// Foundation for Sites by ZURB // foundation.zurb.com // Licensed under MIT Open Source //// /// @group prototype-sizing //// /// Responsive breakpoints for spacing classes (margin and padding) /// @type Boolean $prototype-sizing-breakpoints: $global-prototype-breakpoints !default; /// Map containing all the `sizing` classes /// @type Map $prototype-sizing: ( width, height ) !default; /// Map containing all the sizes. /// @type Map $prototype-sizes: ( 25: 25%, 50: 50%, 75: 75%, 100: 100% ) !default; /// Max Width 100 utility. @mixin max-width-100 { max-width: 100% !important; } /// Max Height 100 utility. @mixin max-height-100 { max-height: 100% !important; } @mixin foundation-prototype-sizing { // Element Sizing @each $sizing in $prototype-sizing { @each $length, $percentage in $prototype-sizes { .#{$sizing}-#{$length} { #{$sizing}: $percentage !important; } } } // Max width & height .max-width-100 { @include max-width-100; } .max-height-100 { @include max-height-100; } @if ($prototype-sizing-breakpoints) { // Loop through Responsive Breakpoints @each $size in $breakpoint-classes { @include breakpoint($size) { @if $size != $-zf-zero-breakpoint { @each $sizing in $prototype-sizing { @each $length, $percentage in $prototype-sizes { .#{$size}-#{$sizing}-#{$length} { #{$sizing}: $percentage !important; } } } } } } } }