
574 lines
16 KiB

package manager
import (
const (
// BaseTPL is the name of the base template.
BaseTPL = "base"
// ContentTpl is the name of the compiled message.
ContentTpl = "content"
// DataSource represents a data backend, such as a database,
// that provides subscriber and campaign records.
type DataSource interface {
NextCampaigns(excludeIDs []int64) ([]*models.Campaign, error)
NextSubscribers(campID, limit int) ([]models.Subscriber, error)
GetCampaign(campID int) (*models.Campaign, error)
UpdateCampaignStatus(campID int, status string) error
CreateLink(url string) (string, error)
// Manager handles the scheduling, processing, and queuing of campaigns
// and message pushes.
type Manager struct {
cfg Config
src DataSource
messengers map[string]messenger.Messenger
notifCB models.AdminNotifCallback
logger *log.Logger
// Campaigns that are currently running.
camps map[int]*models.Campaign
campsMutex sync.RWMutex
// Links generated using Track() are cached here so as to not query
// the database for the link UUID for every message sent. This has to
// be locked as it may be used externally when previewing campaigns.
links map[string]string
linksMutex sync.RWMutex
subFetchQueue chan *models.Campaign
campMsgQueue chan CampaignMessage
campMsgErrorQueue chan msgError
campMsgErrorCounts map[int]int
msgQueue chan Message
// CampaignMessage represents an instance of campaign message to be pushed out,
// specific to a subscriber, via the campaign's messenger.
type CampaignMessage struct {
Campaign *models.Campaign
Subscriber models.Subscriber
from string
to string
subject string
body []byte
unsubURL string
// Message represents a generic message to be pushed to a messenger.
type Message struct {
Subscriber models.Subscriber
// Messenger is the messenger backend to use: email|postback.
Messenger string
// Config has parameters for configuring the manager.
type Config struct {
// Number of subscribers to pull from the DB in a single iteration.
BatchSize int
Concurrency int
MessageRate int
MaxSendErrors int
RequeueOnError bool
FromEmail string
LinkTrackURL string
UnsubURL string
OptinURL string
MessageURL string
ViewTrackURL string
UnsubHeader bool
type msgError struct {
camp *models.Campaign
err error
// New returns a new instance of Mailer.
func New(cfg Config, src DataSource, notifCB models.AdminNotifCallback, l *log.Logger) *Manager {
if cfg.BatchSize < 1 {
cfg.BatchSize = 1000
if cfg.Concurrency < 1 {
cfg.Concurrency = 1
if cfg.MessageRate < 1 {
cfg.MessageRate = 1
return &Manager{
cfg: cfg,
src: src,
notifCB: notifCB,
logger: l,
messengers: make(map[string]messenger.Messenger),
camps: make(map[int]*models.Campaign),
links: make(map[string]string),
subFetchQueue: make(chan *models.Campaign, cfg.Concurrency),
campMsgQueue: make(chan CampaignMessage, cfg.Concurrency*2),
msgQueue: make(chan Message, cfg.Concurrency),
campMsgErrorQueue: make(chan msgError, cfg.MaxSendErrors),
campMsgErrorCounts: make(map[int]int),
// NewCampaignMessage creates and returns a CampaignMessage that is made available
// to message templates while they're compiled. It represents a message from
// a campaign that's bound to a single Subscriber.
func (m *Manager) NewCampaignMessage(c *models.Campaign, s models.Subscriber) CampaignMessage {
return CampaignMessage{
Campaign: c,
Subscriber: s,
subject: c.Subject,
from: c.FromEmail,
to: s.Email,
unsubURL: fmt.Sprintf(m.cfg.UnsubURL, c.UUID, s.UUID),
// AddMessenger adds a Messenger messaging backend to the manager.
func (m *Manager) AddMessenger(msg messenger.Messenger) error {
id := msg.Name()
if _, ok := m.messengers[id]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("messenger '%s' is already loaded", id)
m.messengers[id] = msg
return nil
// PushMessage pushes a Message to be sent out by the workers.
func (m *Manager) PushMessage(msg Message) error {
t := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 3)
defer t.Stop()
select {
case m.msgQueue <- msg:
case <-t.C:
m.logger.Println("message push timed out: %'s'", msg.Subject)
return errors.New("message push timed out")
return nil
// HasMessenger checks if a given messenger is registered.
func (m *Manager) HasMessenger(id string) bool {
_, ok := m.messengers[id]
return ok
// HasRunningCampaigns checks if there are any active campaigns.
func (m *Manager) HasRunningCampaigns() bool {
defer m.campsMutex.Unlock()
return len(m.camps) > 0
// Run is a blocking function (that should be invoked as a goroutine)
// that scans the data source at regular intervals for pending campaigns,
// and queues them for processing. The process queue fetches batches of
// subscribers and pushes messages to them for each queued campaign
// until all subscribers are exhausted, at which point, a campaign is marked
// as "finished".
func (m *Manager) Run(tick time.Duration) {
go m.scanCampaigns(tick)
// Spawn N message workers.
