--- title: Dropdown description: Dropdown panes are little happy sprites which can be revealed on click or hover. sass: scss/components/_dropdown.scss js: js/foundation.dropdown.js video: '0F68zptD_nQ' ---

You might be looking for dropdown menus, which are a separate plugin.

## Basics To create a dropdown pane, add the class `.dropdown-pane` and the attribute `data-dropdown` to an element. Give the dropdown a unique ID as well. To create the dropdown trigger, add `data-toggle` to a ` ``` --- ## Positioning By default, a dropdown anchors below the button that opened it. Add the class `.top`, `.right`, or `.bottom` to the dropdown to change this.
edit on codepen button
```html_example ``` Adding `.float-right` or `.float-left` to the anchor will change the direction of the dropdown as well. --- ## Explicit Positioning

New in v6.4: Heads up! This explicit positioning model is a new feature in v6.4.

Wouldn't it be great if you can define both positions at the dropdown element. Dropdown has a fully explicit positioning model through which you can use both `data-position` and `data-alignment` to define both positions of the box. These dropdowns test various positioning and alignments. Valid positions are left/right/top/bottom. Valid alignments are left/right/top/bottom/center. Left align means left sides should line up. Right align means right sides should line up. Center align means centers should line up. #### Top and Bottom positioned ```html ```

Bottom Left

Bottom Center

Bottom Right

Top Left

Top Center

Top Right

#### Left and Right Positioned ```html ```

Right Top

Left Top

Right Center

Left Center

Right Bottom

Left Bottom