# JavaScript Motion UI includes a small JavaScript library that can play transitions, although this specific library is not required to take advantage of Motion UI's CSS. Animating in reveals a hidden element, while animating out hides a visible element. The library is available on `window.MotionUI`, or can imported with a module system. ## Usage The `MotionUI` object has two methods: `animateIn()` and `animateOut()`. Both functions take three parameters: - `element`: a DOM element to animate. - `animation`: a transition class to use. - `cb` (optional): a callback to run when the transition finishes. Within the callback, the value of `this` is the DOM element that was transitioned. Here's an example: ```js var $elem = $('[data-animate]'); MotionUI.animateIn($elem, 'slide-in', function() { console.log('Transition finished!'); }); ``` What about animations? Those can be triggered just by adding the animation class to an element. Here are examples with plain JavaScript and with jQuery: ```js // Plain JavaScript (IE10+) document.querySelector('.animating-thing').classList.add('wiggle'); // jQuery $('.animating-thing').addClass('wiggle'); ```