describe('Interchange', function () { var plugin; var $html; /** * Generates paths to different assets * @param {[type]} type [description] * @param {[type]} size [description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ var getPath = function(type, size) { switch (type) { case 'image': case 'background': return `_build/assets/img/interchange/strip_icc()/${size}.jpg`; default: return `_build/assets/partials/interchange-${size}.html`; } }; /** * Generates templates to use based on type. * @param {string} type Type to generate, image, background or template. * @return {string} Generated template. */ var generateTemplate = function(type) { var type = type || 'template', tag = type === 'image' ? 'img' : 'div', path; switch (type) { case 'image': return ``; case 'background': return `
`; default: return `
`; } }; afterEach(function() { plugin.destroy(); $html.remove(); }); describe('constructor()', function() { it('stores the element and plugin options', function() { $html = $(generateTemplate('template')).appendTo('body'); plugin = new Foundation.Interchange($html, {}); plugin.$'object');'object'); }); }); describe('replace()', function() { it('replaces src attribute of img', function() { $html = $(generateTemplate('image')).attr('data-interchange', '').appendTo('body'); plugin = new Foundation.Interchange($html, {}); plugin.replace(getPath('img', 'large')); $html.should.have.attr('src', getPath('img', 'large')); }); it('replaces background style of divs', function() { $html = $(generateTemplate('background')).attr('data-interchange', '').appendTo('body'); plugin = new Foundation.Interchange($html, {}); plugin.replace(getPath('background', 'large')); $html[0].style.backgroundImage.should.contain(getPath('background', 'large').replace(/\(/g, '%28').replace(/\)/g, '%29')); }); it('replaces contents of div with templates', function() { $html = $(generateTemplate('template')).attr('data-interchange', '').appendTo('body'); plugin = new Foundation.Interchange($html, {}); var spy = sinon.spy($, 'get'); plugin.replace(getPath('template', 'large')); sinon.assert.calledWith(spy, getPath('template', 'large')); spy.restore(); }); it('fires replaced.zf.interchange event', function() { $html = $(generateTemplate('image')).appendTo('body'); plugin = new Foundation.Interchange($html, {}); let spy = sinon.spy(); $html.on('replaced.zf.interchange', spy); plugin.replace(getPath('image', 'large')); sinon.assert.called(spy); }); }); describe('reflow()', function() { it('calls replace for given media query', function() { $html = $(generateTemplate('image')).attr('data-interchange', '[image.png, (min-width: 1px)]').appendTo('body'); plugin = new Foundation.Interchange($html, {}); let spy = sinon.spy(); plugin.replace = spy; plugin._reflow(); sinon.assert.calledWith(spy, 'image.png'); }); }); describe('generateRules()', function() { it('extracts rules from the plugin element', function() { $html = $(generateTemplate('image')).appendTo('body'); plugin = new Foundation.Interchange($html, {}); plugin._generateRules($html);; }); it('extracts special queries from the plugin element', function() { $html = $(generateTemplate('image')).attr('data-interchange', '[image.png, retina]').appendTo('body'); plugin = new Foundation.Interchange($html, {}); plugin._generateRules($html); plugin.rules[0]['retina']); }); }); describe('addBreakpoints()', function() { it('adds Foundation breakpoints to special queries', function() { $html = $(generateTemplate('image')).appendTo('body'); plugin = new Foundation.Interchange($html, {}); var specialQueriesCount = Object.keys(Foundation.Interchange.SPECIAL_QUERIES).length, foundationMediaQueriesCount = Foundation.MediaQuery.queries.length; Foundation.MediaQuery.queries.push({ name: 'test-query', value: 'test-query-value' }) plugin._addBreakpoints($html); Object.keys(Foundation.Interchange.SPECIAL_QUERIES) + 1); // Reset Foundation.MediaQueries Foundation.MediaQuery.queries.length = foundationMediaQueriesCount; }); }); describe('events()', function () { it('calls reflow on viewport size change once', function (done) { $html = $(generateTemplate('image')).appendTo('body'); plugin = new Foundation.Interchange($html, {}); // Debounce: time Triggers is waiting for an other event without firing anything (10 by default) const debounce = 10; // Initialize Triggers manually to control and test the debounce time Foundation.Triggers.Initializers.addMutationEventsListener($(document)); Foundation.Triggers.Initializers.addResizeListener(debounce); $.triggersInitialized = true; // Trigger several window resize synchrnously and asynchronously. // --- // Timeout delays are most often not respected and the differences between several // timeouts running in parrallel can be huge. To prevent race conditions we: // * nest timeout in order to make the delay between them more precise // * run the test several time to wait for the debounce, which may be finally // called way after the expected time. setTimeout(function () { let spy = sinon.spy(plugin, '_reflow'); $(window).trigger('resize'); $(window).trigger('resize'); setTimeout(function () { $(window).trigger('resize'); $(window).trigger('resize'); tryInterval({ interval: debounce, timeout: 1000, try: () => { sinon.assert.calledOnce(spy); }, then: () => { $.triggersInitialized = false; done(); }, }); }); }); }); }); });