describe('Keyboard util', function() { /** * Creates a dummy event to parse. * Uses jQuery Event class constructor. * @param {number} keyCode Key code of the key that is simulated. * @param {object} opts Options that say if modifiers are pressed. * @return {Event} Event to use. */ const createEvent = window.mockKeyboardEvent; const keyCodes = { 'A': 65, 'TAB': 9, 'ENTER': 13, 'ESCAPE': 27, 'SPACE': 32, 'ARROW_LEFT': 37, 'ARROW_UP': 38, 'ARROW_RIGHT': 39, 'ARROW_DOWN': 40 }; afterEach(function() { document.activeElement.blur(); }); it('exists on the Foundation API', function() { (window.Foundation.Keyboard)'object'); }); describe('parseKey()', function() { it('returns the character pressed for a normal key', function() { let event = createEvent(keyCodes['A']), parsedKey = Foundation.Keyboard.parseKey(event);'A'); }); it('returns the character pressed for special keys', function() { for (let key in keyCodes) { let keyCode = keyCodes[key]; let event = createEvent(keyCode), parsedKey = Foundation.Keyboard.parseKey(event);; } }); it('recognizes if CTRL was pressed', function() { let event = createEvent(keyCodes['A'], {ctrl: true}), parsedKey = Foundation.Keyboard.parseKey(event);'CTRL_A'); }); it('recognizes if ALT was pressed', function() { let event = createEvent(keyCodes['A'], {alt: true}), parsedKey = Foundation.Keyboard.parseKey(event);'ALT_A'); }); it('recognizes if SHIFT was pressed', function() { let event = createEvent(keyCodes['A'], {shift: true}), parsedKey = Foundation.Keyboard.parseKey(event);'SHIFT_A'); }); it('recognizes if multiple modifiers were pressed', function() { let event = createEvent(keyCodes['A'], {shift: true, alt: true, ctrl: true}), parsedKey = Foundation.Keyboard.parseKey(event);'ALT_CTRL_SHIFT_A'); }); }); describe('handleKey()', function() { it('executes callback for given key event', function() { let spy = sinon.spy(); // Register component Foundation.Keyboard.register('MyComponent', { 'ESCAPE': 'close' }); let event = createEvent(keyCodes['ESCAPE']); Foundation.Keyboard.handleKey(event, 'MyComponent', { close: () => { spy(); } });; }); it('executes handled callback for given key event', function() { let spy = sinon.spy(); // Register component Foundation.Keyboard.register('MyComponent', { 'ESCAPE': 'close' }); let event = createEvent(keyCodes['ESCAPE']); Foundation.Keyboard.handleKey(event, 'MyComponent', { close: () => { // stuff }, handled: () => { spy(); } });; }); it('executes unhandled callback for given key event', function() { let spy = sinon.spy(); // Register component Foundation.Keyboard.register('MyComponent', { }); let event = createEvent(keyCodes['ESCAPE']); Foundation.Keyboard.handleKey(event, 'MyComponent', { unhandled: () => { spy(); } });; }); }); describe('findFocusable()', function() { it('finds focusable elements inside a container', function() { let $html = $(`
`).appendTo('body'); let $focusable = Foundation.Keyboard.findFocusable($html); $; $html.remove(); }); it('does not find hidden focusable elements', function() { let $html = $(`
`).appendTo('body'); let $focusable = Foundation.Keyboard.findFocusable($html); $; $html.remove(); }); it('does not find disabled focusable elements', function() { let $html = $(`
`).appendTo('body'); let $focusable = Foundation.Keyboard.findFocusable($html); $; $html.remove(); }); it('does not find focusable elements with negative tabindex', function() { let $html = $(`
`).appendTo('body'); let $focusable = Foundation.Keyboard.findFocusable($html); $; $html.remove(); }); }); describe('trapFocus()', function() { it('moves the focus to the first focusable element', function() { let $html = $(`
Link1 Link2 Link3
`).appendTo('body'); Foundation.Keyboard.trapFocus($html); $html.find('a').last().focus(); let event = createEvent(keyCodes['TAB']); $(document.activeElement).trigger(event);$html.find('a').eq(0)[0]); $html.remove(); }); it('moves the focus to the last focusable element', function() { let $html = $(`
Link1 Link2 Link3
`).appendTo('body'); Foundation.Keyboard.trapFocus($html); $html.find('a').first().focus(); let event = createEvent(keyCodes['TAB'], {shift: true}); $(document.activeElement).trigger(event);$html.find('a').eq(2)[0]); $html.remove(); }); }); describe('releaseFocus()', function() { it('stops trapping the focus at the end', function() { let $html = $(`
Link1 Link2 Link3
`).appendTo('body'); Foundation.Keyboard.trapFocus($html); $html.find('a').last().focus(); Foundation.Keyboard.releaseFocus($html); let event = createEvent(keyCodes['TAB']); $(document.activeElement).trigger(event);$html.find('a').eq(0)[0]); $html.remove(); }); it('stops trapping the focus at the top', function() { let $html = $(`
Link1 Link2 Link3
`).appendTo('body'); Foundation.Keyboard.trapFocus($html); $html.find('a').first().focus(); Foundation.Keyboard.releaseFocus($html); let event = createEvent(createEvent(keyCodes['TAB'], {shift: true})); $(document.activeElement).trigger(event);$html.find('a').eq(2)[0]); $html.remove(); }); }); });