--- title: Sass Functions description: Behind the scenes, Foundation is powered by a set of utility Sass functions that help us work with colors, units, selectors, and more. sass: - scss/util/*.scss - '!scss/util/_breakpoint.scss' - '!scss/util/_mixins.scss' --- ## Importing All of Foundation's Sass utilities are in the folder `scss/util`, and broken up into multiple files by category. You can import every utility file at once using this line of code: ```scss @import 'util/util'; ``` Or, utilities can be imported individually. ```scss // Color manipulation @import 'util/color'; // Selector generation @import 'util/selector'; // Unit manipulation and conversion @import 'util/unit'; // Value checking and extraction @import 'util/value'; ```

Variables, functions, or mixins prefixed with -zf- are considered part of the internal API, which means they could change, break, or disappear without warning. We recommend sticking to only the public API, which is documented below.