var format = require('string-template'); var hljs = require('highlight.js'); var marked = require('marked'); var renderer = new marked.Renderer(); // Prevents Marked from adding an ID to headings renderer.heading = function(text, level) { return format('{0}', [text, level]); } // Allows for the creation of HTML examples and live code in one snippet renderer.code = function(code, language) { var extraOutput = ''; if (typeof language === 'undefined') language = 'html'; // If the language is *_example, live code will print out along with the sample if (language.match(/_example$/)) { extraOutput = format('\n\n
', [code]); language = language.replace(/_example$/, ''); } var renderedCode = hljs.highlight(language, code).value; var output = format('
', [language, renderedCode]); return output + extraOutput; } module.exports = renderer;