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2025-02-25 21:29:42 +01:00
* \file MP3ButtonPlayer2.ino
* \brief Example sketch of using the MP3Shield Arduino driver using buttons,
* with arduino recommended(simpler) debounce library
* \remarks comments are implemented with Doxygen Markdown format
* \author Michael P. Flaga
* This sketch demonstrates the use of digital input pins used as buttons as
* NEXT, PLAY and STOP to control the tracks that are to be played.
* Where PLAY or STOP will begin or cancel the stream of track000.mp3 through
* track999.mp3, as indexed by NEXT, begining with 0.
* \note Use this example uses the bounce2 library to provide debouncing fuctions. Advocated by Arduino's website at
// libraries
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SdFat.h>
#include <SdFatUtil.h>
#include <SFEMP3Shield.h>
#include <Bounce2.h>
* \breif Macro for the debounced PLAY pin, with pull-up
#define B_PLAY A0
* \breif Macro for the Debounce Period [milliseconds]
* \brief Object instancing the SdFat library.
* principal object for handling all SdCard functions.
SdFat sd;
* \brief Object instancing the SFEMP3Shield library.
* principal object for handling all the attributes, members and functions for the library.
SFEMP3Shield MP3player;
* \brief Object instancing the Play Button library.
Bounce b_Play = Bounce();
* \brief Index of the current track playing.
* Value indicates current playing track, used to populate "x" for playing the
* filename of "track00x.mp3" for track000.mp3 through track254.mp3
int8_t current_track = 0;
* \brief Setup the Arduino Chip's feature for our use.
* After Arduino's kernel has booted initialize basic features for this
* application, such as Serial port and MP3player objects with .begin.
void setup() {
pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
if(!sd.begin(9, SPI_HALF_SPEED)) sd.initErrorHalt();
if (!sd.chdir("/")) sd.errorHalt("sd.chdir");
Serial.println(F("Looking for Buttons to be depressed..."));
* \brief Main Loop the Arduino Chip
* This is called at the end of Arduino kernel's main loop before recycling.
* And is where the user's is executed.
* \note If the means of refilling is not interrupt based then the
* MP3player object is serviced with the availaible function.
void loop() {
// Below is only needed if not interrupt driven. Safe to remove if not using.
#if defined(USE_MP3_REFILL_MEANS) \
&& ( (USE_MP3_REFILL_MEANS == USE_MP3_SimpleTimer) \
|| (USE_MP3_REFILL_MEANS == USE_MP3_Polled) )
if (b_Play.update()) {
if ( == LOW) {
Serial.print(F("B_PLAY pressed, Start Playing Track # "));