As of version 2.0.0, the CHANGELOG is maintained on [GitHub Releases]( # Change Log ## [1.5.4]( (2016-06-22) ## 1.5.3 - Updated UglifyJS to 2.6.2 ## 1.5.2 - Updated UglfiyJS to 2.6.1 ## 1.5.0 - Update UglifyJS to 2.6.0. - CI and dependencies chores. - Attempt to resolve issue #109 where "ghost" files would appear in generated sourcemaps. ## 1.4.2 - Updated UglifyJS to 2.5.0. - CI and dependencies chores. ## 1.4.1 - Detect if options is a non-Object and log a warning. Older versions of Node.js did not allow Strings to be passed to `Object.keys` leading to errors and confusion to users following certain tutorials. ## 1.4.0 - Deprecated the `preserveComments` option of "some". - Added the `preserveComments` option of "license" that uses [`uglify-save-license`]( ## 1.3.0 - Updated UglifyJS to 2.4.24. - Streams3 support via through2 dependency update. ## 1.2.0 - Update dependencies, including UglifyJS to 2.4.19. ## 1.1.0 - Fix sources path in source maps (thanks @floridoo) - Update UglifyJS to 2.4.16 (thanks @tschaub) ## 1.0.0 - Handle cases where UglifyJS uses e.msg instead of e.message for error codes. Fixes #51. - Supplement UglifyJS’s source map merging with vinyl-sourcemap-apply to correct issues where `sources` and `sourcesContent` were different. Fixes #43. - Refactor option parsing and defaults, and calls to uglify-js, to reduce complexity of the main function. - Added tests for the previously forgotten `preserveComments` option. - Updated UglifyJS to 2.4.15. - Changed dependencies to explicit ranges to avoid `node-semver` issues. ## 0.3.2 - Removed the PluginError factory wrapper - Removed test that was failing due to gulp-util issue. - Tests should end the streams they are writing to. - Update dependencies. Fixes #44. Fixes #42. ## 0.3.1 - Fixed homepage URL in npm metadata - Removes UglifyJS-inserted sourceMappingURL comment [Fixes #39] - Don’t pass input source map to UglifyJS if there are no mappings - Added installation instructions ## 0.3.0 - Removed support for old style source maps - Added support for gulp-sourcemap - Updated tape development dependency - Dropped support for Node 0.9 - UglifyJS errors are no longer swallowed ## 0.2.1 - Correct source map output - Remove `gulp` dependency by using `vinyl` in testing - Passthrough null files correctly - Report error if attempting to use a stream-backed file ## 0.2.0 - Dropped support for Node versions less than 0.9 - Switched to using Streams2 - Add support for generating source maps - Add option for preserving comments