var fs = require('fs'), util = require('util'), PluginError = require('plugin-error'), log = require('fancy-log'), through = require('through2'), chalk = require('chalk'), pluralize = require('pluralize'); /** * Returns "file" reporter. * * The "file" reporter, according to its name, logs all problems * that PHP Code Sniffer found to a file. * * @returns {Function} */ module.exports = function(options) { // Show the user an error message if no path is defined. if (!options || !options.path) { throw new PluginError('gulp-phpcs', 'You have to specify a path for the file reporter!'); } var collectedErrors = []; return through.obj( function(file, enc, callback) { var report = file.phpcsReport || {}; // Collect all errors. if (report.error) { collectedErrors.push(report.output); } this.push(file); callback(); }, // After we collected all errors, output them to the defined file. function(callback) { var stream = this; // We don't need to write an empty file. if (collectedErrors.length === 0) { callback(); return; } var report = collectedErrors.join('\n\n').trim() + '\n'; // Write the error output to the defined file fs.writeFile(options.path, report, function(err) { if (err) { stream.emit('error', new PluginError('gulp-phpcs', err)); callback(); return; } // Build console info message var message = util.format( 'Your PHPCS report with %s got written to %s','error', collectedErrors.length, true)), chalk.magenta(options.path) ); // And output it.; callback(); }); } ); };