"use strict"; /** * The purpose of this function is * to handle back-backwards compatibility * @param {Object} args * @returns {{config: {}, cb: *}} */ module.exports = function (args) { var config = {}; var cb; switch (args.length) { case 1: if (isFilesArg(args[0])) { config.files = args[0]; } else if (typeof args[0] === "function") { cb = args[0]; } else { config = args[0]; } break; case 2: // if second is a function, first MUST be config if (typeof args[1] === "function") { config = args[0] || {}; cb = args[1]; } else { if (args[1] === null || args[1] === undefined) { config = args[0]; } else { // finally, second arg could be a plain object for config config = args[1] || {}; if (!config.files) { config.files = args[0]; } } } break; case 3: config = args[1] || {}; if (!config.files) { config.files = args[0]; } cb = args[2]; } return { config: config, cb: cb }; }; /** * Files args were only ever strings or arrays * @param arg * @returns {*|boolean} */ function isFilesArg(arg) { return Array.isArray(arg) || typeof arg === "string"; } //# sourceMappingURL=args.js.map