for i := 0; i < m.cfg.Concurrency; i++ {
go m.messageWorker()
// Fetch the next set of subscribers for a campaign and process them.
for c := range m.subFetchQueue {
has, err := m.nextSubscribers(c, m.cfg.BatchSize)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Printf("error processing campaign batch (%s): %v", c.Name, err)
if has {
// There are more subscribers to fetch.
m.subFetchQueue <- c
} else if m.isCampaignProcessing(c.ID) {
// There are no more subscribers. Either the campaign status
// has changed or all subscribers have been processed.
newC, err := m.exhaustCampaign(c, "")
if err != nil {
m.logger.Printf("error exhausting campaign (%s): %v", c.Name, err)
m.sendNotif(newC, newC.Status, "")
// messageWorker is a blocking function that listens to the message queue
// and pushes out incoming messages on it to the messenger.
func (m *Manager) messageWorker() {
// Counter to keep track of the message / sec rate limit.
numMsg := 0
for {
select {
// Campaign message.
case msg, ok := <-m.campMsgQueue:
if !ok {
// Pause on hitting the message rate.
if numMsg >= m.cfg.MessageRate {
numMsg = 0
// Outgoing message.
out := messenger.Message{
From: msg.from,
To: []string{},
Subject: msg.subject,
ContentType: msg.Campaign.ContentType,
Body: msg.body,
Subscriber: msg.Subscriber,
Campaign: msg.Campaign,
// Attach List-Unsubscribe headers?
if m.cfg.UnsubHeader {
h := textproto.MIMEHeader{}
h.Set("List-Unsubscribe-Post", "List-Unsubscribe=One-Click")
h.Set("List-Unsubscribe", `<`+msg.unsubURL+`>`)
out.Headers = h
if err := m.messengers[msg.Campaign.Messenger].Push(out); err != nil {
m.logger.Printf("error sending message in campaign %s: %v", msg.Campaign.Name, err)
select {
case m.campMsgErrorQueue <- msgError{camp: msg.Campaign, err: err}:
// Arbitrary message.
case msg, ok := <-m.msgQueue:
if !ok {
err := m.messengers[msg.Messenger].Push(messenger.Message{
From: msg.From,
To: msg.To,
Subject: msg.Subject,
ContentType: msg.ContentType,
Body: msg.Body,
Subscriber: msg.Subscriber,
Campaign: msg.Campaign,
if err != nil {
m.logger.Printf("error sending message '%s': %v", msg.Subject, err)
// TemplateFuncs returns the template functions to be applied into
// compiled campaign templates.
func (m *Manager) TemplateFuncs(c *models.Campaign) template.FuncMap {
return template.FuncMap{
"TrackLink": func(url string, msg *CampaignMessage) string {
return m.trackLink(url, msg.Campaign.UUID, msg.Subscriber.UUID)
"TrackView": func(msg *CampaignMessage) template.HTML {
return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(`<img src="%s" alt="" />`,
fmt.Sprintf(m.cfg.ViewTrackURL, msg.Campaign.UUID, msg.Subscriber.UUID)))
"UnsubscribeURL": func(msg *CampaignMessage) string {
return msg.unsubURL
"OptinURL": func(msg *CampaignMessage) string {
// Add list IDs.
// TODO: Show private lists list on optin e-mail
return fmt.Sprintf(m.cfg.OptinURL, msg.Subscriber.UUID, "")
"MessageURL": func(msg *CampaignMessage) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(m.cfg.MessageURL, c.UUID, msg.Subscriber.UUID)
"Date": func(layout string) string {
if layout == "" {
layout = time.ANSIC
return time.Now().Format(layout)
// Close closes and exits the campaign manager.
func (m *Manager) Close() {
// scanCampaigns is a blocking function that periodically scans the data source
// for campaigns to process and dispatches them to the manager.
func (m *Manager) scanCampaigns(tick time.Duration) {
t := time.NewTicker(tick)
for {
select {
// Periodically scan the data source for campaigns to process.
case <-t.C:
campaigns, err := m.src.NextCampaigns(m.getPendingCampaignIDs())
if err != nil {
m.logger.Printf("error fetching campaigns: %v", err)
for _, c := range campaigns {
if err := m.addCampaign(c); err != nil {
m.logger.Printf("error processing campaign (%s): %v", c.Name, err)
m.logger.Printf("start processing campaign (%s)", c.Name)
// If subscriber processing is busy, move on. Blocking and waiting
// can end up in a race condition where the waiting campaign's
// state in the data source has changed.
select {
case m.subFetchQueue <- c:
// Aggregate errors from sending messages to check against the error threshold
// after which a campaign is paused.
case e, ok := <-m.campMsgErrorQueue:
if !ok {
if m.cfg.MaxSendErrors < 1 {
// If the error threshold is met, pause the campaign.
if m.campMsgErrorCounts[] >= m.cfg.MaxSendErrors {
m.logger.Printf("error counted exceeded %d. pausing campaign %s",
if m.isCampaignProcessing( {
m.exhaustCampaign(, models.CampaignStatusPaused)
// Notify admins.
