# CDN Starterkit The CDN Starterkit is rather simple to set up. You don't have to do anything until you wish to override the default [Drupal Bootstrap] base theme settings or provide additional custom CSS. - [Prerequisite](#prerequisite) - [Override Styles](#styles) - [Override Settings](#settings) - [Override Templates and Theme Functions](#registry) ## Prerequisite Read the @link subtheme Sub-theming @endlink parent topic. ## Override Styles {#styles} Open `./subtheme/css/style.css` and modify the file to your liking. ## Override Settings {#settings} Please refer to the @link subtheme_settings Sub-theme Settings @endlink topic. ## Override Templates and Theme Functions {#registry} Please refer to the @link registry Theme Registry @endlink topic. [Drupal Bootstrap]: https://www.drupal.org/project/bootstrap [Bootstrap Framework]: http://getbootstrap.com [jsDelivr CDN]: http://www.jsdelivr.com