/// module Rx { /** * Class to create an Observer instance from delegate-based implementations of the on* methods. */ export interface AnonymousObserver extends Observer { /** * Notifies the observer of a new element in the sequence. * @param {Any} value Next element in the sequence. */ onNext(value: T): void; /** * Notifies the observer that an exception has occurred. * @param {Any} error The error that has occurred. */ onError(exception: any): void; /** * Notifies the observer of the end of the sequence. */ onCompleted(): void; } interface AnonymousObserverStatic { /** * Creates an observer from the specified OnNext, OnError, and OnCompleted actions. * @param {Any} onNext Observer's OnNext action implementation. * @param {Any} onError Observer's OnError action implementation. * @param {Any} onCompleted Observer's OnCompleted action implementation. */ new (onNext?: (value: T) => void, onError?: (exception: any) => void, onCompleted?: () => void): AnonymousObserver; } export var AnonymousObserver : AnonymousObserverStatic; } (function() { var iObserver: Rx.IObserver; var anonymousObserver: Rx.AnonymousObserver; iObserver = anonymousObserver; });