/** PURE_IMPORTS_START .._Subscriber PURE_IMPORTS_END */ var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; import { Subscriber } from '../Subscriber'; export function refCount() { return function refCountOperatorFunction(source) { return source.lift(new RefCountOperator(source)); }; } var RefCountOperator = /*@__PURE__*/ (/*@__PURE__*/ function () { function RefCountOperator(connectable) { this.connectable = connectable; } RefCountOperator.prototype.call = function (subscriber, source) { var connectable = this.connectable; connectable._refCount++; var refCounter = new RefCountSubscriber(subscriber, connectable); var subscription = source.subscribe(refCounter); if (!refCounter.closed) { refCounter.connection = connectable.connect(); } return subscription; }; return RefCountOperator; }()); var RefCountSubscriber = /*@__PURE__*/ (/*@__PURE__*/ function (_super) { __extends(RefCountSubscriber, _super); function RefCountSubscriber(destination, connectable) { _super.call(this, destination); this.connectable = connectable; } /** @deprecated internal use only */ RefCountSubscriber.prototype._unsubscribe = function () { var connectable = this.connectable; if (!connectable) { this.connection = null; return; } this.connectable = null; var refCount = connectable._refCount; if (refCount <= 0) { this.connection = null; return; } connectable._refCount = refCount - 1; if (refCount > 1) { this.connection = null; return; } /// // Compare the local RefCountSubscriber's connection Subscription to the // connection Subscription on the shared ConnectableObservable. In cases // where the ConnectableObservable source synchronously emits values, and // the RefCountSubscriber's downstream Observers synchronously unsubscribe, // execution continues to here before the RefCountOperator has a chance to // supply the RefCountSubscriber with the shared connection Subscription. // For example: // ``` // Observable.range(0, 10) // .publish() // .refCount() // .take(5) // .subscribe(); // ``` // In order to account for this case, RefCountSubscriber should only dispose // the ConnectableObservable's shared connection Subscription if the // connection Subscription exists, *and* either: // a. RefCountSubscriber doesn't have a reference to the shared connection // Subscription yet, or, // b. RefCountSubscriber's connection Subscription reference is identical // to the shared connection Subscription /// var connection = this.connection; var sharedConnection = connectable._connection; this.connection = null; if (sharedConnection && (!connection || sharedConnection === connection)) { sharedConnection.unsubscribe(); } }; return RefCountSubscriber; }(Subscriber)); //# sourceMappingURL=refCount.js.map