#! /usr/bin/env node /* * dev-ip * https://github.com/shakyshane/dev-ip * * Copyright (c) 2013 Shane Osbourne * Licensed under the MIT license. */ "use strict"; var messages = { error: "Couldn't find a suitable IP for you to use. (You're probably offline!)" }; /** * @returns {Array} */ function getIp() { var networkInterfaces = require("os").networkInterfaces(); var matches = []; Object.keys(networkInterfaces).forEach(function (item) { networkInterfaces[item].forEach(function (address) { if (address.internal === false && address.family === "IPv4") { matches.push(address.address); } }); }); return matches; }; module.exports = getIp; if (require.main === module) { var out = getIp(); if (!out.length) { return console.log(messages.error); } console.log(getIp("cli")); }