/* hangar css styles version 0.6 date: 2020 12 16 author jorge@hangar.org */ :root{ --color-hangar: rgb(0,0,255); --color-body: rgb(20,20,20); --color-secondary: rgb(90,90,90) ; --color-background: rgb(250,250,250); --color-body-invert: rgb(200,200,200); --color-background-invert: rgb(10,10,10); --color-black: rgb(0,0,0); --color-white: rgb(255,255,255); --color-grey-dark: rgb(110,110,110); --color-grey-light: rgb(230,230,230); --global-padding: 1rem; --global-margin: 1rem; --global-border: 0.05rem solid var(--color-grey-light); --global-radius: 1rem; } @media screen{ body{ background-color: var(--color-white); color: var(--color-body); font-family: Helvetica-Rounded, arial rounded, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; } a{ color: var(--color-hangar); } a:hover{ color: var(--color-grey-dark); border-bottom:0.2rem solid var(--color-hangar); margin-bottom:-0.2rem; } .hangar-blue{ color:var(--color-hangar); } .hangar-grey{ color:var(--color-grey-dark); } span.hangar-blue-bg, .hangar-blue-bg img{ background-color:var(--color-hangar); } .hangar-blue-invert{ color:var(--color-white); background-color:var(--color-hangar); } .invert-bg{ background-color: black; } .hangar-logo { font-size:0px; color:transparent; } .hangar-logo::after { display:inline-block; content:''; background-image: url('https://grafica.hangar.org/assets/img/hangar-logo.svg'); width: 9rem; height: 3.8rem; background-size: contain; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; background-color: var(--color-white); position: relative; bottom:-0.5rem; } .hangar-logo.small::after{ width: 4rem; height: 1.7rem; bottom:-0.3rem; } .hangar-logo.icon::after{ background-image: url('https://grafica.hangar.org/assets/img/hangar-logo-icon.svg'); width: 3rem; height:3rem; bottom:-0.3rem; } .hangar-logo.small.icon::after{ width: 1.5rem; height: 1.5rem; bottom:-0.2rem; } .hangar-logo.hangar-blue-bg::after{ background-color:var(--color-hangar); } .up-arrow::before { display:inline; content:"\21D1"; } .up-arrow:hover{ display: inline; } .full-height{ min-height: 100vh; } .hide{ display:none; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{ font-weight: bold; margin:2rem auto; } h1{ font-size:4rem; } h2{ font-size:3.5rem; } h3{ font-size:3rem; } h4{ font-size:2.5rem; } h5{ font-size:2rem; } h6{ font-size:1.5rem; } ul{ list-style: none; } /* menu fixed to the right side*/ .menu-fixed-right { position: fixed; top: 1rem; right: 1em; max-width: 7rem; padding: 0.5rem; background: var(--color-grey-light); font-size: 0.8rem; text-align: right; line-height: 0.9rem; } .menu-fixed-right li { padding: 0.2rem 0; border-bottom:1px dotted var(--color-hangar); } footer { margin-top: 2rem; border-top: var(--global-border); color: var(--color-grey-dark); font-size: 0.8rem; } /* only for class hangar-grafica */ .hangar-grafica h1, .hangar-grafica h2, .hangar-grafica h3, .hangar-grafica h4, .hangar-grafica h5, .hangar-grafica h6 { color: var(--color-grey-dark); background-color: var(--color-grey-light); padding: 0.5rem; } .hangar-grafica .logos a, .hangar-grafica .icons a{ display: inline-block; } .hangar-grafica .logos img { max-width: 30vw; margin:1rem 0; } .hangar-grafica .icons img { max-width: 15vw; } .hangar-grafica figcaption { color: var(--color-grey-dark); font-size: 0.9rem; font-style: italic; } .hangar-grafica .codeblock { background-color: var(--color-grey-light); text-align: left; padding:1rem; } .hangar-grafica a[href$=".SVG"]::after, .hangar-grafica a[href$=".svg"]::after, .hangar-grafica a[href$=".JPG"]::after, .hangar-grafica a[href$=".jpg"]::after, .hangar-grafica a[href$=".PNG"]::after, .hangar-grafica a[href$=".png"]::after, .hangar-grafica a[href$=".GIF"]::after, .hangar-grafica a[href$=".gif"]::after { content: ''; display: inline-block; margin-bottom:1rem; border-bottom: 1px solid grey; } .hangar-grafica a[href$=".SVG"]::after, .hangar-grafica a[href$=".svg"]::after { content:"file svg"; } .hangar-grafica a[href$=".JPG"]::after, .hangar-grafica a[href$=".jpg"]::after { content:"file jpg"; } .hangar-grafica a[href$=".PNG"]::after, .hangar-grafica a[href$=".png"]::after { content:"file png"; } .hangar-grafica a[href$=".GIF"]::after, .hangar-grafica a[href$=".gif"]::after { content:"file gif"; } /* buttons */ .button { background-color: var(--color-hangar); color: var(--color-body-invert); padding: calc(var(--global-padding) / 4); border-radius: calc(var(--global-radius) / 4); } a.button { display: inline-block; margin: calc(var(--global-margin) / 4); } a:hover.button{ border: