import { Subscription } from '../Subscription'; import { tryCatch } from '../util/tryCatch'; import { errorObject } from '../util/errorObject'; import { OuterSubscriber } from '../OuterSubscriber'; import { subscribeToResult } from '../util/subscribeToResult'; /** * Buffers the source Observable values, using a factory function of closing * Observables to determine when to close, emit, and reset the buffer. * * Collects values from the past as an array. When it * starts collecting values, it calls a function that returns an Observable that * tells when to close the buffer and restart collecting. * * * * Opens a buffer immediately, then closes the buffer when the observable * returned by calling `closingSelector` function emits a value. When it closes * the buffer, it immediately opens a new buffer and repeats the process. * * @example Emit an array of the last clicks every [1-5] random seconds * var clicks = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(document, 'click'); * var buffered = clicks.bufferWhen(() => * Rx.Observable.interval(1000 + Math.random() * 4000) * ); * buffered.subscribe(x => console.log(x)); * * @see {@link buffer} * @see {@link bufferCount} * @see {@link bufferTime} * @see {@link bufferToggle} * @see {@link windowWhen} * * @param {function(): Observable} closingSelector A function that takes no * arguments and returns an Observable that signals buffer closure. * @return {Observable} An observable of arrays of buffered values. * @method bufferWhen * @owner Observable */ export function bufferWhen(closingSelector) { return function (source) { return source.lift(new BufferWhenOperator(closingSelector)); }; } class BufferWhenOperator { constructor(closingSelector) { this.closingSelector = closingSelector; } call(subscriber, source) { return source.subscribe(new BufferWhenSubscriber(subscriber, this.closingSelector)); } } /** * We need this JSDoc comment for affecting ESDoc. * @ignore * @extends {Ignored} */ class BufferWhenSubscriber extends OuterSubscriber { constructor(destination, closingSelector) { super(destination); this.closingSelector = closingSelector; this.subscribing = false; this.openBuffer(); } _next(value) { this.buffer.push(value); } _complete() { const buffer = this.buffer; if (buffer) {; } super._complete(); } /** @deprecated internal use only */ _unsubscribe() { this.buffer = null; this.subscribing = false; } notifyNext(outerValue, innerValue, outerIndex, innerIndex, innerSub) { this.openBuffer(); } notifyComplete() { if (this.subscribing) { this.complete(); } else { this.openBuffer(); } } openBuffer() { let { closingSubscription } = this; if (closingSubscription) { this.remove(closingSubscription); closingSubscription.unsubscribe(); } const buffer = this.buffer; if (this.buffer) {; } this.buffer = []; const closingNotifier = tryCatch(this.closingSelector)(); if (closingNotifier === errorObject) { this.error(errorObject.e); } else { closingSubscription = new Subscription(); this.closingSubscription = closingSubscription; this.add(closingSubscription); this.subscribing = true; closingSubscription.add(subscribeToResult(this, closingNotifier)); this.subscribing = false; } } } //#