const { EventEmitter } = require('events'); const debug = require('debug')('localtunnel:client'); const fs = require('fs'); const net = require('net'); const tls = require('tls'); const HeaderHostTransformer = require('./HeaderHostTransformer'); // manages groups of tunnels module.exports = class TunnelCluster extends EventEmitter { constructor(opts = {}) { super(opts); this.opts = opts; } open() { const opt = this.opts; // Prefer IP if returned by the server const remoteHostOrIp = opt.remote_ip || opt.remote_host; const remotePort = opt.remote_port; const localHost = opt.local_host || 'localhost'; const localPort = opt.local_port; const localProtocol = opt.local_https ? 'https' : 'http'; const allowInvalidCert = opt.allow_invalid_cert; debug( 'establishing tunnel %s://%s:%s <> %s:%s', localProtocol, localHost, localPort, remoteHostOrIp, remotePort ); // connection to localtunnel server const remote = net.connect({ host: remoteHostOrIp, port: remotePort, }); remote.setKeepAlive(true); remote.on('error', err => { debug('got remote connection error', err.message); // emit connection refused errors immediately, because they // indicate that the tunnel can't be established. if (err.code === 'ECONNREFUSED') { this.emit( 'error', new Error( `connection refused: ${remoteHostOrIp}:${remotePort} (check your firewall settings)` ) ); } remote.end(); }); const connLocal = () => { if (remote.destroyed) { debug('remote destroyed'); this.emit('dead'); return; } debug('connecting locally to %s://%s:%d', localProtocol, localHost, localPort); remote.pause(); if (allowInvalidCert) { debug('allowing invalid certificates'); } const getLocalCertOpts = () => allowInvalidCert ? { rejectUnauthorized: false } : { cert: fs.readFileSync(opt.local_cert), key: fs.readFileSync(opt.local_key), ca: opt.local_ca ? [fs.readFileSync(opt.local_ca)] : undefined, }; // connection to local http server const local = opt.local_https ? tls.connect({ host: localHost, port: localPort, ...getLocalCertOpts() }) : net.connect({ host: localHost, port: localPort }); const remoteClose = () => { debug('remote close'); this.emit('dead'); local.end(); }; remote.once('close', remoteClose); // TODO some languages have single threaded servers which makes opening up // multiple local connections impossible. We need a smarter way to scale // and adjust for such instances to avoid beating on the door of the server local.once('error', err => { debug('local error %s', err.message); local.end(); remote.removeListener('close', remoteClose); if (err.code !== 'ECONNREFUSED') { return remote.end(); } // retrying connection to local server setTimeout(connLocal, 1000); }); local.once('connect', () => { debug('connected locally'); remote.resume(); let stream = remote; // if user requested specific local host // then we use host header transform to replace the host header if (opt.local_host) { debug('transform Host header to %s', opt.local_host); stream = remote.pipe(new HeaderHostTransformer({ host: opt.local_host })); } stream.pipe(local).pipe(remote); // when local closes, also get a new remote local.once('close', hadError => { debug('local connection closed [%s]', hadError); }); }); }; remote.on('data', data => { const match = data.toString().match(/^(\w+) (\S+)/); if (match) { this.emit('request', { method: match[1], path: match[2], }); } }); // tunnel is considered open when remote connects remote.once('connect', () => { this.emit('open', remote); connLocal(); }); } };