var fs = require("fs"); var path = require("path"); /** * @type {string} */ var PLUGIN_NAME = "Snippet Injector"; /** * @type */ var messages = { added: function (path) { return "{green:Snippet added to {cyan:" + path }, removed: function (path) { return "{green:Snippet removed from {cyan:" + path }, exists: function (path) { return "{green:Snippet already exists in: {cyan:" + path }, notFound: function (path) { return "{red:ERROR:} Closing body tag not found in: {cyan:" + path }, fileNotFound: function (path) { return "{red:ERROR:} File not found!: {cyan:" + path } }; /** * Main export * @type {{name: string, plugin: plugin}} */ module.exports = { "plugin:name": PLUGIN_NAME, plugin: function (opts, bs) { opts.file = opts.file || ""; opts.currentFilePath = path.resolve(opts.file); opts.logger = bs.getLogger(PLUGIN_NAME); opts.logger.debug("Setting events");"service:running", addSnippet.bind(null, bs, opts));"service:exit", removeSnippet.bind(null, bs, opts)); } }; /** * Add the snippet before a body tag * @param {BrowserSync} bs * @param {Object} opts - plugin specific options */ function addSnippet(bs, opts) { var currentFilePath = opts.currentFilePath; opts.logger.debug("Reading the file: %s", currentFilePath); var read; try { read = fs.readFileSync(currentFilePath, "utf8"); } catch (e) { opts.errored = true; return; } var found = false; if (read.indexOf(bs.options.get("snippet")) > -1) {; return; } var modded = read.replace(/<\/body>(?![\s\S]*<\/body>)/, function () { opts.currentSnippet = wrap(bs.options.get("snippet")) + "\n" + arguments[0]; found = true; return opts.currentSnippet; }); if (found) { opts.logger.debug("Writing the file: %s", currentFilePath); fs.writeFileSync(currentFilePath, modded);; } else {; } } /** * @param item snippet * @returns {string} */ function wrap (item) { return "" + item + ""; } /** * @param {BrowserSync} bs * @param {Object} opts - plugin specific options */ function removeSnippet(bs, opts) { if (opts.errored) { return; } var read = fs.readFileSync(opts.currentFilePath, "utf8"); var modded = read.replace(opts.currentSnippet, function () { return ""; }); fs.writeFileSync(opts.currentFilePath, modded);; }