--- title: Close Button description: The humble close button can be used anywhere you need something to go away on click. video: '0cvJbo7ItpU' sass: scss/components/_close-button.scss --- A close button is a `

Look at this close button!

``` --- ## Making Closable

The close button on its own doesn't close elements, but you can use it with Toggler, Reveal, Off-canvas, and other plugins that have open and close behaviors.

Any element can be used as a close trigger, not just close button. Adding the attribute data-close to any element within the callout will turn it into a close trigger.

The below example pairs the callout with the close button component and `data-closable` attribute to create a dismissible alert box. Watch this part in video
edit on codepen button

You can so totally close this!

You can close me too, and I close using a Motion UI animation.
