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43 lines
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void soundmems() { // Here's where we capture sound. It provides an average, a current sample as well as a peak trigger.
// I tried some fancier math, but never came up with anything that really worked all that well. Must . . work. . harder.
// Local definitions
#define sensitivity 100 // Define maximum cutoff of potentiometer for cutting off sounds.
#define DC_OFFSET 512 // DC offset in mic signal. I subtract this value from the raw sample of a 'quiet room' test.
#define NSAMPLES 64 // Creating an array of lots of samples for decent averaging.
// Persistent local variables (saved for next iteration)
static int16_t samplearray[NSAMPLES]; // Array of samples.
static uint16_t samplesum = 0; // Sum of the last 64 samples. This had better be positive.
static uint8_t samplecount = 0; // A rollover counter to cycle through the array.
// Temporary local variables
int16_t sample = 0; // Current sample. Starts with negative values, which is why it's signed.
uint16_t potin; // Our scaled potentiometer value.
samplepeak = 0; // Reset the global sample peak.
potin = map(analogRead(POT_PIN), 0, 1023, 0, sensitivity); // Read the potentiometer and scale it to our sensitivity setting, which is scaled to our microphone readings.
sample = analogRead(MIC_PIN) - DC_OFFSET; // Sample the microphone. Range will result in -512 to 512.
sample = abs(sample); // Get the absolute value and DO NOT combine abs() into the previous line or this will break. Badly!
if (sample < potin) sample = 0; // Filter ambient noise, which is adjustable via the potentiometer.
samplesum += sample - samplearray[samplecount]; // Add the new sample and remove the oldest sample in the array. No 'for' loops required here for extra speed.
sampleavg = samplesum / NSAMPLES; // Get an average.
samplearray[samplecount] = sample; // Update oldest sample in the array with new sample. By Andrew Tuline.
samplecount = (samplecount + 1) % NSAMPLES; // Update the counter for the array and rollover if we hit the max.
if (sample > (sampleavg + potin) && (sample < oldsample)) samplepeak = 1; // We're on the down swing, so we just peaked.
oldsample = sample; // We'll use oldsample globally as our 'current' sample.
} // soundmems()