30 lines
927 B
30 lines
927 B
void action() {
/*********** Put what you want the code to do with the values (dmxvalue) here *************
example code: print out the received values to the serial port, and set PWM pins 5 and 6
to the first two values received. You can take this code out and put your own in.*/
//begin example code
for(byte j = 0; j < NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS; j++) {
/* You'll need to use a program like Putty that allows you to set custom baud rates
* in order to communicate with the Arduino over serial; the Arduino IDE only allows
* you to pick common rates such as 9600.
Serial.print("El canal DMX ");
Serial.print(" vale ");
analogWrite(5, dmxvalue[0]);
analogWrite(6, dmxvalue[1]);
//end example code
if(dmxvalue[0] > 127) {
digitalWrite(7, HIGH);
else {
digitalWrite(7, LOW);
return; //go back to loop()
} //end action() loop