/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const InitFragment = require("./InitFragment"); const RuntimeGlobals = require("./RuntimeGlobals"); const Template = require("./Template"); const { equals } = require("./util/ArrayHelpers"); const compileBooleanMatcher = require("./util/compileBooleanMatcher"); const propertyAccess = require("./util/propertyAccess"); const { forEachRuntime, subtractRuntime } = require("./util/runtime"); /** @typedef {import("../declarations/WebpackOptions").OutputNormalized} OutputOptions */ /** @typedef {import("./AsyncDependenciesBlock")} AsyncDependenciesBlock */ /** @typedef {import("./ChunkGraph")} ChunkGraph */ /** @typedef {import("./Compilation")} Compilation */ /** @typedef {import("./Dependency")} Dependency */ /** @typedef {import("./Module")} Module */ /** @typedef {import("./ModuleGraph")} ModuleGraph */ /** @typedef {import("./RequestShortener")} RequestShortener */ /** @typedef {import("./util/runtime").RuntimeSpec} RuntimeSpec */ /** * @param {Module} module the module * @param {ChunkGraph} chunkGraph the chunk graph * @returns {string} error message */ const noModuleIdErrorMessage = (module, chunkGraph) => { return `Module ${module.identifier()} has no id assigned. This should not happen. It's in these chunks: ${ Array.from( chunkGraph.getModuleChunksIterable(module), c => c.name || c.id || c.debugId ).join(", ") || "none" } (If module is in no chunk this indicates a bug in some chunk/module optimization logic) Module has these incoming connections: ${Array.from( chunkGraph.moduleGraph.getIncomingConnections(module), connection => `\n - ${ connection.originModule && connection.originModule.identifier() } ${connection.dependency && connection.dependency.type} ${ (connection.explanations && Array.from(connection.explanations).join(", ")) || "" }` ).join("")}`; }; class RuntimeTemplate { /** * @param {Compilation} compilation the compilation * @param {OutputOptions} outputOptions the compilation output options * @param {RequestShortener} requestShortener the request shortener */ constructor(compilation, outputOptions, requestShortener) { this.compilation = compilation; this.outputOptions = outputOptions || {}; this.requestShortener = requestShortener; } isIIFE() { return this.outputOptions.iife; } isModule() { return this.outputOptions.module; } supportsConst() { return this.outputOptions.environment.const; } supportsArrowFunction() { return this.outputOptions.environment.arrowFunction; } supportsForOf() { return this.outputOptions.environment.forOf; } supportsDestructuring() { return this.outputOptions.environment.destructuring; } supportsBigIntLiteral() { return this.outputOptions.environment.bigIntLiteral; } supportsDynamicImport() { return this.outputOptions.environment.dynamicImport; } supportsEcmaScriptModuleSyntax() { return this.outputOptions.environment.module; } supportTemplateLiteral() { // TODO return false; } returningFunction(returnValue, args = "") { return this.supportsArrowFunction() ? `(${args}) => (${returnValue})` : `function(${args}) { return ${returnValue}; }`; } basicFunction(args, body) { return this.supportsArrowFunction() ? `(${args}) => {\n${Template.indent(body)}\n}` : `function(${args}) {\n${Template.indent(body)}\n}`; } expressionFunction(expression, args = "") { return this.supportsArrowFunction() ? `(${args}) => (${expression})` : `function(${args}) { ${expression}; }`; } emptyFunction() { return this.supportsArrowFunction() ? "x => {}" : "function() {}"; } destructureArray(items, value) { return this.supportsDestructuring() ? `var [${items.join(", ")}] = ${value};` : Template.asString( items.map((item, i) => `var ${item} = ${value}[${i}];`) ); } iife(args, body) { return `(${this.basicFunction(args, body)})()`; } forEach(variable, array, body) { return this.supportsForOf() ? `for(const ${variable} of ${array}) {\n${Template.indent(body)}\n}` : `${array}.forEach(function(${variable}) {\n${Template.indent( body )}\n});`; } /** * Add a comment * @param {object} options Information content of the comment * @param {string=} options.request request string used originally * @param {string=} options.chunkName name of the chunk referenced * @param {string=} options.chunkReason reason information of the chunk * @param {string=} options.message additional message * @param {string=} options.exportName name of the export * @returns {string} comment */ comment({ request, chunkName, chunkReason, message, exportName }) { let content; if (this.outputOptions.pathinfo) { content = [message, request, chunkName, chunkReason] .filter(Boolean) .map(item => this.requestShortener.shorten(item)) .join(" | "); } else { content = [message, chunkName, chunkReason] .filter(Boolean) .map(item => this.requestShortener.shorten(item)) .join(" | "); } if (!content) return ""; if (this.outputOptions.pathinfo) { return Template.toComment(content) + " "; } else { return Template.toNormalComment(content) + " "; } } /** * @param {object} options generation options * @param {string=} options.request request string used originally * @returns {string} generated error block */ throwMissingModuleErrorBlock({ request }) { const err = `Cannot find module '${request}'`; return `var e = new Error(${JSON.stringify( err )}); e.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'; throw e;`; } /** * @param {object} options generation options * @param {string=} options.request request string used originally * @returns {string} generated error function */ throwMissingModuleErrorFunction({ request }) { return `function webpackMissingModule() { ${this.throwMissingModuleErrorBlock( { request } )} }`; } /** * @param {object} options generation options * @param {string=} options.request request string used originally * @returns {string} generated error IIFE */ missingModule({ request }) { return `Object(${this.throwMissingModuleErrorFunction({ request })}())`; } /** * @param {object} options generation options * @param {string=} options.request request string used originally * @returns {string} generated error statement */ missingModuleStatement({ request }) { return `${this.missingModule({ request })};\n`; } /** * @param {object} options generation options * @param {string=} options.request request string used originally * @returns {string} generated error code */ missingModulePromise({ request }) { return `Promise.resolve().then(${this.throwMissingModuleErrorFunction({ request })})`; } /** * @param {Object} options options object * @param {ChunkGraph} options.chunkGraph the chunk graph * @param {Module} options.module the module * @param {string} options.request the request that should be printed as comment * @param {string=} options.idExpr expression to use as id expression * @param {"expression" | "promise" | "statements"} options.type which kind of code should be returned * @returns {string} the code */ weakError({ module, chunkGraph, request, idExpr, type }) { const moduleId = chunkGraph.getModuleId(module); const errorMessage = moduleId === null ? JSON.stringify("Module is not available (weak dependency)") : idExpr ? `"Module '" + ${idExpr} + "' is not available (weak dependency)"` : JSON.stringify( `Module '${moduleId}' is not available (weak dependency)` ); const comment = request ? Template.toNormalComment(request) + " " : ""; const errorStatements = `var e = new Error(${errorMessage}); ` + comment + "e.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'; throw e;"; switch (type) { case "statements": return errorStatements; case "promise": return `Promise.resolve().then(${this.basicFunction( "", errorStatements )})`; case "expression": return this.iife("", errorStatements); } } /** * @param {Object} options options object * @param {Module} options.module the module * @param {ChunkGraph} options.chunkGraph the chunk graph * @param {string} options.request the request that should be printed as comment * @param {boolean=} options.weak if the dependency is weak (will create a nice error message) * @returns {string} the expression */ moduleId({ module, chunkGraph, request, weak }) { if (!module) { return this.missingModule({ request }); } const moduleId = chunkGraph.getModuleId(module); if (moduleId === null) { if (weak) { return "null /* weak dependency, without id */"; } throw new Error( `RuntimeTemplate.moduleId(): ${noModuleIdErrorMessage( module, chunkGraph )}` ); } return `${this.comment({ request })}${JSON.stringify(moduleId)}`; } /** * @param {Object} options options object * @param {Module} options.module the module * @param {ChunkGraph} options.chunkGraph