var tape = require('tape') var through = require('through2') var ndjson = require('ndjson') var each = require('./') tape('each', function (t) { var s = through.obj() s.write('a') s.write('b') s.write('c') s.end() s.on('end', function () { t.end() }) var expected = ['a', 'b', 'c'] each(s, function (data, next) { t.same(data, expected.shift()) next() }) }) tape('each and callback', function (t) { var s = through.obj() s.write('a') s.write('b') s.write('c') s.end() var expected = ['a', 'b', 'c'] each(s, function (data, next) { t.same(data, expected.shift()) next() }, function () { t.end() }) }) tape('each (write after)', function (t) { var s = through.obj() s.on('end', function () { t.end() }) var expected = ['a', 'b', 'c'] each(s, function (data, next) { t.same(data, expected.shift()) next() }) setTimeout(function () { s.write('a') s.write('b') s.write('c') s.end() }, 100) }) tape('each error', function (t) { var s = through.obj() s.write('hello') s.on('error', function (err) { t.same(err.message, 'stop') t.end() }) each(s, function (data, next) { next(new Error('stop')) }) }) tape('each error and callback', function (t) { var s = through.obj() s.write('hello') each(s, function (data, next) { next(new Error('stop')) }, function (err) { t.same(err.message, 'stop') t.end() }) }) tape('each with falsey values', function (t) { var s = through.obj() s.write(0) s.write(false) s.write(undefined) s.end() s.on('end', function () { t.end() }) var expected = [0, false] var count = 0 each(s, function (data, next) { count++ t.same(data, expected.shift()) next() }, function () { t.same(count, 2) }) }) tape('huge stack', function (t) { var s = through.obj() for (var i = 0; i < 5000; i++) { s.write('foo') } s.end() each(s, function (data, cb) { if (data !== 'foo')'bad data') cb() }, function (err) { t.error(err, 'no error') t.end() }) }) tape('cb only once', function (t) { var p = ndjson.parse() var once = true var data = '{"foo":"' + Array(1000).join('x') + '"}\n' each(p, ondata, function (err) { t.ok(once, 'only once') t.ok(err, 'had error') once = false t.end() }) for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) p.write(data) p.write('{...}\n') function ondata (data, cb) { process.nextTick(cb) } })