none; color: var(--color-white); } /* cards - services */ .card { border: var(--global-border); border-radius: var(--global-radius) * 0.3; padding: 1rem; margin: 0.5rem; } .card-divider{ padding-bottom: calc(var(--global-padding)/2); border-bottom: var(--global-border); } .card-divider a{ color: var(--color-body); } .card-image { height: 5rem; display: flex; align-self: center; } .card-section{ padding-top: calc(var(--global-padding) / 2); border-top: var(--global-border); } /* only for live-streaming */ .live-streaming h1, .live-streaming h2, .live-streaming h3, .live-streaming h4, .live-streaming h5, .live-streaming h6{ margin:0.5rem 0; } .live-streaming h1{ font-size: 2.5rem; } .live-streaming h2{ font-size: 2rem; } .live-streaming .video-js, .live-streaming .video-dimensions,.embedchat iframe { width: calc(30vw * 3); height: calc(15vw * 3); margin-bottom:1.5rem; } .embedchat iframe { max-width: 48rem; min-height:24rem; border: none; } /* switches for color & view */ #wrapper.colorswitch-invert, #wrapper.viewswitch-change{ position: absolute; z-index: 0; top: 0; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; overflow: auto; } input.colorswitch, input.viewswitch { display:none; } label.colorswitch, label.viewswitch{ z-index: 10; position:relative; display:inline-block; width: 2rem; height: 1rem; } label.colorswitch { top: 1rem; left: 80vw; } label.viewswitch { top: 2.5rem; left: calc(80vw - 2.3rem); } label.colorswitch .slider,label.viewswitch .slider { position: absolute; cursor: pointer; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; background-color: var(--color-grey-dark); border: var(--global-border); border-radius: var(--global-radius); transition: all 0.4s; } label.colorswitch .slider:before, label.viewswitch .slider:before { position: absolute; content: ""; width: 0.7rem; height: 0.7rem; left: 0.05rem; top: 0.05rem; background-color: var(--color-white); border-radius: var(--global-radius); transition: all 0.4s; } input.colorswitch:checked ~ label.colorswitch .slider,input.viewswitch:checked ~ label.viewswitch .slider { background-color: var(--color-grey-dark); } input.colorswitch:checked ~ label.colorswitch .slider:before,input.viewswitch:checked ~ label.viewswitch .slider:before { transform: translateX(1rem); } label:before,label:after { font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free"; font-size: 0.7rem; display: inline-block; position: absolute; } label.colorswitch:before,label.viewswitch:before { right: 2.5rem; } label.colorswitch:after,label.viewswitch:after { left: 2.5rem; } input.viewswitch ~ label.viewswitch:before { content: "\f0c8\f0c8"/*"top/bottom"*/; transform: rotate(90deg); margin-right:-0.25rem; } input.viewswitch ~ label.viewswitch:after { content: "\f0c8\f0c8"/*"left/right"*/; } input.colorswitch ~ label.colorswitch:before{ content: "\f0eb"/*"light"*/; } input.colorswitch ~ label.colorswitch:after{ content: "\f186"/*"dark"*/; } input.colorswitch:checked ~ label.colorswitch, input.colorswitch:checked ~ label.viewswitch { color:var(--color-white); } input.colorswitch:checked ~ .colorswitch-invert { color: var(--color-white); background: var(--color-body); } input.colorswitch:checked ~ .colorswitch-invert .hangar-logo::after { filter: invert(90%); --webkit-filter: invert(90%); } input.colorswitch:checked ~ .colorswitch-invert code, input.colorswitch:checked ~ .colorswitch-invert .embedchat iframe { filter: invert(80%); --webkit-filter: invert(80%); } input.viewswitch:checked ~ .viewswitch-change .viewswitch-container{ max-width: unset; } input.viewswitch:checked ~ .viewswitch-change .viewswitch-container .video-webchat { flex-flow: row; justify-content: center; } input.viewswitch:checked ~ .viewswitch-change .viewswitch-container .video-js, input.viewswitch:checked ~ .viewswitch-change .viewswitch-container .video-dimensions { width: calc(30vw * 2); max-width:970px; height: calc(15vw * 2); max-height:calc(970px / 2); float: left; margin-right:1rem; } input.viewswitch:checked ~ .viewswitch-change .viewswitch-container .embedchat iframe { width: calc(30vw * 1); height: calc(15vw * 2); max-height:calc(970px / 2); } } @media screen and (min-width:768px) { .live-streaming h2.logo { float: left; margin-right: 2rem; } .live-streaming .video-js, .live-streaming .video-dimensions { width: calc(30vw * 2); max-width:970px; height: calc(15vw * 2); max-height:calc(970px / 2); } .embedchat iframe { width: calc(30vw * 2); max-width: 48rem; height: calc(15vw * 2); min-height:24rem; } } @media screen and (min-width: 850px) { }