"forms.formHTMLHelp":"Use the following HTML to show a subscription form on an external webpage. The form should have the email field and one or more `l` (list UUID) fields. The name field is optional.",
"import.instructionsHelp":"Upload a CSV file or a ZIP file with a single CSV file in it to bulk import subscribers. The CSV file should have the following headers with the exact column names. attributes (optional) should be a valid JSON string with double escaped quotes.",
"import.overwriteHelp":"Overwrite name and attribs of existing subscribers?",
"import.recordsCount":"{num} / {total} records",
"import.stopImport":"Stop import",
"import.title":"Import subscribers",
"lists.confirmDelete":"Are you sure? This does not delete subscribers.",
"lists.confirmSub":"Confirm subscription(s) to {name}",
"lists.invalidName":"Invalid name",
"lists.newList":"New list",
"lists.optinHelp":"Double opt-in sends an e-mail to the subscriber asking for confirmation. On Double opt-in lists, campaigns are only sent to confirmed subscribers.",
"lists.typeHelp":"Public lists are open to the world to subscribe and their names may appear on public pages such as the subscription management page.",
"settings.general.adminNotifEmailsHelp":"Comma separated list of e-mail addresses to which admin notifications such as import updates, campaign completion, failure etc. should be sent.",
"settings.general.faviconURL":"Favicon URL",
"settings.general.faviconURLHelp":"(Optional) full URL to the static favicon to be displayed on user facing view such as the unsubscription page.",
"settings.media.s3.bucketPathHelp":"Path inside the bucket to upload files. Default is /",
"settings.media.s3.bucketType":"Bucket type",
"settings.media.s3.key":"AWS access key",
"settings.media.s3.secret":"AWS access secret",
"settings.media.s3.uploadExpiry":"Upload expiry",
"settings.media.s3.uploadExpiryHelp":"(Optional) Specify TTL (in seconds) for the generated presigned URL. Only applicable for private buckets (s, m, h, d for seconds, minutes, hours, days).",
"settings.media.title":"Media uploads",
"settings.media.upload.path":"Upload path",
"settings.media.upload.pathHelp":"Path to the directory where media will be uploaded.",
"settings.media.upload.uri":"Upload URI",
"settings.media.upload.uriHelp":"Upload URI that is visible to the outside world. The media uploaded to upload_path will be publicly accessible under {root_url}, for instance, https://listmonk.yoursite.com/uploads.",
"settings.messengers.retriesHelp":"Number of times to rety when a message fails.",
"settings.messengers.skipTLSHelp":"Skip hostname check on the TLS certificate.",
"settings.messengers.timeout":"Idle timeout",
"settings.messengers.timeoutHelp":"Time to wait for new activity on a connection before closing it and removing it from the pool (s for second, m for minute).",
"settings.messengers.urlHelp":"Root URL of the Postback server.",
"settings.performance.batchSize":"Batch size",
"settings.performance.batchSizeHelp":"The number of subscribers to pull from the databse in a single iteration. Each iteration pulls subscribers from the database, sends messages to them, and then moves on to the next iteration to pull the next batch. This should ideally be higher than the maximum achievable throughput (concurrency * message_rate).",
"settings.performance.concurrencyHelp":"Maximum concurrent worker (threads) that will attempt to send messages simultaneously.",
"settings.performance.maxErrThresholdHelp":"The number of errors (eg: SMTP timeouts while e-mailing) a running campaign should tolerate before it is paused for manual investigation or intervention. Set to 0 to never pause.",
"settings.performance.messageRateHelp":"Maximum number of messages to be sent out per second per worker in a second. If concurrency = 10 and message_rate = 10, then up to 10x10=100 messages may be pushed out every second. This, along with concurrency, should be tweaked to keep the net messages going out per second under the target message servers rate limits if any.",
"settings.performance.slidingWindowHelp":"Limit the total number of messages that are sent out in given period. On reaching this limit, messages are be held from sending until the time window clears.",
"settings.privacy.allowBlocklistHelp":"Allow subscribers to unsubscribe from all mailing lists and mark themselves as blocklisted?",
"settings.privacy.allowExport":"Allow exporting",
"settings.privacy.allowExportHelp":"Allow subscribers to export data collected on them?",
"settings.privacy.allowWipe":"Allow wiping",
"settings.privacy.allowWipeHelp":"Allow subscribers to delete themselves including their subscriptions and all other data from the database. Campaign views and link clicks are also removed while views and click counts remain (with no subscriber associated to them) so that stats and analytics are not affected.",
"settings.privacy.individualSubTrackingHelp":"Track subscriber-level campaign views and clicks. When disabled, view and click tracking continue without being linked to individual subscribers.",
"settings.privacy.listUnsubHeaderHelp":"Include unsubscription headers that allow e-mail clients to allow users to unsubscribe in a single click.",
"settings.smtp.authProtocol":"Auth protocol",
"settings.smtp.customHeaders":"Custom headers",
"settings.smtp.customHeadersHelp":"Optional array of e-mail headers to include in all messages sent from this server. eg: [{\"X-Custom\": \"value\"}, {\"X-Custom2\": \"value\"}]",
"settings.smtp.heloHost":"HELO hostname",
"settings.smtp.heloHostHelp":"Optional. Some SMTP servers require a FQDN in the hostname. By default, HELLOs go with `localhost`. Set this if a custom hostname should be used.",
"settings.smtp.idleTimeoutHelp":"Time to wait for new activity on a connection before closing it and removing it from the pool (s for second, m for minute).",
"settings.smtp.maxConns":"Max. connections",
"settings.smtp.maxConnsHelp":"Maximum concurrent connections to the SMTP server.",
"settings.smtp.passwordHelp":"Enter to change",
"settings.smtp.portHelp":"SMTP server\"s port.",
"settings.smtp.retriesHelp":"Number of times to rety when a message fails.",
"settings.smtp.skipTLSHelp":"Skip hostname check on the TLS certificate.",
"settings.smtp.tlsHelp":"Enable STARTTLS.",
"settings.smtp.waitTimeout":"Wait timeout",
"settings.smtp.waitTimeoutHelp":"Time to wait for new activity on a connection before closing it and removing it from the pool(s for second, m for minute).",
"subscribers.advancedQueryHelp":"Partial SQL expression to query subscriber attributes",
"subscribers.attribsHelp":"Attributes are defined as a JSON map, for example:",
"subscribers.blocklistedHelp":"Blocklisted subscribers will never receive any e-mails.",