398 lines
16 KiB
398 lines
16 KiB
import React from "react"
import { Link } from "react-router-dom"
import { Row, Col, Button, Table, Icon, Tooltip, Tag, Popconfirm, Progress, Modal, Select, notification, Input } from "antd"
import dayjs from "dayjs"
import relativeTime from 'dayjs/plugin/relativeTime'
import * as cs from "./constants"
class Campaigns extends React.PureComponent {
defaultPerPage = 20
state = {
formType: null,
pollID: -1,
queryParams: "",
stats: {},
record: null,
cloneName: "",
modalWaiting: false
// Pagination config.
paginationOptions = {
hideOnSinglePage: true,
showSizeChanger: true,
showQuickJumper: true,
defaultPageSize: this.defaultPerPage,
pageSizeOptions: ["20", "50", "70", "100"],
position: "both",
showTotal: (total, range) => `${range[0]} to ${range[1]} of ${total}`,
onChange: (page, perPage) => {
this.fetchRecords({ page: page, per_page: perPage })
onShowSizeChange: (page, perPage) => {
this.fetchRecords({ page: page, per_page: perPage })
constructor(props) {
this.columns = [{
title: "Name",
dataIndex: "name",
sorter: true,
width: "30%",
vAlign: "top",
render: (text, record) => {
const out = [];
<div className="name" key={`name-${record.id}`}>
<Link to={ `/campaigns/${record.id}` }>{ text }</Link><br />
<span className="text-tiny">{ record.subject }</span>
if(record.tags.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < record.tags.length; i++) {
out.push(<Tag key={`tag-${i}`}>{ record.tags[i] }</Tag>);
return out
title: "Status",
dataIndex: "status",
className: "status",
width: "10%",
render: (status, record) => {
let color = cs.CampaignStatusColors.hasOwnProperty(status) ? cs.CampaignStatusColors[status] : ""
return (
<Tag color={color}>{status}</Tag>
{record.send_at &&
<span className="text-tiny date">Scheduled — { dayjs(record.send_at).format(cs.DateFormat) }</span>
title: "Lists",
dataIndex: "lists",
width: "20%",
align: "left",
className: "lists",
render: (lists, record) => {
const out = []
lists.forEach((l) => {
<span className="name" key={`name-${l.id}`}><Link to={ `/subscribers/lists/${l.id}` }>{ l.name }</Link></span>
return out
title: "Stats",
className: "stats",
render: (text, record) => {
if(record.status !== cs.CampaignStatusDraft && record.status !== cs.CampaignStatusScheduled) {
return this.renderStats(record)
title: "",
dataIndex: "actions",
className: "actions",
width: "10%",
render: (text, record) => {
return (
<div className="actions">
<Tooltip title="Clone campaign" placement="bottom">
<a role="button" onClick={() => {
let r = { ...record, lists: record.lists.map((i) => { return i.id }) }
}}><Icon type="copy" /></a>
{ ( record.status === cs.CampaignStatusPaused ) &&
<Popconfirm title="Are you sure?" onConfirm={() => this.handleUpdateStatus(record, cs.CampaignStatusRunning)}>
<Tooltip title="Resume campaign" placement="bottom"><a role="button"><Icon type="rocket" /></a></Tooltip>
{ ( record.status === cs.CampaignStatusRunning ) &&
<Popconfirm title="Are you sure?" onConfirm={() => this.handleUpdateStatus(record, cs.CampaignStatusPaused)}>
<Tooltip title="Pause campaign" placement="bottom"><a role="button"><Icon type="pause-circle-o" /></a></Tooltip>
{/* Draft with send_at */}
{ ( record.status === cs.CampaignStatusDraft && record.send_at) &&
<Popconfirm title="The campaign will start automatically at the scheduled date and time. Schedule now?" onConfirm={() => this.handleUpdateStatus(record, cs.CampaignStatusScheduled) }>
<Tooltip title="Schedule campaign" placement="bottom"><a role="button"><Icon type="clock-circle" /></a></Tooltip>
{ ( record.status === cs.CampaignStatusDraft && !record.send_at) &&
<Popconfirm title="Campaign properties cannot be changed once it starts. Start now?" onConfirm={() => this.handleUpdateStatus(record, cs.CampaignStatusRunning) }>
<Tooltip title="Start campaign" placement="bottom"><a role="button"><Icon type="rocket" /></a></Tooltip>
{ ( record.status === cs.CampaignStatusPaused || record.status === cs.CampaignStatusRunning) &&
<Popconfirm title="Are you sure?" onConfirm={() => this.handleUpdateStatus(record, cs.CampaignStatusCancelled)}>
<Tooltip title="Cancel campaign" placement="bottom"><a role="button"><Icon type="close-circle-o" /></a></Tooltip>
{ ( record.status === cs.CampaignStatusDraft || record.status === cs.CampaignStatusScheduled ) &&
<Popconfirm title="Are you sure?" onConfirm={() => this.handleDeleteRecord(record)}>
<Tooltip title="Delete campaign" placement="bottom"><a role="button"><Icon type="delete" /></a></Tooltip>
progressPercent(record) {
return Math.round(this.getStatsField("sent", record) / this.getStatsField("to_send", record) * 100, 2)
isDone(record) {
return this.getStatsField("status", record) === cs.CampaignStatusFinished ||
this.getStatsField("status", record) === cs.CampaignStatusCancelled
// getStatsField returns a stats field value of a given record if it
// exists in the stats state, or the value from the record itself.
