var url = require("url"); module.exports.rewriteLinks = function (userServer) { var host = userServer.hostname; var string = host; var port = userServer.port; if (host && port) { if (parseInt(port, 10) !== 80) { string = host + ":" + port; } } var reg = new RegExp( // a simple, but exact match "https?:\\\\/\\\\/" + string + "|" + // following ['"] + exact "('|\")\\/\\/" + string + "|" + // exact match with optional trailing slash "https?://" + string + "(?!:)(/)?" + "|" + // following ['"] + exact + possible multiple (imr srcset etc) "('|\")(https?://|/|\\.)?" + string + "(?!:)(/)?(.*?)(?=[ ,'\"\\s])", "g"); return { match: reg, //match: new RegExp("https?:\\\\/\\\\/" + string + "|https?://" + string + "(\/)?|('|\")(https?://|/|\\.)?" + string + "(\/)?(.*?)(?=[ ,'\"\\s])", "g"), //match: new RegExp("https?:\\\\?/\\\\?/" + string + "(\/)?|('|\")(https?://|\\\\?/|\\.)?" + string + "(\/)?(.*?)(?=[ ,'\"\\s])", "g"), //match: new RegExp('https?://' + string + '(\/)?|(\'|")(https?://|/|\\.)?' + string + '(\/)?(.*?)(?=[ ,\'"\\s])', 'g'), //match: new RegExp("https?:\\\\/\\\\/" + string, "g"), fn: function (req, res, match) { var proxyUrl = req.headers["host"]; /** * Reject subdomains */ if (match[0] === ".") { return match; } var captured = match[0] === "'" || match[0] === '"' ? match[0] : ""; /** * allow http https * @type {string} */ var pre = "//"; if (match[0] === "'" || match[0] === '"') { match = match.slice(1); } /** * parse the url * @type {number|*} */ var out = url.parse(match); /** * If host not set, just do a simple replace */ if (! { string = string.replace(/^(\/)/, ""); return captured + match.replace(string, proxyUrl); } /** * Only add trailing slash if one was * present in the original match */ if (out.path === "/") { if (match.slice(-1) === "/") { out.path = "/"; } else { out.path = ""; } } /** * Finally append all of parsed url */ return [ captured, pre, proxyUrl, out.path || "", out.hash || "" ].join(""); } }; }; /** * Remove 'domain' from any cookies * @param {Object} res */ module.exports.checkCookies = function checkCookies(res) { if (typeof res.headers["set-cookie"] !== "undefined") { res.headers["set-cookie"] = res.headers["set-cookie"].map(function (item) { return rewriteCookies(item); }); } }; /** * Remove the domain from any cookies. * @param rawCookie * @returns {string} */ function rewriteCookies(rawCookie) { var objCookie = (function () { // simple parse function (does not remove quotes) var obj = {}; var pairs = rawCookie.split(/; */); pairs.forEach(function (pair) { var eqIndex = pair.indexOf("="); // skip things that don't look like key=value if (eqIndex < 0) { return; } var key = pair.substr(0, eqIndex).trim(); obj[key] = pair.substr(eqIndex + 1, pair.length).trim(); }); return obj; })(); var pairs = Object.keys(objCookie) .filter(function (item) { return item.toLowerCase() !== "domain"; }) .map(function (key) { return key + "=" + objCookie[key]; }); if (rawCookie.match(/httponly/i)) { pairs.push("HttpOnly"); } return pairs.join("; "); } module.exports.rewriteCookies = rewriteCookies; //#