the chunk graph * @param {string} options.request the request that should be printed as comment * @param {boolean=} options.weak if the dependency is weak (will create a nice error message) * @param {Set} options.runtimeRequirements if set, will be filled with runtime requirements * @returns {string} the expression */ moduleRaw({ module, chunkGraph, request, weak, runtimeRequirements }) { if (!module) { return this.missingModule({ request }); } const moduleId = chunkGraph.getModuleId(module); if (moduleId === null) { if (weak) { // only weak referenced modules don't get an id // we can always emit an error emitting code here return this.weakError({ module, chunkGraph, request, type: "expression" }); } throw new Error( `RuntimeTemplate.moduleId(): ${noModuleIdErrorMessage( module, chunkGraph )}` ); } runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.require); return `__webpack_require__(${this.moduleId({ module, chunkGraph, request, weak })})`; } /** * @param {Object} options options object * @param {Module} options.module the module * @param {ChunkGraph} options.chunkGraph the chunk graph * @param {string} options.request the request that should be printed as comment * @param {boolean=} options.weak if the dependency is weak (will create a nice error message) * @param {Set} options.runtimeRequirements if set, will be filled with runtime requirements * @returns {string} the expression */ moduleExports({ module, chunkGraph, request, weak, runtimeRequirements }) { return this.moduleRaw({ module, chunkGraph, request, weak, runtimeRequirements }); } /** * @param {Object} options options object * @param {Module} options.module the module * @param {ChunkGraph} options.chunkGraph the chunk graph * @param {string} options.request the request that should be printed as comment * @param {boolean=} options.strict if the current module is in strict esm mode * @param {boolean=} options.weak if the dependency is weak (will create a nice error message) * @param {Set} options.runtimeRequirements if set, will be filled with runtime requirements * @returns {string} the expression */ moduleNamespace({ module, chunkGraph, request, strict, weak, runtimeRequirements }) { if (!module) { return this.missingModule({ request }); } if (chunkGraph.getModuleId(module) === null) { if (weak) { // only weak referenced modules don't get an id // we can always emit an error emitting code here return this.weakError({ module, chunkGraph, request, type: "expression" }); } throw new Error( `RuntimeTemplate.moduleNamespace(): ${noModuleIdErrorMessage( module, chunkGraph )}` ); } const moduleId = this.moduleId({ module, chunkGraph, request, weak }); const exportsType = module.getExportsType(chunkGraph.moduleGraph, strict); switch (exportsType) { case "namespace": return this.moduleRaw({ module, chunkGraph, request, weak, runtimeRequirements }); case "default-with-named": runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.createFakeNamespaceObject); return `${RuntimeGlobals.createFakeNamespaceObject}(${moduleId}, 3)`; case "default-only": runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.createFakeNamespaceObject); return `${RuntimeGlobals.createFakeNamespaceObject}(${moduleId}, 1)`; case "dynamic": runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.createFakeNamespaceObject); return `${RuntimeGlobals.createFakeNamespaceObject}(${moduleId}, 7)`; } } /** * @param {Object} options options object * @param {ChunkGraph} options.chunkGraph the chunk graph * @param {AsyncDependenciesBlock=} options.block the current dependencies block * @param {Module} options.module the module * @param {string} options.request the request that should be printed as comment * @param {string} options.message a message for the comment * @param {boolean=} options.strict if the current module is in strict esm mode * @param {boolean=} options.weak if the dependency is weak (will create a nice error message) * @param {Set} options.runtimeRequirements if set, will be filled with runtime requirements * @returns {string} the promise expression */ moduleNamespacePromise({ chunkGraph, block, module, request, message, strict, weak, runtimeRequirements }) { if (!module) { return this.missingModulePromise({ request }); } const moduleId = chunkGraph.getModuleId(module); if (moduleId === null) { if (weak) { // only weak referenced modules don't get an id // we can always emit an error emitting code here return this.weakError({ module, chunkGraph, request, type: "promise" }); } throw new Error( `RuntimeTemplate.moduleNamespacePromise(): ${noModuleIdErrorMessage( module, chunkGraph )}` ); } const promise = this.blockPromise({ chunkGraph, block, message, runtimeRequirements }); let appending; let idExpr = JSON.stringify(chunkGraph.getModuleId(module)); const comment = this.comment({ request }); let header = ""; if (weak) { if (idExpr.length > 8) { // 'var x="nnnnnn";x,"+x+",x' vs '"nnnnnn",nnnnnn,"nnnnnn"' header += `var id = ${idExpr}; `; idExpr = "id"; } runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.moduleFactories); header += `if(!${ RuntimeGlobals.moduleFactories }[${idExpr}]) { ${this.weakError({ module, chunkGraph, request, idExpr, type: "statements" })} } `; } const moduleIdExpr = this.moduleId({ module, chunkGraph, request, weak }); const exportsType = module.getExportsType(chunkGraph.moduleGraph, strict); let fakeType = 16; switch (exportsType) { case "namespace": if (header) { const rawModule = this.moduleRaw({ module, chunkGraph, request, weak, runtimeRequirements }); appending = `.then(${this.basicFunction( "", `${header}return ${rawModule};` )})`; } else { runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.require); appending = `.then(__webpack_require__.bind(__webpack_require__, ${comment}${idExpr}))`; } break; case "dynamic": fakeType |= 4; /* fall through */ case "default-with-named": fakeType |= 2; /* fall through */ case "default-only": runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.createFakeNamespaceObject); if (chunkGraph.moduleGraph.isAsync(module)) { if (header) { const rawModule = this.moduleRaw({ module, chunkGraph, request, weak, runtimeRequirements }); appending = `.then(${this.basicFunction( "", `${header}return ${rawModule};` )})`; } else { runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.require); appending = `.then(__webpack_require__.bind(__webpack_require__, ${comment}${idExpr}))`; } appending += `.then(${this.returningFunction( `${RuntimeGlobals.createFakeNamespaceObject}(m, ${fakeType})`, "m" )})`; } else { fakeType |= 1; if (header) { const returnExpression = `${RuntimeGlobals.createFakeNamespaceObject}(${moduleIdExpr}, ${fakeType})`; appending = `.then(${this.basicFunction( "", `${header}return ${returnExpression};` )})`; } else { appending = `.then(${RuntimeGlobals.createFakeNamespaceObject}.bind(__webpack_require__, ${comment}${idExpr}, ${fakeType}))`; } } break; } return `${promise || "Promise.resolve()"}${appending}`; } /** * @param {Object} options options object * @param {ChunkGraph} options.chunkGraph the chunk graph * @param {RuntimeSpec=} options.runtime runtime for which this code will be generated * @param {RuntimeSpec | boolean=} options.runtimeCondition only execute the statement in some runtimes * @param {Set} options.runtimeRequirements if set, will be filled with runtime requirements * @returns {string} expression */ runtimeConditionExpression({ chunkGraph, runtimeCondition, runtime, runtimeRequirements }) { if (runtimeCondition === undefined) return "true"; if (typeof runtimeCondition === "boolean") return `${runtimeCondition}`; /** @type {Set} */ const positiveRuntimeIds = new Set(); forEachRuntime(runtimeCondition, runtime => positiveRuntimeIds.add(`${chunkGraph.getRuntimeId(runtime)}`) ); /** @type {Set} */ const negativeRuntimeIds = new Set(); forEachRuntime(subtractRuntime(runtime, runtimeCondition), runtime => negativeRuntimeIds.add(`${chunkGraph.getRuntimeId(runtime)}`) ); runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.runtimeId); return compileBooleanMatcher.fromLists( Array.from(positiveRuntimeIds), Array.from(negativeRuntimeIds) )(RuntimeGlobals.runtimeId); } /** * * @param {Object} options options object * @param {boolean=} options.update whether a new variable should be created or the existing one updated * @param {Module} options.module the module * @param {ChunkGraph} options.chunkGraph the chunk graph * @param {string} options.request the request that should be printed as comment * @param {string} options.importVar name of the import variable * @param {Module} options.originModule module in which the statement is emitted * @param {boolean=} options.weak true, if this is a weak dependency * @param {Set} options.runtimeRequirements if set, will be filled with runtime requirements * @returns {[string, string]} the import statement and the compat statement */ importStatement({ update, module, chunkGraph, request, importVar, originModule, weak, runtimeRequirements }) { if (!module) { return [ this.missingModuleStatement({ request }), "" ]; } if (chunkGraph.getModuleId(module) === null) { if (weak) { // only weak referenced modules don't get an id // we can always emit an error emitting code here return [ this.weakError({ module, chunkGraph, request, type: "statements" }), "" ]; } throw new Error( `RuntimeTemplate.importStatement(): ${noModuleIdErrorMessage( module, chunkGraph )}` ); } const moduleId = this.moduleId({ module, chunkGraph, request, weak }); const optDeclaration = update ? "" : "var "; const exportsType = module.getExportsType( chunkGraph.moduleGraph, originModule.buildMeta.strictHarmonyModule ); runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.require); const importContent = `/* harmony import */ ${optDeclaration}${importVar} = __webpack_require__(${moduleId});\n`; if (exportsType === "dynamic") { runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.compatGetDefaultExport); return [ importContent, `/* harmony import */ ${optDeclaration}${importVar}_default = /*#__PURE__*/${RuntimeGlobals.compatGetDefaultExport}(${importVar});\n` ]; } return [importContent, ""]; } /** * @param {Object} options options * @param {ModuleGraph} options.moduleGraph the module graph * @param {Module} options.module the module * @param {string} options.request the request * @param {string | string[]} options.exportName the export name * @param {Module} options.originModule the origin module * @param {boolean|undefined} options.asiSafe true, if location is safe for ASI, a bracket can be emitted * @param {boolean} options.isCall true, if expression will be called * @param {boolean} options.callContext when false, call context will not be preserved * @param {boolean} options.defaultInterop when true and accessing the default exports, interop code will be generated * @param {string} options.importVar the identifier name of the import variable * @param {InitFragment[]} options.initFragments init fragments will be added here * @param {RuntimeSpec} options.runtime runtime for which this code will be generated * @param {Set} options.runtimeRequirements if set, will be filled with runtime requirements * @returns {string} expression */ exportFromImport({ moduleGraph, module, request, exportName, originModule, asiSafe, isCall, callContext, defaultInterop, importVar, initFragments, runtime, runtimeRequirements }) { if (!module) { return this.missingModule({ request }); } if (!Array.isArray(exportName)) { exportName = exportName ? [exportName] : []; } const exportsType = module.getExportsType( moduleGraph, originModule.buildMeta.strictHarmonyModule ); if (defaultInterop) { if (exportName.length > 0 && exportName[0] === "default") { switch (exportsType) { case "dynamic": if (isCall) { return `${importVar}_default()${propertyAccess(exportName, 1)}`; } else { return asiSafe ? `(${importVar}_default()${propertyAccess(exportName, 1)})` : asiSafe === false ? `;(${importVar}_default()${propertyAccess(exportName, 1)})` : `${importVar}_default.a${propertyAccess(exportName, 1)}`; } case "default-only": case "default-with-named": exportName = exportName.slice(1); break; } } else if (exportName.length > 0) { if (exportsType === "default-only") { return ( "/* non-default import from non-esm module */undefined" + propertyAccess(exportName, 1) ); } else if ( exportsType !== "namespace" && exportName[0] === "__esModule" ) { return "/* __esModule */true"; } } else if ( exportsType === "default-only" || exportsType === "default-with-named" ) { runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.createFakeNamespaceObject); initFragments.push( new InitFragment( `var ${importVar}_namespace_cache;\n`, InitFragment.STAGE_CONSTANTS, -1, `${importVar}_namespace_cache` ) ); return `/*#__PURE__*/ ${ asiSafe ? "" : asiSafe === false ? ";" : "Object" }(${importVar}_namespace_cache || (${importVar}_namespace_cache = ${ RuntimeGlobals.createFakeNamespaceObject }(${importVar}${exportsType === "default-only" ? "" : ", 2"})))`; } } if (exportName.length > 0) { const exportsInfo = moduleGraph.getExportsInfo(module); const used = exportsInfo.getUsedName(exportName, runtime); if (!used) { const comment = Template.toNormalComment( `unused export ${propertyAccess(exportName)}` ); return `${comment} undefined`; } const comment = equals(used, exportName) ? "" : Template.toNormalComment(propertyAccess(exportName)) + " "; const access = `${importVar}${comment}${propertyAccess(used)}`; if (isCall && callContext === false) { return asiSafe ? `(0,${access})` : asiSafe === false ? `;(0,${access})` : `Object(${access})`; } return access; } else { return importVar; } } /** * @param {Object} options options * @param {AsyncDependenciesBlock} options.block the async block * @param {string} options.message the message * @param {ChunkGraph} options.chunkGraph the chunk graph * @param {Set} options.runtimeRequirements if set, will be filled with runtime requirements * @returns {string} expression */ blockPromise({ block, message, chunkGraph, runtimeRequirements }) { if (!block) { const comment = this.comment({ message }); return `Promise.resolve(${comment.trim()})`; } const chunkGroup = chunkGraph.getBlockChunkGroup(block); if (!chunkGroup || chunkGroup.chunks.length === 0) { const comment = this.comment({ message }); return `Promise.resolve(${comment.trim()})`; } const chunks = chunkGroup.chunks.filter( chunk => !chunk.hasRuntime() && chunk.id !== null ); const comment = this.comment({ message, chunkName: block.chunkName }); if (chunks.length === 1) { const chunkId = JSON.stringify(chunks[0].id); runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.ensureChunk); return `${RuntimeGlobals.ensureChunk}(${comment}${chunkId})`; } else if (chunks.length > 0) { runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.ensureChunk); const requireChunkId = chunk => `${RuntimeGlobals.ensureChunk}(${JSON.stringify(chunk.id)})`; return `Promise.all(${comment.trim()}[${chunks .map(requireChunkId) .join(", ")}])`; } else { return `Promise.resolve(${comment.trim()})`; } } /** * @param {Object} options options * @param {AsyncDependenciesBlock} options.block the async block * @param {ChunkGraph} options.chunkGraph the chunk graph * @param {Set} options.runtimeRequirements if set, will be filled with runtime requirements * @param {string=} options.request request string used originally * @returns {string} expression */ asyncModuleFactory({ block, chunkGraph, runtimeRequirements, request }) { const dep = block.dependencies[0]; const module = chunkGraph.moduleGraph.getModule(dep); const ensureChunk = this.blockPromise({ block, message: "", chunkGraph, runtimeRequirements }); const factory = this.returningFunction( this.moduleRaw({ module, chunkGraph, request, runtimeRequirements }) ); return this.returningFunction( ensureChunk.startsWith("Promise.resolve(") ? `${factory}` : `${ensureChunk}.then(${this.returningFunction(factory)})` ); } /** * @param {Object} options options * @param {Dependency} options.dependency the dependency * @param {ChunkGraph} options.chunkGraph the chunk graph * @param {Set} options.runtimeRequirements if set, will be filled with runtime requirements * @param {string=} options.request request string used originally * @returns {string} expression */ syncModuleFactory({ dependency, chunkGraph, runtimeRequirements, request }) { const module = chunkGraph.moduleGraph.getModule(dependency); const factory = this.returningFunction( this.moduleRaw({ module, chunkGraph, request, runtimeRequirements }) ); return this.returningFunction(factory); } /** * @param {Object} options options * @param {string} options.exportsArgument the name of the exports object * @param {Set} options.runtimeRequirements if set, will be filled with runtime requirements * @returns {string} statement */ defineEsModuleFlagStatement({ exportsArgument, runtimeRequirements }) { runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.makeNamespaceObject); runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.exports); return `${RuntimeGlobals.makeNamespaceObject}(${exportsArgument});\n`; } } module.exports = RuntimeTemplate;