m.sendNotif(, models.CampaignStatusPaused, "Too many errors")
// addCampaign adds a campaign to the process queue.
func (m *Manager) addCampaign(c *models.Campaign) error {
// Validate messenger.
if _, ok := m.messengers[c.Messenger]; !ok {
m.src.UpdateCampaignStatus(c.ID, models.CampaignStatusCancelled)
return fmt.Errorf("unknown messenger %s on campaign %s", c.Messenger, c.Name)
// Load the template.
if err := c.CompileTemplate(m.TemplateFuncs(c)); err != nil {
return err
// Add the campaign to the active map.
m.camps[c.ID] = c
return nil
// getPendingCampaignIDs returns the IDs of campaigns currently being processed.
func (m *Manager) getPendingCampaignIDs() []int64 {
// Needs to return an empty slice in case there are no campaigns.
ids := make([]int64, 0, len(m.camps))
for _, c := range m.camps {
ids = append(ids, int64(c.ID))
return ids
// nextSubscribers processes the next batch of subscribers in a given campaign.
// If returns a bool indicating whether there any subscribers were processed
// in the current batch or not. This can happen when all the subscribers
// have been processed, or if a campaign has been paused or cancelled abruptly.
func (m *Manager) nextSubscribers(c *models.Campaign, batchSize int) (bool, error) {
// Fetch a batch of subscribers.
subs, err := m.src.NextSubscribers(c.ID, batchSize)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("error fetching campaign subscribers (%s): %v", c.Name, err)
// There are no subscribers.
if len(subs) == 0 {
return false, nil
// Push messages.
for _, s := range subs {
msg := m.NewCampaignMessage(c, s)
if err := msg.Render(); err != nil {
m.logger.Printf("error rendering message (%s) (%s): %v", c.Name, s.Email, err)
// Push the message to the queue while blocking and waiting until
// the queue is drained.
m.campMsgQueue <- msg
return true, nil
// isCampaignProcessing checks if the campaign is bing processed.
func (m *Manager) isCampaignProcessing(id int) bool {
_, ok := m.camps[id]
return ok
func (m *Manager) exhaustCampaign(c *models.Campaign, status string) (*models.Campaign, error) {
delete(m.camps, c.ID)
// A status has been passed. Change the campaign's status
// without further checks.
if status != "" {
if err := m.src.UpdateCampaignStatus(c.ID, status); err != nil {
m.logger.Printf("error updating campaign (%s) status to %s: %v", c.Name, status, err)
} else {
m.logger.Printf("set campaign (%s) to %s", c.Name, status)
return c, nil
// Fetch the up-to-date campaign status from the source.
cm, err := m.src.GetCampaign(c.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If a running campaign has exhausted subscribers, it's finished.
if cm.Status == models.CampaignStatusRunning {
cm.Status = models.CampaignStatusFinished
if err := m.src.UpdateCampaignStatus(c.ID, models.CampaignStatusFinished); err != nil {
m.logger.Printf("error finishing campaign (%s): %v", c.Name, err)
} else {
m.logger.Printf("campaign (%s) finished", c.Name)
} else {
m.logger.Printf("stop processing campaign (%s)", c.Name)
return cm, nil
// trackLink register a URL and return its UUID to be used in message templates
// for tracking links.
func (m *Manager) trackLink(url, campUUID, subUUID string) string {
if uu, ok := m.links[url]; ok {
return fmt.Sprintf(m.cfg.LinkTrackURL, uu, campUUID, subUUID)
// Register link.
uu, err := m.src.CreateLink(url)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Printf("error registering tracking for link '%s': %v", url, err)
// If the registration fails, fail over to the original URL.
return url
m.links[url] = uu
return fmt.Sprintf(m.cfg.LinkTrackURL, uu, campUUID, subUUID)
// sendNotif sends a notification to registered admin e-mails.
func (m *Manager) sendNotif(c *models.Campaign, status, reason string) error {
var (
subject = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", strings.Title(status), c.Name)
data = map[string]interface{}{
"ID": c.ID,
"Name": c.Name,
"Status": status,
"Sent": c.Sent,
"ToSend": c.ToSend,
"Reason": reason,
return m.notifCB(subject, data)
// Render takes a Message, executes its pre-compiled Campaign.Tpl
// and applies the resultant bytes to Message.body to be used in messages.
func (m *CampaignMessage) Render() error {
out := bytes.Buffer{}
// Render the subject if it's a template.
if m.Campaign.SubjectTpl != nil {
if err := m.Campaign.SubjectTpl.ExecuteTemplate(&out, models.ContentTpl, m); err != nil {
return err
m.subject = out.String()
if err := m.Campaign.Tpl.ExecuteTemplate(&out, models.BaseTpl, m); err != nil {
return err
m.body = out.Bytes()
return nil
// Subject returns a copy of the message subject
func (m *CampaignMessage) Subject() string {
return m.subject
// Body returns a copy of the message body.
func (m *CampaignMessage) Body() []byte {
out := make([]byte, len(m.body))
copy(out, m.body)
return out