/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const { validate } = require("schema-utils"); const schema = require("../schemas/plugins/WatchIgnorePlugin.json"); /** @typedef {import("../declarations/plugins/WatchIgnorePlugin").WatchIgnorePluginOptions} WatchIgnorePluginOptions */ /** @typedef {import("./Compiler")} Compiler */ /** @typedef {import("./util/fs").WatchFileSystem} WatchFileSystem */ const IGNORE_TIME_ENTRY = "ignore"; class IgnoringWatchFileSystem { /** * @param {WatchFileSystem} wfs original file system * @param {(string|RegExp)[]} paths ignored paths */ constructor(wfs, paths) { this.wfs = wfs; this.paths = paths; } watch(files, dirs, missing, startTime, options, callback, callbackUndelayed) { files = Array.from(files); dirs = Array.from(dirs); const ignored = path => this.paths.some(p => p instanceof RegExp ? p.test(path) : path.indexOf(p) === 0 ); const notIgnored = path => !ignored(path); const ignoredFiles = files.filter(ignored); const ignoredDirs = dirs.filter(ignored); const watcher = this.wfs.watch( files.filter(notIgnored), dirs.filter(notIgnored), missing, startTime, options, (err, fileTimestamps, dirTimestamps, changedFiles, removedFiles) => { if (err) return callback(err); for (const path of ignoredFiles) { fileTimestamps.set(path, IGNORE_TIME_ENTRY); } for (const path of ignoredDirs) { dirTimestamps.set(path, IGNORE_TIME_ENTRY); } callback( err, fileTimestamps, dirTimestamps, changedFiles, removedFiles ); }, callbackUndelayed ); return { close: () => watcher.close(), pause: () => watcher.pause(), getContextTimeInfoEntries: () => { const dirTimestamps = watcher.getContextTimeInfoEntries(); for (const path of ignoredDirs) { dirTimestamps.set(path, IGNORE_TIME_ENTRY); } return dirTimestamps; }, getFileTimeInfoEntries: () => { const fileTimestamps = watcher.getFileTimeInfoEntries(); for (const path of ignoredFiles) { fileTimestamps.set(path, IGNORE_TIME_ENTRY); } return fileTimestamps; } }; } } class WatchIgnorePlugin { /** * @param {WatchIgnorePluginOptions} options options */ constructor(options) { validate(schema, options, { name: "Watch Ignore Plugin", baseDataPath: "options" }); this.paths = options.paths; } /** * Apply the plugin * @param {Compiler} compiler the compiler instance * @returns {void} */ apply(compiler) { compiler.hooks.afterEnvironment.tap("WatchIgnorePlugin", () => { compiler.watchFileSystem = new IgnoringWatchFileSystem( compiler.watchFileSystem, this.paths ); }); } } module.exports = WatchIgnorePlugin;