// Foundation for Sites by ZURB // foundation.zurb.com // Licensed under MIT Open Source //// /// @group prototype-rotate //// /// Rotate Mixin: Rotate an element to a certain deg /// @param {Number} $deg[] Degree of rotation @mixin rotate($deg) { transform:rotate($deg + deg); } /// RotateX Mixin: Rotate an element to a certain deg on X-Axis /// @param {Number} $deg[] Degree of rotation @mixin rotateX($deg) { transform:rotateX($deg + deg); } /// RotateY Mixin: Rotate an element to a certain deg on Y-Axis /// @param {Number} $deg[] Degree of rotation @mixin rotateY($deg) { transform:rotateY($deg + deg); } /// RotateZ Mixin: Rotate an element to a certain deg on Z-Axis /// @param {Number} $deg[] Degree of rotation @mixin rotateZ($deg) { transform:rotateZ($deg + deg); }