var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var stripBom = require('strip-bom'); var utils = require('./utils'); /** * Looks for files with .html, .hbs, or .handlebars extensions within the given directory, and adds them as Handlebars partials matching the name of the file. * @param {string} dir - Folder to check for partials. */ module.exports = function(dir) { var partials = utils.loadFiles(dir, '**/*.{html,hbs,handlebars}'); for (var i in partials) { var ext = path.extname(partials[i]); var file = stripBom(fs.readFileSync(partials[i]).toString()); var name = path.basename(partials[i], ext); this.Handlebars.registerPartial(name, file.toString()); } }