var extend = require('util')._extend; var fs = require('fs'); var handlebars = require('handlebars'); var hljs = require('highlight.js'); var marked = require('marked'); var path = require('path'); var renderer = require('./lib/marked'); module.exports = function(input, options, cb) { options = extend({ template: path.join(__dirname, 'template.html') }, options); // Read input file var inputFile = fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), input)); // The divider for pages is four newlines var pages = inputFile.toString().replace(/(?:\r\n)/mg, "\n").split('\n\n\n\n'); // Process each page pages =, i) { // Convert Markdown to HTML var body = marked(page, { renderer: renderer }); // Find the title of the page by identifying the

// The second match is the inner group var foundHeadings = body.match('(.*)

'); var title = foundHeadings && foundHeadings[1] || 'Page ' + (i + 1); var anchor = title.toLowerCase().replace(/[^\w]+/g, '-'); var subheadings = null; if(options.includeSubheadings) { var subheadRe = /((.*?)<\/h2>)/g; var foundSubheadings = []; var match; var i = 0; while((match = subheadRe.exec(body)) !== null) { i = i + 1; var subTitle = match[2]; var subAnchor = anchor + '-sub-' + i; foundSubheadings.push({title: subTitle, anchor: subAnchor, content: match[1]}); } if(foundSubheadings.length) { subheadings = { body = body.replace(subheading.content, '
' + subheading.content); return {title: subheading.title, anchor: subheading.anchor}; }); } } var results = { title: title, anchor: anchor, body: body}; if(subheadings) {results.subheadings = subheadings}; return results; }); // Write file to disk var templateFile = fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), options.template)); var template = handlebars.compile(templateFile.toString(), { noEscape: true }); var outputPath = path.join(process.cwd(), options.output); fs.writeFile(outputPath, template({ pages: pages }), cb); }