getStatsField = (field, record) => {
if(this.state.stats.hasOwnProperty(record.id)) {
return this.state.stats[record.id][field]
return record[field]
renderStats = (record) => {
let color = cs.CampaignStatusColors.hasOwnProperty(record.status) ? cs.CampaignStatusColors[record.status] : ""
const startedAt = this.getStatsField("started_at", record)
const updatedAt = this.getStatsField("updated_at", record)
const sent = this.getStatsField("sent", record)
const toSend = this.getStatsField("to_send", record)
const isDone = this.isDone(record)
const r = this.getStatsField("rate", record)
const rate = r ? r : 0
return (
{ !isDone &&
<Progress strokeColor={ color } status="active"
type="line" percent={ this.progressPercent(record) } />
<Row><Col className="label" span={10}>Sent</Col><Col span={12}>
{ sent >= toSend &&
<span>{ toSend }</span>
{ sent < toSend &&
<span>{ sent } / { toSend }</span>
{ record.status === cs.CampaignStatusRunning &&
<Icon type="loading" style={{ fontSize: 12 }} spin />
{ rate > 0 &&
<Row><Col className="label" span={10}>Rate</Col><Col span={12}>{ Math.round(rate, 2) } / min</Col></Row>
<Row><Col className="label" span={10}>Views</Col><Col span={12}>0</Col></Row>
<Row><Col className="label" span={10}>Clicks</Col><Col span={12}>0</Col></Row>
<br />
<Row><Col className="label" span={10}>Created</Col><Col span={12}>{ dayjs(record.created_at).format(cs.DateFormat) }</Col></Row>
{ startedAt &&
<Row><Col className="label" span={10}>Started</Col><Col span={12}>{ dayjs(startedAt).format(cs.DateFormat) }</Col></Row>
{ isDone &&
<Row><Col className="label" span={10}>Ended</Col><Col span={12}>
{ dayjs(updatedAt).format(cs.DateFormat) }
<Row><Col className="label" span={10}>Duration</Col><Col className="duration" span={12}>
{ startedAt ? dayjs(updatedAt).from(dayjs(startedAt), true) : "" }
componentDidMount() {
componentWillUnmount() {
fetchRecords = (params) => {
let qParams = {
page: this.state.queryParams.page,
per_page: this.state.queryParams.per_page
// The records are for a specific list.
if(this.state.queryParams.listID) {
qParams.listID = this.state.queryParams.listID
if(params) {
qParams = { ...qParams, ...params }
this.props.modelRequest(cs.ModelCampaigns, cs.Routes.GetCampaigns, cs.MethodGet, qParams).then((r) => {
startStatsPoll = () => {
this.setState({ "stats": {} })
// If there's at least one running campaign, start polling.
let hasRunning = false
this.props.data[cs.ModelCampaigns].forEach((c) => {
if(c.status === cs.CampaignStatusRunning) {
hasRunning = true
if(!hasRunning) {
// Poll for campaign stats.
let pollID = window.setInterval(() => {
this.props.request(cs.Routes.GetRunningCampaignStats, cs.MethodGet).then((r) => {
// No more running campaigns.
if(r.data.data.length === 0) {
let stats = {}
r.data.data.forEach((s) => {
stats[s.id] = s
this.setState({ stats: stats })
}).catch(e => {
}, 3000)
this.setState({ pollID: pollID })
handleUpdateStatus = (record, status) => {
this.props.modelRequest(cs.ModelCampaigns, cs.Routes.UpdateCampaignStatus, cs.MethodPut, { id: record.id, status: status })
.then(() => {
notification["success"]({ placement: "topRight", message: `Campaign ${status}`, description: `"${record.name}" ${status}` })
// Reload the table.
}).catch(e => {
notification["error"]({ message: "Error", description: e.message })
handleDeleteRecord = (record) => {
this.props.modelRequest(cs.ModelCampaigns, cs.Routes.DeleteCampaign, cs.MethodDelete, { id: record.id })
.then(() => {
notification["success"]({ placement: "topRight", message: "Campaign deleted", description: `"${record.name}" deleted` })
// Reload the table.
}).catch(e => {
notification["error"]({ message: "Error", description: e.message })
handleToggleCloneForm = (record) => {
this.setState({ record: record, cloneName: record.name })
handleCloneCampaign = (record) => {
this.setState({ modalWaiting: true })
this.props.modelRequest(cs.ModelCampaigns, cs.Routes.CreateCampaign, cs.MethodPost, record).then((resp) => {
notification["success"]({ placement: "topRight",
message: "Campaign created",
description: `${record.name} created` })
this.setState({ record: null, modalWaiting: false })
this.props.route.history.push(cs.Routes.ViewCampaign.replace(":id", resp.data.data.id))
}).catch(e => {
notification["error"]({ message: "Error", description: e.message })
this.setState({ modalWaiting: false })
render() {
const pagination = {
return (
<section className="content campaigns">
<Col span={ 22 }><h1>Campaigns</h1></Col>
<Col span={ 2 }>
<Link to="/campaigns/new"><Button type="primary" icon="plus" role="link">New campaign</Button></Link>
<br />
columns={ this.columns }
rowKey={ record => record.uuid }
dataSource={ this.props.data[cs.ModelCampaigns] }
loading={ this.props.reqStates[cs.ModelCampaigns] !== cs.StateDone }
pagination={ pagination }
{ this.state.record &&
<Modal visible={ this.state.record } width="500px"
title={ "Clone " + this.state.record.name}
confirmLoading={ this.state.modalWaiting }
onCancel={ this.handleToggleCloneForm }
onOk={() => { this.handleCloneCampaign({ ...this.state.record, name: this.state.cloneName }) }}>
<Input autoFocus defaultValue={ this.state.record.name } style={{ width: "100%" }} onChange={(e) => {
this.setState({ cloneName: e.target.value })
}} />
</Modal> }
export default Campaigns