"use strict"; var root_1 = require('./root'); function minimalSetImpl() { // THIS IS NOT a full impl of Set, this is just the minimum // bits of functionality we need for this library. return (function () { function MinimalSet() { this._values = []; } MinimalSet.prototype.add = function (value) { if (!this.has(value)) { this._values.push(value); } }; MinimalSet.prototype.has = function (value) { return this._values.indexOf(value) !== -1; }; Object.defineProperty(MinimalSet.prototype, "size", { get: function () { return this._values.length; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); MinimalSet.prototype.clear = function () { this._values.length = 0; }; return MinimalSet; }()); } exports.minimalSetImpl = minimalSetImpl; exports.Set = root_1.root.Set || minimalSetImpl(); //# sourceMappingURL=Set.js.map