118 lines
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118 lines
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//dSPIN_main.ino - Contains the setup() and loop() functions.
float testSpeed = 10;
void setup()
// Standard serial port initialization for debugging.
// pin configurations for the test jig
pinMode(STAT1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(STAT2, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(STAT1, LOW);
digitalWrite(STAT2, LOW);
// dSPIN_init() is implemented in the dSPIN_support.ino file. It includes
// all the necessary port setup and SPI setup to allow the Arduino to
// control the dSPIN chip and relies entirely upon the pin redefinitions
// in dSPIN_example.ino
// First things first: let's check communications. The CONFIG register should
// power up to 0x2E88, so we can use that to check the communications.
// On the test jig, this causes an LED to light up.
if (dSPIN_GetParam(dSPIN_CONFIG) == 0x2E88) digitalWrite(STAT1, HIGH);
// The following function calls are for this demo application- you will
// need to adjust them for your particular application, and you may need
// to configure additional registers.
// First, let's set the step mode register:
// - dSPIN_SYNC_EN controls whether the BUSY/SYNC pin reflects the step
// frequency or the BUSY status of the chip. We want it to be the BUSY
// status.
// - dSPIN_STEP_SEL_x is the microstepping rate- we'll go full step.
// - dSPIN_SYNC_SEL_x is the ratio of (micro)steps to toggles on the
// BUSY/SYNC pin (when that pin is used for SYNC). Make it 1:1, despite
// not using that pin.
// Configure the MAX_SPEED register- this is the maximum number of (micro)steps per
// second allowed. You'll want to mess around with your desired application to see
// how far you can push it before the motor starts to slip. The ACTUAL parameter
// passed to this function is in steps/tick; MaxSpdCalc() will convert a number of
// steps/s into an appropriate value for this function. Note that for any move or
// goto type function where no speed is specified, this value will be used.
dSPIN_SetParam(dSPIN_MAX_SPEED, MaxSpdCalc(400));
// Configure the FS_SPD register- this is the speed at which the driver ceases
// microstepping and goes to full stepping. FSCalc() converts a value in steps/s
// to a value suitable for this register; to disable full-step switching, you
// can pass 0x3FF to this register.
dSPIN_SetParam(dSPIN_FS_SPD, FSCalc(400));
// Configure the acceleration rate, in steps/tick/tick. There is also a DEC register;
// both of them have a function (AccCalc() and DecCalc() respectively) that convert
// from steps/s/s into the appropriate value for the register. Writing ACC to 0xfff
// sets the acceleration and deceleration to 'infinite' (or as near as the driver can
// manage). If ACC is set to 0xfff, DEC is ignored. To get infinite deceleration
// without infinite acceleration, only hard stop will work.
dSPIN_SetParam(dSPIN_ACC, 0xfff);
// Configure the overcurrent detection threshold. The constants for this are defined
// in the dSPIN_example.ino file.
dSPIN_SetParam(dSPIN_OCD_TH, dSPIN_OCD_TH_6000mA);
// Set up the CONFIG register as follows:
// PWM frequency divisor = 1
// PWM frequency multiplier = 2 (62.5kHz PWM frequency)
// Slew rate is 290V/us
// Do NOT shut down bridges on overcurrent
// Disable motor voltage compensation
// Hard stop on switch low
// 16MHz internal oscillator, nothing on output
// Configure the RUN KVAL. This defines the duty cycle of the PWM of the bridges
// during running. 0xFF means that they are essentially NOT PWMed during run; this
// MAY result in more power being dissipated than you actually need for the task.
// Setting this value too low may result in failure to turn.
// There are ACC, DEC, and HOLD KVAL registers as well; you may need to play with
// those values to get acceptable performance for a given application.
// Calling GetStatus() clears the UVLO bit in the status register, which is set by
// default on power-up. The driver may not run without that bit cleared by this
// read operation.
// Test jig behavior- rotate one full revolution forward, then one full revolution
// backwards, then slowly tick forwards until the hard stop button is pressed.
void loop()
// 200 steps is one revolution on a 1.8 deg/step motor.
dSPIN_Move(FWD, 200);
while (digitalRead(dSPIN_BUSYN) == LOW); // Until the movement completes, the
// BUSYN pin will be low.
dSPIN_SoftStop(); // Inserting a soft stop between
// motions ensures that the driver
// will execute the next motion with
// the right speed.
while (digitalRead(dSPIN_BUSYN) == LOW); // Wait for the soft stop to complete.
delay(500); // Pause. Not necessary for proper operation.
dSPIN_Move(REV, 200); // Now do it again, but backwards.
while (digitalRead(dSPIN_BUSYN) == LOW);
while (digitalRead(dSPIN_BUSYN) == LOW);
dSPIN_Run(FWD, SpdCalc(testSpeed)); // Now we'll test the hard stop switch...
while (digitalRead(SWITCH) == HIGH); // The dSPIN will stop on its own; this is
// so the Arduino knows the button has been
// pressed.
while (digitalRead(dSPIN_BUSYN) == LOW);
// Finally check to see if the motor has actually stopped. If so, light the second
// LED and wait forever, until the board is removed and the test jig is reset.
if (dSPIN_GetParam(dSPIN_SPEED) == 0) digitalWrite(STAT2, HIGH);