// Foundation for Sites by ZURB // foundation.zurb.com // Licensed under MIT Open Source //// /// @group xy-grid //// /// Calculate the percentage size of a cell. /// /// @param {Number|List} $size [$grid-columns] - Size to make the cell. You can pass a value in multiple formats, such as `6`, `50%`, `1 of 2` or `1/3`. @function xy-cell-size( $size: $grid-columns ) { // Parsing percents, decimals, n of n and number counts @if type-of($size) == 'number' { @if unit($size) == '%' { $size: $size; } @else if $size < 1 { $size: percentage($size); } @else { $size: percentage($size / $grid-columns); } } // Parsing "n of n" or "n/n" expressions @else if type-of($size) == 'list' { @if length($size) != 3 { @error 'Wrong syntax for xy-cell-size(). Use the format "n of n" or "n/n".'; } @else { $size: percentage(nth($size, 1) / nth($size, 3)); } } // Anything else is incorrect @else { @error 'Wrong syntax for xy-cell-size(). Use a number, decimal, percentage, or "n of n" / "n/n".'; } @return $size; } /// Sets base flex properties for cells. /// /// @param {Keyword} $size [full] - The size of your cell. Accepts `full`, `auto`, `shrink` or `grow`. @mixin xy-cell-base($size: full) { @if($size == 'full') { // This is the base style, all others inherit from it flex: 0 0 auto; min-height: 0px; min-width: 0px; } @else if ($size == 'auto') { flex: 1 1 0px; // sass-lint:disable-line zero-unit } @else if ($size == 'shrink') { flex: 0 0 auto; } @else if ($size == 'grow') { flex: 1 0 auto; } } /// Resets a cells width (or height if vertical is true) as well as strips its gutters. /// /// @param {Boolean} $vertical [false] - Set to true to output vertical (height) styles rather than widths. @mixin xy-cell-reset($vertical: true) { $direction: if($vertical == true, width, height); #{$direction}: auto; max-#{$direction}: none; } // Sets our cell widths or heights depending on gutter type. @mixin -xy-cell-properties($size, $margin-gutter, $vertical) { $direction: if($vertical == true, height, width); @if($size == 'full') { $val: if($margin-gutter == 0, 100%, calc(100% - #{rem-calc($margin-gutter)})); #{$direction}: $val; } @else if ($size == 'auto') { #{$direction}: auto; $val: if($margin-gutter == 0, 100%, calc(100% - #{rem-calc($margin-gutter)})); } @else if ($size == 'shrink') { #{$direction}: auto; } @else { $val: if($margin-gutter == 0, #{xy-cell-size($size)}, calc(#{xy-cell-size($size)} - #{rem-calc($margin-gutter)})); #{$direction}: $val; } } /// Creates a cell for your grid. /// /// @param {Keyword|Number} $size [full] - The size of your cell. Can be `full` (default) for 100% width, `auto` to use up available space and `shrink` to use up only required space. /// @param {Boolean} $gutter-output [true] - Whether or not to output gutters /// @param {Number|Map} $gutters [$grid-margin-gutters] - Map or single value for gutters. /// @param {Keyword} $gutter-type [margin] - Map or single value for gutters. /// @param {List} $gutter-position [right left] - The position to apply gutters to. Accepts `top`, `bottom`, `left`, `right` in any combination. /// @param {String} $breakpoint [null] - The name of the breakpoint size in your gutters map to get the size from. If using with the `breakpoint()` mixin this will be set automatically unless manually entered. /// @param {Boolean} $vertical [false] - Set to true to output vertical (height) styles rather than widths. @mixin xy-cell( $size: full, $gutter-output: true, $gutters: $grid-margin-gutters, $gutter-type: margin, $gutter-position: right left, $breakpoint: null, $vertical: false ) { $bp-is-fallback: false; @if($breakpoint == null) { // If `$bp-size` is available then use this, otherwise revert to the smallest bp. @if(variable-exists(-zf-size) and type-of($-zf-size) != 'number') and $-zf-size != null { $breakpoint: $-zf-size; } @else { $breakpoint: $-zf-zero-breakpoint; $bp-is-fallback: true; } } // Get the gutter for the given breakpoint/value. $gutter: -zf-get-bp-val($gutters, $breakpoint); // If the breakpoint is a fallback, use a fallback gutter as well @if ($bp-is-fallback == true and $gutter == null) { $gutter: 0; } @if($gutter != null) { // Base flex properties @include xy-cell-base($size); @if($gutter-type == 'margin') { @include -xy-cell-properties($size, $gutter, $vertical); } @else { @include -xy-cell-properties($size, 0, $vertical); } @if $gutter-output { @include xy-gutters($gutter, $gutter-type, $gutter-position); } } @else { @warn 'xy-cell: no gutters were found in `$gutters` for "$breakpoint: #{$breakpoint}", cell was not generated`' } } /// Creates a single breakpoint sized grid. Used to generate our grid classes. /// /// @param {Keyword|Number} $size [full] - The size of your cell. Can be `full` (default) for 100% width, `auto` to use up available space and `shrink` to use up only required space. /// @param {Boolean} $gutter-output [true] - Whether or not to output gutters /// @param {Number|Map} $gutters [$grid-margin-gutters] - Map or single value for gutters. /// @param {Keyword} $gutter-type [margin] - Map or single value for gutters. /// @param {String} $breakpoint [null] - The name of the breakpoint size in your gutters map to get the size from. If using with the `breakpoint()` mixin this will be set automatically unless manually entered. /// @param {Boolean} $vertical [false] - Set to true to output vertical (height) styles rather than widths. @mixin xy-cell-static( $size: full, $gutter-output: true, $gutters: $grid-margin-gutters, $gutter-type: margin, $breakpoint: $-zf-zero-breakpoint, $vertical: false ) { $gutter: -zf-get-bp-val($gutters, $breakpoint); $gutter-position: if($vertical == true, top bottom, left right); @if($gutter-type == 'margin') { @include -xy-cell-properties($size, $gutter, $vertical); } @else { @include -xy-cell-properties($size, 0, $vertical); } // If we want to output the gutters @if($gutter-output) { // TODO: Figure out if we need to pass breakpoint in here too. @include xy-gutters($gutter, $gutter-type, $gutter-position); } }