(dmxaddress, bitnumber); //write a 1 to the appropriate bit of dmxaddress
else if (switch0 == LOW) {//execute if 0 pin is pressed
bitClear(dmxaddress, bitnumber);
} //end while loop
//write the new address to EEPROM
}//end else if addressing subroutine
dmxaddress = dmxaddress + 3;
/* this will allow the USART receive interrupt to fire an additional 3 times for every dmx frame.
* Here's why:
* Once to account for the fact that DMX addresses run from 0-511, whereas channel numbers
* start numbering at 1.
* Once for the Mark After Break (MAB), which will be detected by the USART as a valid character
* (a zero, eight more zeros, followed by a one)
* Once for the START code that precedes the 512 DMX values (used for RDM). */
return dmxaddress;
} //end Addressing()
void newAddressWrite() {
EEPROM.write(510, lowByte(dmxaddress));//writes the first byte of dmxaddress to EEPROM address 510
EEPROM.write(511, highByte(dmxaddress));//writes the second byte of dmxaddress to EEPROM address 511
for (byte i = 0; i < 15; i++) { //blink LED 4 times when new address is received.
digitalWrite(7, (i & 1));
//i & 1 will bitwise-and to 1 if i is odd, 0 if even.