# Style Sherpa Style Sherpa is a simple style guide generator. It takes a single Markdown file and converts it to a pre-made HTML template with tabbed sections. The template is powered by [Foundation for Sites](http://foundation.zurb.com). ## Installation ```bash npm install style-sherpa --save-dev ``` ## Usage Your style guide lives in a single Markdown file, which can have any name and sit anywhere in your project. Use first-level headings (a single `#` before a title) to mark new sections in the style guide. ```markdown # Section 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Fuga saepe, vero ratione optio illum aliquam. Sint esse velit est voluptatum. Ipsa tempora saepe nostrum quidem voluptatem esse voluptatum quibusdam laboriosam! ``` To create new sections, add four line breaks. ```markdown # Section 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Fuga saepe, vero ratione optio illum aliquam. Sint esse velit est voluptatum. Ipsa tempora saepe nostrum quidem voluptatem esse voluptatum quibusdam laboriosam! # Section 2 ``` To actually run the parser, include the `style-sherpa` library and run the command. At minimum you need file paths for the input and output, but you can also optionally specify a custom template, or supply a callback. ```javascript var sherpa = require('style-sherpa'); sherpa('./test/fixtures/test.md', { output: './test/fixtures/test.html', template: './template.hbs' }, cb()); ``` ### sherpa(input [, options, callback]) Generates an HTML style guide from a Markdown file. #### input **Type:** `String` Path to the input Markdown file to parse. #### options **Type:** `Object` - `output` (`String`): Path to output the finished HTML file. Defaults to the current working directory. - `template` (`String`): Path to a custom Handlebars template to use, instead of the default one. ### callback **Type:** `Function` Callback to run when the file has been written to disk.