through2-concurrent =================== [![NPM](]( A simple way to create a Node.JS Transform stream which processes in parallel. You can limit the concurrency (default is 16) and order is *not* preserved (so chunks/objects can end up in a different order to the order they started in if the transform functions take different amounts of time). Built using [through2]( and has the same API with the addition of a `maxConcurrency` option. Non-`objectMode` streams are supported for completeness but I'm not sure they'd be useful for anything. Written by Thomas Parslow ([]( and []( as part of Active Inbox ([]( [![Build Status](]( Install ------- ```bash npm install --save through2-concurrent ``` Examples -------- Process lines from a CSV in paralel. The order the results end up in the `all` variable is not deterministic. ```javascript var through2Concurrent = require('through2-concurrent'); var all = []; fs.createReadStream('data.csv') .pipe(csv2()) .pipe(through2Concurrent.obj( {maxConcurrency: 10}, function (chunk, enc, callback) { var self = this; someThingAsync(chunk, function (newChunk) { self.push(newChunk); callback(); }); })) .on('data', function (data) { all.push(data) }) .on('end', function () { doSomethingSpecial(all) }) ``` Contributing ------------ Fixed or improved stuff? Great! Send me a pull request [through GitHub]( or get in touch on Twitter [@almostobsolete][#tom-twitter] or email at [#tom]: [#tom-twitter]: