package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "html/template" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "syscall" "time" "" "" "" goyesqlx "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" flag "" ) const ( queryFilePath = "queries.sql" ) // constants contains static, constant config values required by the app. type constants struct { RootURL string `koanf:"root_url"` LogoURL string `koanf:"logo_url"` FaviconURL string `koanf:"favicon_url"` FromEmail string `koanf:"from_email"` NotifyEmails []string `koanf:"notify_emails"` Privacy struct { AllowBlocklist bool `koanf:"allow_blocklist"` AllowExport bool `koanf:"allow_export"` AllowWipe bool `koanf:"allow_wipe"` Exportable map[string]bool `koanf:"-"` } `koanf:"privacy"` UnsubURL string LinkTrackURL string ViewTrackURL string OptinURL string MessageURL string MediaProvider string } func initFlags() { f := flag.NewFlagSet("config", flag.ContinueOnError) f.Usage = func() { // Register --help handler. fmt.Println(f.FlagUsages()) os.Exit(0) } // Register the commandline flags. f.StringSlice("config", []string{"config.toml"}, "path to one or more config files (will be merged in order)") f.Bool("install", false, "run first time installation") f.Bool("version", false, "current version of the build") f.Bool("new-config", false, "generate sample config file") f.String("static-dir", "", "(optional) path to directory with static files") f.Bool("yes", false, "assume 'yes' to prompts, eg: during --install") if err := f.Parse(os.Args[1:]); err != nil { lo.Fatalf("error loading flags: %v", err) } if err := ko.Load(posflag.Provider(f, ".", ko), nil); err != nil { lo.Fatalf("error loading config: %v", err) } } // initConfigFiles loads the given config files into the koanf instance. func initConfigFiles(files []string, ko *koanf.Koanf) { for _, f := range files { lo.Printf("reading config: %s", f) if err := ko.Load(file.Provider(f), toml.Parser()); err != nil { if os.IsNotExist(err) { lo.Fatal("config file not found. If there isn't one yet, run --new-config to generate one.") } lo.Fatalf("error loadng config from file: %v.", err) } } } // initFileSystem initializes the stuffbin FileSystem to provide // access to bunded static assets to the app. func initFS(staticDir string) stuffbin.FileSystem { // Get the executable's path. path, err := os.Executable() if err != nil { lo.Fatalf("error getting executable path: %v", err) } // Load the static files stuffed in the binary. fs, err := stuffbin.UnStuff(path) if err != nil { // Running in local mode. Load local assets into // the in-memory stuffbin.FileSystem. lo.Printf("unable to initialize embedded filesystem: %v", err) lo.Printf("using local filesystem for static assets") files := []string{ "config.toml.sample", "queries.sql", "schema.sql", "static/email-templates", // Alias /static/public to /public for the HTTP fileserver. "static/public:/public", // The frontend app's static assets are aliased to /frontend // so that they are accessible at /frontend/js/* etc. // Alias all files inside dist/ and dist/frontend to frontend/*. "frontend/dist/:/frontend", "frontend/dist/frontend:/frontend", } fs, err = stuffbin.NewLocalFS("/", files...) if err != nil { lo.Fatalf("failed to initialize local file for assets: %v", err) } } // Optional static directory to override files. if staticDir != "" { lo.Printf("loading static files from: %v", staticDir) fStatic, err := stuffbin.NewLocalFS("/", []string{ filepath.Join(staticDir, "/email-templates") + ":/static/email-templates", // Alias /static/public to /public for the HTTP fileserver. filepath.Join(staticDir, "/public") + ":/public", }...) if err != nil { lo.Fatalf("failed reading static directory: %s: %v", staticDir, err) } if err := fs.Merge(fStatic); err != nil { lo.Fatalf("error merging static directory: %s: %v", staticDir, err) } } return fs } // initDB initializes the main DB connection pool and parse and loads the app's // SQL queries into a prepared query map. func initDB() *sqlx.DB { var dbCfg dbConf if err := ko.Unmarshal("db", &dbCfg); err != nil { lo.Fatalf("error loading db config: %v", err) } lo.Printf("connecting to db: %s:%d/%s", dbCfg.Host, dbCfg.Port, dbCfg.DBName) db, err := connectDB(dbCfg) if err != nil { lo.Fatalf("error connecting to DB: %v", err) } return db } // initQueries loads named SQL queries from the queries file and optionally // prepares them. func initQueries(sqlFile string, db *sqlx.DB, fs stuffbin.FileSystem, prepareQueries bool) (goyesql.Queries, *Queries) { // Load SQL queries. qB, err := fs.Read(sqlFile) if err != nil { lo.Fatalf("error reading SQL file %s: %v", sqlFile, err) } qMap, err := goyesql.ParseBytes(qB) if err != nil { lo.Fatalf("error parsing SQL queries: %v", err) } if !prepareQueries { return qMap, nil } // Prepare queries. var q Queries if err := goyesqlx.ScanToStruct(&q, qMap, db.Unsafe()); err != nil { lo.Fatalf("error preparing SQL queries: %v", err) } return qMap, &q } // initSettings loads settings from the DB. func initSettings(q *Queries) { var s types.JSONText if err := q.GetSettings.Get(&s); err != nil { lo.Fatalf("error reading settings from DB: %s", pqErrMsg(err)) } // Setting keys are dot separated, eg: app.favicon_url. Unflatten them into // nested maps {app: {favicon_url}}. var out map[string]interface{} if err := json.Unmarshal(s, &out); err != nil { lo.Fatalf("error unmarshalling settings from DB: %v", err) } if err := ko.Load(confmap.Provider(out, "."), nil); err != nil { lo.Fatalf("error parsing settings from DB: %v", err) } } func initConstants() *constants { // Read constants. var c constants if err := ko.Unmarshal("app", &c); err != nil { lo.Fatalf("error loading app config: %v", err) } if err := ko.Unmarshal("privacy", &c.Privacy); err != nil { lo.Fatalf("error loading app config: %v", err) } c.RootURL = strings.TrimRight(c.RootURL, "/") c.Privacy.Exportable = maps.StringSliceToLookupMap(ko.Strings("privacy.exportable")) c.MediaProvider = ko.String("upload.provider") // Static URLS. //{campaign_uuid}/{subscriber_uuid} c.UnsubURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s/subscription/%%s/%%s", c.RootURL) //{subscriber_uuid} c.OptinURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s/subscription/optin/%%s?%%s", c.RootURL) //{campaign_uuid}/{subscriber_uuid}/{link_uuid} c.LinkTrackURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s/link/%%s/%%s/%%s", c.RootURL) //{campaign_uuid}/{subscriber_uuid} c.MessageURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s/campaign/%%s/%%s", c.RootURL) //{campaign_uuid}/{subscriber_uuid}/px.png c.ViewTrackURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s/campaign/%%s/%%s/px.png", c.RootURL) return &c } // initCampaignManager initializes the campaign manager. func initCampaignManager(q *Queries, cs *constants, app *App) *manager.Manager { campNotifCB := func(subject string, data interface{}) error { return app.sendNotification(cs.NotifyEmails, subject, notifTplCampaign, data) } if ko.Int("app.concurrency") < 1 { lo.Fatal("app.concurrency should be at least 1") } if ko.Int("app.message_rate") < 1 { lo.Fatal("app.message_rate should be at least 1") } return manager.New(manager.Config{ BatchSize: ko.Int("app.batch_size"), Concurrency: ko.Int("app.concurrency"), MessageRate: ko.Int("app.message_rate"), MaxSendErrors: ko.Int("app.max_send_errors"), FromEmail: cs.FromEmail, UnsubURL: cs.UnsubURL, OptinURL: cs.OptinURL, LinkTrackURL: cs.LinkTrackURL, ViewTrackURL: cs.ViewTrackURL, MessageURL: cs.MessageURL, }, newManagerDB(q), campNotifCB, lo) } // initImporter initializes the bulk subscriber importer. func initImporter(q *Queries, db *sqlx.DB, app *App) *subimporter.Importer { return subimporter.New( subimporter.Options{ UpsertStmt: q.UpsertSubscriber.Stmt, BlocklistStmt: q.UpsertBlocklistSubscriber.Stmt, UpdateListDateStmt: q.UpdateListsDate.Stmt, NotifCB: func(subject string, data interface{}) error { app.sendNotification(app.constants.NotifyEmails, subject, notifTplImport, data) return nil }, }, db.DB) } // initMessengers initializes various messenger backends. func initMessengers(m *manager.Manager) messenger.Messenger { var ( mapKeys = ko.MapKeys("smtp") servers = make([]messenger.Server, 0, len(mapKeys)) ) items := ko.Slices("smtp") if len(items) == 0 { lo.Fatalf("no SMTP servers found in config") } // Load the default SMTP messengers. for _, item := range items { if !item.Bool("enabled") { continue } // Read the SMTP config. var s messenger.Server if err := item.UnmarshalWithConf("", &s, koanf.UnmarshalConf{Tag: "json"}); err != nil { lo.Fatalf("error loading SMTP: %v", err) } servers = append(servers, s) lo.Printf("loaded SMTP: %s@%s", item.String("username"), item.String("host")) } if len(servers) == 0 { lo.Fatalf("no SMTP servers enabled in settings") } // Initialize the default e-mail messenger. msgr, err := messenger.NewEmailer(servers...) if err != nil { lo.Fatalf("error loading e-mail messenger: %v", err) } if err := m.AddMessenger(msgr); err != nil { lo.Printf("error registering messenger %s", err) } return msgr } // initMediaStore initializes Upload manager with a custom backend. func initMediaStore() media.Store { switch provider := ko.String("upload.provider"); provider { case "s3": var o s3.Opts ko.Unmarshal("upload.s3", &o) up, err := s3.NewS3Store(o) if err != nil { lo.Fatalf("error initializing s3 upload provider %s", err) } lo.Println("media upload provider: s3") return up case "filesystem": var o filesystem.Opts ko.Unmarshal("upload.filesystem", &o) o.RootURL = ko.String("app.root_url") o.UploadPath = filepath.Clean(o.UploadPath) o.UploadURI = filepath.Clean(o.UploadURI) up, err := filesystem.NewDiskStore(o) if err != nil { lo.Fatalf("error initializing filesystem upload provider %s", err) } lo.Println("media upload provider: filesystem") return up default: lo.Fatalf("unknown provider. select filesystem or s3") } return nil } // initNotifTemplates compiles and returns e-mail notification templates that are // used for sending ad-hoc notifications to admins and subscribers. func initNotifTemplates(path string, fs stuffbin.FileSystem, cs *constants) *template.Template { // Register utility functions that the e-mail templates can use. funcs := template.FuncMap{ "RootURL": func() string { return cs.RootURL }, "LogoURL": func() string { return cs.LogoURL }} tpl, err := stuffbin.ParseTemplatesGlob(funcs, fs, "/static/email-templates/*.html") if err != nil { lo.Fatalf("error parsing e-mail notif templates: %v", err) } return tpl } // initHTTPServer sets up and runs the app's main HTTP server and blocks forever. func initHTTPServer(app *App) *echo.Echo { // Initialize the HTTP server. var srv = echo.New() srv.HideBanner = true // Register app (*App) to be injected into all HTTP handlers. srv.Use(func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc { return func(c echo.Context) error { c.Set("app", app) return next(c) } }) // Parse and load user facing templates. tpl, err := stuffbin.ParseTemplatesGlob(nil, app.fs, "/public/templates/*.html") if err != nil { lo.Fatalf("error parsing public templates: %v", err) } srv.Renderer = &tplRenderer{ templates: tpl, RootURL: app.constants.RootURL, LogoURL: app.constants.LogoURL, FaviconURL: app.constants.FaviconURL} // Initialize the static file server. fSrv := app.fs.FileServer() srv.GET("/public/*", echo.WrapHandler(fSrv)) srv.GET("/frontend/*", echo.WrapHandler(fSrv)) if ko.String("upload.provider") == "filesystem" { srv.Static(ko.String("upload.filesystem.upload_uri"), ko.String("upload.filesystem.upload_path")) } // Register all HTTP handlers. registerHTTPHandlers(srv) // Start the server. go func() { if err := srv.Start(ko.String("app.address")); err != nil { if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Server closed") { lo.Println("HTTP server shut down") } else { lo.Fatalf("error starting HTTP server: %v", err) } } }() return srv } func awaitReload(sigChan chan os.Signal, closerWait chan bool, closer func()) chan bool { // The blocking signal handler that main() waits on. out := make(chan bool) // Respawn a new process and exit the running one. respawn := func() { if err := syscall.Exec(os.Args[0], os.Args, os.Environ()); err != nil { lo.Fatalf("error spawning process: %v", err) } os.Exit(0) } // Listen for reload signal. go func() { for range sigChan { lo.Println("reloading on signal ...") go closer() select { case <-closerWait: // Wait for the closer to finish. respawn() case <-time.After(time.Second * 3): // Or timeout and force close. respawn() } } }() return out }