
// commented all code on 2022 07 05
// file can be deleted after this date on next upgrade

// create the new custom fields for this custom post type

// add_action("admin_init", "admin_init");

// function admin_init(){
	// add_meta_box("dades_artistes", "Dades artista i obra", "dades_obres_autor", "page", "normal", "high");
	// add_meta_box("dades_activitats", "Dades activitats", "dades_cal_activitats", "post", "side", "low");
	// add_meta_box("incloure_home","Incloure a la home","incloure_at_home","page","side","high");
	// add_meta_box("incloure_home","Incloure a la home","incloure_at_home","post","side","high");
	// add_meta_box("equip","Dades personals","afegir_dades_personals","page","normal","high");
// }
// add_action( 'init', 'anys_artistes', 0 );

// function anys_artistes() {
	// register_taxonomy('anys', array('page'), array('public' => true, 'label' => 'Anys', 'singular_label' => 'Any', 'rewrite' => true));
	// }

// function dades_obres_autor() {
  // global $post;
  // $custom = get_post_custom($post->ID);
  // $autor_obra = $custom['autor_obra'][0];
  // $data_obra = $custom['data_obra'][0];
  // $autor_data_resid = $custom['autor_data_resid'][0];

  //here we construct the fields for the backend user interface
  <!-- <label class="dd">Cognoms, nom de l'artista:</label> -->
  <!-- <input class="dd" name="autor_obra" value="<?php //if(!empty($autor_obra)) echo $autor_obra; ?>"></input> -->
  <!-- <label class="dd">Periode residència artista:</label> -->
  <!-- <input class="dd" name="autor_data_resid" value="<?php //if(!empty($autor_data_resid)) echo $autor_data_resid; ?>"></input> -->
  <!-- <label class="dd">Data obra:</label> -->
  <!-- <input class="dd" name="data_obra" value="<?php //if(!empty($data_obra)) echo $data_obra; ?>"></input> -->
  <!-- <br/> -->
// }

// function dades_cal_activitats() {
  // global $post;
  // $custom = get_post_custom($post->ID);
  // $data_activitat = $custom['data_activitat'][0];
  // $lloc_activitat = $custom['lloc_activitat'][0];
  // $horari_activitat = $custom['horari_activitat'][0];

  //here we construct the fields for the backend user interface
 <!-- <label class="lateral">Lloc activitat:</label> -->
  <!-- <input class="lateral" name="lloc_activitat" value="<?php //if(!empty($lloc_activitat)) echo $lloc_activitat; ?>"></input> -->
    <!-- <label class="lateral">Data activitat:</label> -->
  <!-- <input class="lateral" name="data_activitat" value="<?php //if(!empty($data_activitat)) echo $data_activitat; ?>"></input> -->
  <!-- <br/> -->
  <!-- <label class="lateral">Horari activitat:</label> -->
  <!-- <input class="lateral" name="horari_activitat" value="<?php //if(!empty($horari_activitat)) echo $horari_activitat; ?>"></input> -->
// }

// function afegir_dades_personals() {
  // global $post;
  // $custom = get_post_custom($post->ID);
  // $carrec = $custom['carrec'][0];
  // $email = $custom['email'][0];
  // $telefon = $custom['telefon'][0];

  //here we construct the fields for the backend user interface
  <!-- <label class="lateral">Càrrec:</label> -->
  <!-- <input class="lateral" name="carrec" value="<?php //if(!empty($carrec)) echo $carrec; ?>"></input> -->
  <!-- <label class="lateral">Email:</label> -->
  <!-- <input class="lateral" name="email" value="<?php //if(!empty($email)) echo $email; ?>"></input> -->
  <!-- <label class="lateral">Telèfon:</label> -->
  <!-- <input class="lateral" name="telefon" value="<?php //if(!empty($telefon)) echo $telefon; ?>"></input> -->
// }
// function incloure_at_home() {
  // global $post;
  // $custom = get_post_custom($post->ID);
  // $Inici = $custom['Inici'][0];
  // $Ordre_inici = $custom['Ordre_inici'][0];
  //here we construct the fields for the backend user interface
  <!-- <label class="lateral petit">Inici? </label> -->
  <!-- <input class="lateral chk" type="checkbox" name="Inici" value="1" <?php //checked( $Inici, 1 ) ;?> /> -->
  <!-- <label class="lateral petit">Ordre:</label> -->
  <!-- <input class="lateral petit" name="Ordre_inici" value="<?php //if(!empty($Ordre_inici)) echo $Ordre_inici; ?>"></input> -->
// }
// here we save the data in database
// add_action('save_post', 'save_details');

// function save_details(){
  // global $post;
  // $post_id = $post->ID;

  // verify if this is an auto save routine. If it is our form has not been submitted, so we dont want
  // to do anything
	 //  if ( defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE )
		// return $post_id;
		// if ($post->post_type == 'page') :
	 // update_post_meta($post_id, "autor_obra", $_POST['autor_obra']);
	 // update_post_meta($post_id, "data_obra", $_POST['data_obra']);
	 // update_post_meta($post_id, "autor_data_resid", $_POST['autor_data_resid']);
	 // update_post_meta($post_id, "Inici", $_POST['Inici']);
	 // update_post_meta($post_id, "Ordre_inici", $_POST['Ordre_inici']);
	 // update_post_meta($post_id, "carrec", $_POST['carrec']);
	 // update_post_meta($post_id, "email", $_POST['email']);
	 // update_post_meta($post_id, "telefon", $_POST['telefon']);
		// else :
	 // update_post_meta($post_id, "Inici", $_POST['Inici']);
	 // update_post_meta($post_id, "Ordre_inici", $_POST['Ordre_inici']);
	 // update_post_meta($post_id, "data_activitat", $_POST['data_activitat']);
	 // update_post_meta($post_id, "lloc_activitat", $_POST['lloc_activitat']);
	 // update_post_meta($post_id, "horari_activitat", $_POST['horari_activitat']);
		// endif;
// } //end function