--- title: Tables description: Okay, they're not the sexiest things ever, but tables get the job done (for tabular data, of course). They have responsive modifiers to help solve some of your layout issues based on your tables needs. video: '-Omv7c3Qg4s' sass: scss/components/_table.scss --- ## Basics No bells or whistles here, just a straight up table for all of your basic table needs.

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Table Header Table Header Table Header Table Header
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``` --- ## Hover State Need to spiff up the table just a tad? Just add the class `.hover` to lightly darken the table rows on hover.

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Table Header Table Header Table Header Table Header
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--- ## Stripes By default, table rows are striped. There's an `.unstriped` class to remove the stripes. If you change `$table-is-striped` to `false` to remove stripes from all tables, use the `.striped` class to add stripes.

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Table Header Table Header Table Header Table Header
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Content Goes Here This is longer Content Goes Here Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Content Goes Here Content Goes Here
Content Goes Here This is longer Content Goes Here Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Content Goes Here Content Goes Here
--- ## Stacked Table To stack a table on small screens, add the class `.stack`.

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Cookies Taste Calories Overall
Chocolate Chip Tastey 120cal 7.5/10
Snickerdoodle Delicious 95cal 8/10
Oatmeal Raisin Superb 10cal 11/10
--- ## Scrolling Table Got a lot of tubular tabular data? Add a wrapper element with the class `.table-scroll` around your table to enable horizontal scrolling.

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The wrapping element was added in Foundation 6.2—prior to that, you just added the class .scroll to the table itself. However, this method doesn't work great with Internet Explorer 9. If you don't need IE9 support, you can just add .scroll to your table, and the wrapping element isn't necessary.

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These are all the words that people use to describe Foundation 6! Cool Swag Chill Killer Rad Baller OMG Sweet Awesome Beast Dope Tubular
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