var fm = require('../') var fs = require('fs') var path = require('path') var test = require('tape') test('var fm = require("front-matter")', function (t) { t.equal(typeof fm, 'function') t.end() }) test('fm(string) - parse yaml delinetead by `---`', function (t) { fs.readFile( path.resolve(__dirname, '../examples/'), 'utf8', function (err, data) { t.error(err, 'read(...) should not error') var content = fm(data) t.ok(content.attributes, 'should have `attributes` key') t.equal(content.attributes.title, 'Three dashes marks the spot') t.equal(content.attributes.tags.length, 3) t.ok(content.body, 'should have a `body` key') t.ok(content.body.match("don't break"), 'should match body') t.ok(content.body.match('---'), 'should match body') t.ok(content.body.match("Also this shouldn't be a problem"), 'should match body') t.ok(content.frontmatter, 'should have a `frontmatter` key') t.ok(content.frontmatter.match('title: Three dashes marks the spot'), 'should match frontmatter') t.ok(content.frontmatter.match('expaned-description: with some --- crazy stuff in it'), 'should match frontmatter') t.end() }) }) test('fm(string) - parse yaml delinetead by `= yaml =`', function (t) { fs.readFile( path.resolve(__dirname, '../examples/'), 'utf8', function (err, data) { t.error(err, 'read(...) should not error') var content = fm(data) var meta = content.attributes var body = content.body t.equal(meta.title, "I couldn't think of a better name") t.equal(meta.description, 'Just an example of using `= yaml =`') t.ok(body.match('Plays nice with markdown syntax highlighting'), 'should match body') t.end() }) }) test('fm(string) - parse yaml ended by `...`', function (t) { fs.readFile( path.resolve(__dirname, '../examples/'), 'utf8', function (err, data) { t.error(err, 'read(...) should not error') var content = fm(data) var meta = content.attributes var body = content.body t.equal(meta.title, 'Example with dots document ending') t.equal(meta.description, 'Just an example of using `...`') t.ok(body.match("It shouldn't break with ..."), 'should match body') t.end() }) }) test('fm(string) - string missing front-matter', function (t) { var content = fm('No front matter here') t.equal(content.body, 'No front matter here') t.end() }) test('fm(string) - string missing body', function (t) { fs.readFile( path.resolve(__dirname, '../examples/'), 'utf8', function (err, data) { t.error(err, 'read(...) should not error') var content = fm(data) t.equal(content.attributes.title, 'Three dashes marks the spot') t.equal(content.attributes.tags.length, 3) t.equal(content.body, '') t.end() }) }) test('fm(string) - wrapped test in yaml', function (t) { fs.readFile( path.resolve(__dirname, '../examples/'), 'utf8', function (err, data) { t.error(err, 'read(...) should not error') var content = fm(data) var folded = [ 'There once was a man from Darjeeling', 'Who got on a bus bound for Ealing', ' It said on the door', ' "Please don\'t spit on the floor"', 'So he carefully spat on the ceiling\n' ].join('\n') t.equal(content.attributes['folded-text'], folded) t.ok(content.body.match('Some crazy stuff going on up there'), 'should match body') t.end() }) }) test('fm(string) - strings with byte order mark', function (t) { fs.readFile( path.resolve(__dirname, '../examples/'), 'utf8', function (err, data) { t.error(err, 'read(...) should not error') var content = fm(data) t.equal(content.attributes.title, "Relax guy, I'm not hiding any BOMs") t.end() }) }) test('fm(string) - no front matter, markdown with hr', function (t) { fs.readFile( path.resolve(__dirname, '../examples/'), 'utf8', function (err, data) { t.error(err, 'read should not error') var content = fm(data) t.equal(content.body, data) t.end() }) }) test('fm(string) - complex yaml', function (t) { fs.readFile( path.resolve(__dirname, '../examples/'), 'utf8', function (err, data) { t.error(err, 'read(...) should not error') var content = fm(data) t.ok(content.attributes, 'should have `attributes` key') t.equal(content.attributes.title, 'This is a title!') t.equal(, null) t.equal(content.attributes.match.toString(), '/pattern/gim') t.end() }) }) test('fm.test(string) - yaml seperator', function (t) { fs.readFile( path.resolve(__dirname, '../examples/'), 'utf8', function (err, data) { t.error(err, 'read(...) should not error') t.equal(fm.test(data), true) t.end() }) }) test('fm.test(string) - dashes seperator', function (t) { fs.readFile( path.resolve(__dirname, '../examples/'), 'utf8', function (err, data) { t.error(err, 'read(...) should not error') t.equal(fm.test(data), true) t.end() }) }) test('fm.test(string) - no front-matter', function (t) { t.equal(fm.test('no front matter here'), false) t.end() }) test('Supports live updating', function (t) { var seperator = '---' var string = '' for (var i = 0; i < seperator.length; i++) { string += seperator[i] try { fm(string) } catch (e) { t.error(e) } } string += '\n' string += 'foo: bar' var content = fm(string) t.same(content, { attributes: {}, body: string }) string += '\n---\n' content = fm(string) t.same(content, { attributes: { foo: 'bar' }, body: '', frontmatter: 'foo: bar' }) t.end() })