var util = require('util'), path = require('path'), PluginError = require('plugin-error'), through = require('through2'), which = require('which'), spawn = require('child_process').spawn; /** * Builds shell command for PHP Code Sniffer according to specified options. * * @param {Object} opts List of PHP Code Sniffer options. * @returns {Object} Object with "bin" and "args" keys that specify shell command. */ var buildCommand = function(opts) { var args = []; var commandOptions = {}; if (opts.hasOwnProperty('standard')) { args.push('--standard=' + opts.standard); } if (opts.hasOwnProperty('severity')) { args.push('--severity=' + parseInt(opts.severity)); } if (opts.hasOwnProperty('warningSeverity')) { args.push('--warning-severity=' + parseInt(opts.warningSeverity)); } if (opts.hasOwnProperty('errorSeverity')) { args.push('--error-severity=' + parseInt(opts.errorSeverity)); } if (opts.hasOwnProperty('encoding')) { args.push('--encoding=' + opts.encoding); } if (opts.hasOwnProperty('report')) { args.push('--report=' +; } if (opts.hasOwnProperty('showSniffCode') && opts.showSniffCode) { args.push('-s'); } var useSniffs = opts.hasOwnProperty('sniffs') && Array.isArray(opts.sniffs) && opts.sniffs.length !== 0; if (useSniffs) { args.push('--sniffs=' + opts.sniffs.join(',')); } var useExclude = opts.hasOwnProperty('exclude') && Array.isArray(opts.exclude) && opts.exclude.length !== 0; if (useExclude) { args.push('--exclude=' + opts.exclude.join(',')); } var useIgnore = opts.hasOwnProperty('ignore') && Array.isArray(opts.ignore) && opts.ignore.length !== 0; if (useIgnore) { args.push('--ignore=' + opts.ignore.join(',')); } if (opts.hasOwnProperty('colors') && opts.colors) { args.push('--colors'); } if (opts.hasOwnProperty('cwd') && opts.cwd) { commandOptions.cwd = opts.cwd; } // Finally specify the file is streamed on stdin. args.push('-'); return { bin: opts.bin || 'phpcs', args: args, options: commandOptions }; }; /** * Resolves real path of the command. * * The results are cached inside of the function. * * @type Function * @param {String} bin A command which should be resolved. * @param {Function} callback A function which will be called once the command * is resolved or a error occurs. The error object (or null) is passed as the * first argument. The real path of the command is passed as the second argument. * If the command is not found the second argument is boolean false. */ var resolveCommand = (function(){ // Closure is used here to cache resolved commands. var cache = {}; return function(bin, callback) { if (cache.hasOwnProperty(bin)) { return callback(null, cache[bin]); } var normalizedBin = path.normalize(bin.replace(/[\\/]/g, path.sep)); which(normalizedBin, function(err, resolved) { if (err) { if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') { // Something is totally wrong. Let the outer code know. return callback(err); } // The command is just not found. cache[bin] = false; return callback(null, false); } cache[bin] = resolved; callback(null, resolved); }); }; })(); /** * Runs Code Sniffer shell command. * * @param {String} bin Shell command (without arguments) that should be performed * @param {Array} args List of arguments that should be passed to the Shell command. * @param {Array} options Options to be passed into the child_process.spawn. * @param {Object} file A file from Gulp pipeline that should be sniffed. * @param {Function} callback A function which will be called when Code Sniffer is * done or an error occurs. It will receive three arguments: error instance, exit * code and output of the Code Sniffer. The last two arguments will be passed in * only if there was no error during execution. */ var runCodeSniffer = function(bin, args, options, file, callback) { resolveCommand(bin, function(error, resolvedBin) { if (error) { // A real error occurs during command resolving. We can do nothing // here, so just let the developer know. var wrappedError = new Error(util.format( 'Cannot resolve real path of "%s"', bin )); wrappedError.originalError = error; return callback(wrappedError); } if (resolvedBin === false) { // The bin is not found. Let the developer know about it. return callback(new Error(util.format('Cannot find "%s"', bin))); } // A buffer for PHPCS stdout stream. var stdout = ''; // child_process.spawn is used instead of child_process.exec because of // its flexibility. var phpcs = spawn(resolvedBin, args, options); phpcs.on('error', function(error) { callback(error); }); phpcs.on('close', function(code) { callback(null, code, stdout); }); phpcs.stdin.on('error', function(error) { // Just ignore this event because an error (with more // detailed description) should also be emitted at spawned // process instance. }); phpcs.stdout.on('data', function(data) { // Just buffer data from stdout to use it later. stdout += data.toString(); }); // Detect line endings like it's done in PHPCS var matches = /\r\n?|\n/.exec(file.contents.toString()), eol = matches ? matches[0] : '\n'; // Pass the file name to Code Sniffer. This is needed to // get the correct error message from Code Sniffer. phpcs.stdin.write('phpcs_input_file: ' + file.path + eol); // Pass content of the file as STDIN to Code Sniffer phpcs.stdin.write(file.contents); phpcs.stdin.end(); }); }; var phpcsPlugin = function(options) { var command = buildCommand(options || {}); return through.obj(function(file, enc, callback) { var stream = this; if (file.isNull()) { stream.push(file); callback(); return; } if (file.isStream()) { stream.emit('error', new PluginError('gulp-phpcs', 'Streams are not supported')); callback(); return; } runCodeSniffer(command.bin, command.args, command.options, file, function(runError, exitCode, output) { if (runError) { // Something is totally wrong. It seems that execution of Code Sniffer // failed (not because of non-zero exit code of PHPCS). stream.emit('error', new PluginError('gulp-phpcs', runError)); callback(); return; } if (exitCode > 2) { // On codding style problems Code Sniffer should exists with "1" or "2" code. // All other non-zero exit codes should be treated as Code Sniffer errors. var phpcsError = new PluginError('gulp-phpcs', 'Execution of Code Sniffer Failed'); phpcsError.stdout = output; stream.emit('error', phpcsError); callback(); return; } var report = { error: false, output: '' }; if ((exitCode === 1) || (exitCode === 2)) { // A coding style problem is found. // Attach report to the file to allow // reporters do their job. report.error = true; report.output = output; } file.phpcsReport = report; stream.push(file); callback(); }); }); }; // Attach reporters loader to the plugin. phpcsPlugin.reporter = require('./reporters'); module.exports = phpcsPlugin;